Showing posts with label God prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God prayer. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Selective Reasoning with a Sober Human

Being sober does not mean all your problems will go away. In fact, quite the opposite happens, you tend to have more problems. How you handle these problems is called living. Selective reasoning is a sober human being is what I call a person who drinks no more, and has decisions to make in life. We all have bills and some of us still have a family that cares for us or relies upon us for financial means. How do we selectively go about deciding on the correct thing to do today?

One thing is to attend AA somewhere, and move about to other AA meetings to select a place where you feel more comfortable. This is a good idea to do and I am still going to different groups every day to se how they are run and scope out the longevity of sobriety. I think the longer the sobriety in the group , the more I will get out of the talking that goes on in AA. There are some groups where people talk consistently while another is talking and these can be annoying. There are AA groups that cater to certain people that have either been to court or ordered to go to AA, I steer past these, yet it is good to attend these, so as to know what an outcome this tragedy would be.

Selective reasoning with a sober human may not be easy to do . Some of us have scatter brains from years of use and abuse, and we are not at fault. We just need more time in the program of AA to get our heads cleared out and stay focused. There are still groups that all invite the occasional drinker that is drunk into the group, and this is an interesting thing when happens. It c
an make you rejoice that one is not drinking again. In Fact this is encouraged in AA to come to meetings even if drunk. This rarely happens but does. You have to have an open mind in AA, there are some sore heads also and great people that have a plethora of information for you and I.

I hope you have a great Tuesday and Hello Russia, we are glad to have you on this blog. I hope you can translate this page with no problems. I have noticed that 50 percent of the readers to this blog is Russian. That is great, and I want you to keep coming back for new information, daily. God Bless and have a great Day….Christopher  

Monday, June 24, 2013

How Long Should You Take To Work The 12 Steps

The twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are meant to help you stay sober. The faster you work these twelve steps the chances of having a relapse dwindles.Yes, work these within a month if possible , then start working with other alcoholics to help them get sober, this is a plan of action. A plan that needs no hesitation. You will find those of us t
The Park In Midland, Texas by Christopher Hyer
hat say you should work step 4 for a few months, that's crap. You can work this step in a few days if not in a couple of days. AA has been known in the past for making newcomers go through hell in these simple steps. No more, as Chris Raymer suggest , take these steps and work them with a sponsor as quickly as possible. You will need to do this in order to not have a relapse of alcoholism.

I'm guilty of not doing this, as of today I am going into warp speed and working through my fourth step and onward, I will meet with my sponsor as soon as possible and go  over my 4th and 5th step. I have heard this over and over again and I need to take action. I have put off doing the steps in order to go to meetings.I am right now not working full time so I should have the time to work these steps in a few weeks if not this week. I beg you please to work through these and finish these steps so you also can stay dry and sober. We have to or we die. There is no two ways about it , we are only one drink away from going back to where we began. God Bless and Let's get started now!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday 06/21/2013 Big Book Series

The "Big Book" of AA says this,"half measures availed us nothing.We stood at the turning point.We asked his protection and care with complete abandon." What does this mean to you? 

Chris Raymer in New York City Speaks in this video, He is from Ingram , Texas and is excellent!!
I think it means that we tried to do things half ass and they were not good enough. We still fell on our own habits and forgot about God and now is the time to fully understand him and how he works. Here are the steps to recovery is the next sentence.

SO we tried and we fell, unless we changed our attitudes, we are destined for more misery. I don't want that in my life, do you? So we took on the twelve steps of recovery and tried to work these into our daily lives. This is all try to work these steps to the best we could is all God ask from us. Say your morning prayers and ask for God to lift you up and prepare you for the day ahead.

This is a program for living life sober and just wanting a new plan of action for ourselves. Not much to ask for and if prayed for , all would happen. belief in a spirit greater than yourself , because it is true, stop trying to run the show, or you will fail. Thi is a tough act to follow with our stubborn heads running the show, try today to let God run the show. Forgive those that cut you off when driving, Say " God Bless them", Yell it at them.. It feels god instead of cussing anyway.

