There was a time in my life where Sunday mornings were when I got to sleep in until around 2:00pm to 3:00pm and it was almost every Sunday. Sunday , (As I thought was) a time to sleep off my hangover from the previous Friday and Saturday binges of late night partying and