Have a sober day today and go hit a AA meeting at noon if possible, they are a great refresher for me. Then look forward to tonight when you will be around your AA friends and live a little. Life is fun, and even in its weakest moment, you can laugh at yourself, and go on... God Bless....

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday and Living It

Christopherhyer Art Oil 2013
Well my fellow friends, its Tuesday again and what a day. Went to AA at noon and I was smoked out. I smell like a big lit cigarette. The meeting was good, yet I won't be going back due to all the smoke in this place. I was told, hey man you must of been to a bar that was filled with smoke, so why does it matter.  Well it does, I have quit for four years and I hate the smell of it on me. I can handle some smoke, but shit I smell. I will change and take a shower soon. You see we just can't have things our way. I have been working for a company that paid me by the job. Well I was paid peanuts for the work I do. I had enough and quit that today. I will find something else. I am experienced in many facets so not that worried about it.

So as, you can tell, I have had a trying day and God the spirit that guides me, knows what all I have done today. I believe he is ok with my decisions. The work was getting to me, not being paid what I deserved. I thought I could hold on and get more certificates in training, however I still have a few on my own I have to get. I do so much to make money to live that I will not go broke.That is what is so col about being a writer and photographer, with IT experience. I collect art also and make films. No big deal to lose one th
ing that took up too much of my time. I do need benefits, my insurance is high.

Let's look at this , I lost my job and I went to AA I am still sober, I was flipped off twice this morning for doing the speed limit, and I can live with all this. See how AA works in my life and God. There is no worry , I know God has something in store for me and I am excited for it. It will not happen when I want it to, but I have a film that I want to make in Corpus Christi, Texas, that I never finished. I may be able to complete this in the next couple of months and market this and make enough for a couple of years. Who knows, really God is the only one that knows, and I am confident that something good will happen, it always do if you do something about it.

Have a blessed day and move on like I am , and you will be ok. God Bless.  

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday night , the beginning to a weekend and before you know it , a past tense. Monday will be here. We just go round and round for some odd reason. Have you ever thought of this? One day just leads into another day and for what? I don't know what God's meaning on earth is for us, and neither do you. Some of us have girlfriends,and maybe that is why we have weekends, to spend with our wives and girlfriends. I don't have either one, and I am still interested in what life has to bring me, or what is it I can offer life!

Maybe that is what daily living is about, as an alcoholic, I lived for the weekends, and staying up all night smoking a joint and having a few beers. Watching TV and "Fast Times At Ridgemont High", That was a typical Friday night activity, of course we watched other things I just don't remember what? When sober , and sobriety kick in we are to go to AA meetings at 8pm every night possible. I find this interesting , and do I like it? I am not sure, but I am not alone for that one hour. I am with people that have the same Friday nights I used to have. Drinking and drugging, and being irresponsible, as an adult, is not living life on God's terms, I suppose. I do not miss the hangovers or the expense of the narcotics or beer. Cigarettes to add to the bill. So one thing is for sure, I still spend money and can't figure out where the extra is from not doing the party lifestyle..hmmm

I will travel to Kerville , Texas Saturday morning to see a friend of mine that is on his death bed,he is 90 years old and a remarkable man.I am sad to say I think this will be my last time to spend with him as Alzheimers and other heart problems are just now coming to a close. When I met him he had problems , but always got around, he does not get around anymore. He has not given up nor will he, but I feel it tonight and all day that I best go see my old friend, and bid him goodbye, till I see him upstairs. He use to show cars with his deceased wife, and travel in a Lucy mobile home all over the United States, he has a good story to tell, and I remeber most of it when I lived in Corpus Christi, Texas . That is where I met Harry, and he was driving a brand new Mustang at 80 years old. A hot rod new one, with all the bells and whistles. He lost his license recently ina one vehicle wreck on his ranch. That did him in , when you take a drivers license away from a man that loved cars.

I will go read to him at this Rehab, he is at, about God , because he taught me all I know about God. I love this guy and he is broken now, and wishes to go on to see his wife and friends. There is a time in life, I recently noticed that when all your friends die and you are left alone, things happen to you. You develop memory loss and a loss to live . Harry loves life , don't get me wrong, he will only talk about the good in li
fe, never negative, a very brilliant young man, he is.God will be blessed with his presence when he comes home.

So Friday nights is not so bad, I have trip to look forward to and I pick up  my 4 year sobriety chip at the Treatment center in Hunt Texas. Yes, I am excited for some reason, I get to sit with the alumni of La Hacienda ,instead of the patient area. I get to talk my talk, and I will be ready. This blog has helped me get things out in the open. It has been good for many of you I can see the numbers rise.
I will write everyday for as long as I think is needed, that may be a lifetime. So come back and visit and maybee you will get something out of this site. God Bless and be careful.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Beautiful Day In Wonderland, Sober Again

Its a sunny, and hot morning in West Texas, I had a great evening with a young lady that is just superb. I met her at AA and she is quite the spiritual one. I need this in my life, we closed down the Outback Steakhouse last night, and she was a colorful person. Very pretty and soft spoken, but funny. She will radiate in my mind today. However I have a tough day ahead of me like I guessed I would.

I will let God into my system and let him work miracles in me today. I need him every hour to be with me. I rely upon God to help you and me. He does miracles , when I can't do my work right. I fix computers and I have a All in One to fix and totally break down and rebuild this morning and another PC after that one. Can I do them all, we will see.  I am going to Fed ex to pick up parts and then off to my first account this am.

I have a great weekend to look forward to , I get my four year chip from the treatment center, La Hacienda on Sunday in  Ingram , Texas. God's country and I get to relax a bit. My friend Harry is 90 and is being moved into Rehab and I hope he can hold on to let me say Hello and possibly goodbye to him. God Bless and have a sober and fun day...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wed "The Age Of Anxiety" Sober Again

Historians will probably call our time on earth" the age of anxiety"anxieties are caused by the natural result when our hopes are centered in anything short of God. When we make anything alse our goal, frustration, and defeat are inevitable.Though we have less to worry about than previous generations, we have more worry.We have it easier than our forefathers, we have more uneasiness. We should have less real cause for anxiety, as we believe more in God and practice our spiritual beliefs. It is not easy to do. Try to pray for God to lift your anxieties, some grow into full panic attcks. If this happens go see a doctor and possibly seek medication for this. One must take medication for heart problems and if you have diabetes you have to take medicine. Panic is no different when it controls your life.

There is many problems that God can control, but if there is a chemical imbalance to a person , they need medicine. Do not be afraid to accept this help and be aware of the problems associated with panic disorder medications. Most can be addictive , and help. So it can be a double edged sword to a person taking such medicines. If drinking or a recovering alcoholic , you must make that decision based on your experiences with other medicines. Some frown upon people in AA that take anti-anxiety medicines , yet this should not be an issue unless mixed with alcohol. If you take the medicine as directed and not throw a beer or any other substance in your body , you should be able to take what you need for panic disorder.

Talk any medicines over with your doctor before taking them. If he thinks there is a problem with you and any medications that he is offering you to help reduce panic disorder, he should inform you. Ask an AA member and they may say just give it to God and let him take over. Remember though , if you have
uncontrollable panic that keeps you from meetings , personally I think the choice is up to you. Remember, also that possibly you will not need medication for the long term of panic disorder. If that is so, you will experience some sort of withdrawal. If you drink stay away from any type of panic disorder medicines. This will only add to your problems.

There will be those who disagree with me from AA on this subject, yet in reality it is those that may need anti-depressants. The people in AA are not doctors and they have no medical experience, so keep this in mind. A doctor is familiar with alcoholics and you must inform them of your addiction , if any, so they may provide any information pertaining to you as a person in the AA program. I hope this helps anybody that has panic disorder as I do. Have a great day and God bless you on this mid week part of your life.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday Afternoon and Sober

I dreaded and shook when I went to work this morning, it was a casual mistake I did to this computer, and all was fine. I asked for God's help and did it happen. Yes, and not when I wanted it to either. That is how the spiritual God works in my world,. If you look back at what I wrote this morning you will tell that I am in a wreck of emotions. I did not let it get to me , though. I kept my head on straight and went to get the part I needed and had a few problems and noticed this PC was not attached by brackets in the right manner, solved my ordeal.
Photogrphy by Christopher Hyer2013

It is the little things like what I went through that can cause a person to think stupid thoughts. I did not think about drinking, but if I had only a few days sobriety , I would of thought about it. This shows how crazy your inner self reacts to things you have no control over. The spiritual malady was being tugged at within my soul and I knew if I just prayed about it all would come out alright.

This is what AA is all about is believing in a power greater than ourselves and did I second guess it, No, I was prepared for anything. I think negative thoughts sometimes and I have to pray for positive thoughts. I have been negative thanks to my upbringing, and how I use to react to situations I have no control over. AA is the same way , it gives you insight on how to let go of the
se negative thoughts, and practice makes perfect. Thy will be done ( Not Mine). If I can keep this in my head daily , I will be ok. You also will be ok if you believe in a spirit greater than yourself. God does not give us anymore than what we can handle. Read Job in the bible.

Job was knocked down and delivered from God and he went through Hell on his way back to God. He never lost sight of God and kept his promise, what a strong man Job was. The devil wanted Job , but God would not let him take Job. This part in the bible is crucial for our sobriety, read it and weep , and know you do not have it as bad as Job did.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change the things I can"  Say this over and over and over again ....This prayer does work and you have to work insside the prayer. For "Faith without works is dead" Thank You for paying attention to my words. I hope it helps someone out there. God Bless.

Tuesday, What A Day

Tuesday and what a day this will be for me. I have an easy day but this morning I have a hard project. I will not discuss it. I might as well. There is a bezel that goes on a LCD screen on a laptop and I could not get this on yesterday so I ordered a new one and it comes in this morning. I hope this will fit and I can complete my job. I get nervous thinking about this because it it so easy to install. Yet for some reason I could not . It has me baffled, and I need to give this to God to give me answers, because I feel like a fool. I might have wires behind it binding this up. I will just have to bite the bullet and find out. Please God let this part go on and let me feel conscious that I am doing the best job I can. Let me not be nervous and take it easy on myself. I am a nervous wreck in thinking of this project this morning, the customer is ok with it. I will need to be calm , cool and collective. I can get this piece on this morning with no problem, it might take a little more effort than I have applied.

You see we all go through periods of un sureness in our lives, if there is such a word. To give things up to God is hard sometimes when its materialistic. I believe God will help me work this out as he has before. I will be calm and collective throughout this day and pray while I work on this project for you and me.  God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change those things I can ,Amen..

Have a blessed day and remember as I need to God will be with us even if we shake all day and keep him in  our hearts  and in our minds. I am like a rusty nail this morning and I over slept. I should of been more awakened. I will do just fine, please pray for me to do fine. Thank You.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Morning and Sober

Monday morning and being sober today. It is sunny and bright in West Texas this morning , that only means hot heat and hot heads. Well, if I let the hot heads get to me, as I thought , the work load is light for me today.. I never know until I reach for my keynoard and punch in. Technology today makes it possible for me to get my work assignments over the PC and then do the work. I can shose not to do it. However it will just stack up on me through the weeek and I would hate that.

I like my job, I work in IT break fix, and fix computers and printers for a company out of Dallas. I don't make that much money yet, as I have not gotten all my Certifications for working on all the different computers out. I am taking it slowly to try to understand the platforms I am working on.

Have a great day and know God will help you when you ask for his help, even at work pray a little prayer like( Thy will be done, not mine) and it works. You will see that you will complete task that use to baffle you. Have
a good day.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sobriety and Monday 06/10/2013

Well Monday is coming and a new week is ahead for us all. Hopefully you had a good weekend and your ready for the real world again on Monday. I went to AA step study on Sunday night, and it was good as usual. Step 4 is what we discussed. I have not done this the AA way, I have done it my way, and do it everyday. To do it right though , Is coming soon. I have a sponsor and I will start working on step 4 like most do.

I am not going to run AA like I want to. Selfish and self centerd , is what you could call this. I am going to run this program the AA way. I hold no resentments toward anyone I can think of. Well, hold on there are some customers I do have resentments about, so maybe I have to dig a little to find out what my issues are. I guess that is the true meaning of working the 4th step.

However , Monday is a new day and my workload will be light , possibly. It usually is, and I am grateful for this. I need the extra money , but I am still in training and I like to take it slow and consistent. How are you tonight?

Well I am going to listen to a little bit of Chris R. from Ingram and go to bed. I like listening to him, it makes for a full day. Search out Chris Raymer and listen to his MP3s he is all over the internet and a great speaker. Have a good night and good morning.

Play Your Hearts Out

I went to see Peter Frampton and Robert Cray last night with a special guest from Elton John's band play in Midland, Texas last night. What a concert!! Robert Cray sang the blues, and unfortunaly it was not played with feeling as Peter got to the floor. Peter Frampton worked the crowd and gave a performance that would rock anyone into loving this guy. He played a good 2 and 1/2 hours of riffs and old tunes that just rocked this sardine packed auditorium we have in Midland. What a sober experience. My son was also impressed with the performance and I encourage you to attend this concert if they come to your area.

It's Sunday and I woke up hung over feeling, I think its because I stayed out till 1230 am this morning, and I met a girl online from Colorado and chatted with her till 130 am. Yes, Chris has found him a friend. She is 28 , hard of hearing, and a doll. However , as an alcoholic without any type of relationship in almost 16 years, I have to take this slow. She is a nurse and wants to come here to be with me, and work in our town. What a deal an alcoholic and a nurse, a match in heaven, she is also from the UK and I love their accents, I melt.I will talk more about her once I get to really know her.

I hope all had a good weekend , yet we still have Sunday to bare down with. My Uncle from Fort Worth is in the AA program and has around 50 years of sobriety. I don't talk to him hardly at all, and tried to call him last night before the concert to let him know of my plans to Kerrville, next weekend. I am not sure why? except it would be nice to have him there while I get my four year chip.

Thats all for now, I will report back at the end of the day, It's been a solid weekend and a great time with God was had. Sober at a concert is an awesome experience, and AA was good this weekend. There is a meting tonight of course and I will be there. Sunday nights are kind of hard on me, because of the following Monday. Go figure...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Robert Cray and Peter Frampton Sober concert

Tonight in Midland, Texas we have some good new and old music coming to town. Robert Cray Band and Peter Frampton. Second concert I have gone sober to in two years. It is interesting now, that you can't smoke or drink in a concert in this auditorium we are goijng to. Its very luxurious and they do have a open bar you can buy drinks at. However , I am taking my son and we will have a blast  enjoying the music I could not get to see as a teenager as these guys were hot in the 70s and 80s.

This is Saturday and I have made reservations to go to Kerrville to La Hacienda treatment center to pick up my four year sober chip. I thought , wow , what better place to pick this up. So i made Hotel arrangements and called to make sure I could come to their AA meeting next weekend. All is on. So I am looking forward to this event as well.

Once you start living in the spirit , the spirit starts living in you. It's an odd deal that is hard to explain. I have open so many doors from AA and the people that do not go to AA. My life has changed even from writing this blog from a few weeks ago. Positive , I think it is. My negative thoughts seem to disapear now. I still have them, just not so often. I look forward to the next day or hour.

I highly suggest you open up a blog and write your journal in it like I am doing. It will open many doors up in your head. It will show you how far you have come in a short while. I am more spiritual and the Issue Man is calm inside me. No battling it out with myself anymore, just accepting life as it is. Very new for me even after 4 years of sobriety. You get better day by day, if you want to. You have to want this way of life, or it won't come to you.

Have a great sober night if you can, if not call someone and talk to them. Be positive in all you do and thank God for what you have. Have a good night.

Oh yeah , got a sponsor today and he is cool. Day by day, night by night you can beat this disease. I am living proof of this. God Bless...

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Nights With Me

Friday nights , years ago were party nights and they still are. Just one thing, I don't smoke or drink anymore, but I still party. Yes , you can have a group of friends from AA that go out for coffee and sit there and talk about anything, because they already know you. If you lie, they will know. You don't have to be serious all the time, life is too short to just talk about AA. You live AA anyway, you live in the spiritual realm of God. Go to AA tonight and maybe someone will invite you out for coffee or ask you to come over to watch a movie. Have fun.

Ok, so your tired and drained from the day like I am. It's been a long tough road , and it gets easier. Write in a journal tonight about how you feel. Just type it out if you have a computer. Keep track of your feelings and look back every now and then to see how you

progressed. You will be amazed and proud of what you have accomplished. If you slip write about this. Tell yourself in writing about what pisses you off, and what makes you have dreams of a good nature. Tell it all to your own book of sorts. Women start out with diaries, not many men keep these. This is my diary for the whole world to read. Start a blog and throw pictures and words together on how you feel. It will eat up time and before you know it your tired and ready for a movie or to go to bed early tonight for once.

If you drink, try not to drink.....If your depressed, call someone you love and express these feelings. ...It is ok to be alone,,I like it at times. With AA it seems like I am always busy now. I come home from work, eat , take a shower and go to a meeting. I looked back in this blog and let the truth be known , It made me start this new way of life.

I have thrown myself into the deep realms of God and he has made everything possible for me to have the energy to keep going until about eleven then I am off to bed. Saturday morning I see there is another AA meeting at 10am so I have my day already planned, then a Peter Frampton  concert with my son in Midland, Texas, Sober....Go figure....Do you feel like I do??? Is a hit from this fellow, and I am ready to remeber how I feel like I do.. lol Have a great Friday night, and Thy will be done, not mine.... .

The Spiritual Life Is Not A Theory

The spiritual life is not a theory as we read this in the big book of AA.  We “Have” to experience it. The behavior we present will manifest itself to others who will be baffled by our creative selves. We may even faze ourselves as to how change has come upon us from our new found spiritual life.
This all comes from knowing and understanding God as we see him. Or how you see him. Sometimes a spiritual connection to God will just some over us from being in our AA group. Others get a spiritual relief in all sorts of ways. A spiritual awakening is the most gratifying experience one can take. It is when you no longer take control, yet give power over to God as you see him. I may be repeating myself here, but rightfully so. God controls our thoughts and actions when we let him. A simple prayer will do this

Painting By Christopher Hyer2013
There are those who cannot or will not disclose their minds to let God come into their lives. There are such unfortunates, but they can if they give God a try. Kneeling at your bed at night and praying for divine relief is a prerequisite for those of us that trust in him, first thing in the morning while taking a shower, pray to God, this works also.  I have work to do today, and I have to ask God to help me stop shaking and allow me to  concentrate on the now, not the later. That is my problem, and I ask for guidelines through God for this action. Does it seem to be? Usually if I let go and let God take over.
The spirit of God is all around us, the beauty of women, flowers and trees, are all God like objects to me. They are all beautiful and not possible without the spirit of God. I can see so many different things in my life that made me sick before now that I can change my life over to God. A new awakening is a sense of being ok with your thoughts. God will allow it, but you must apply for it.

Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal

I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...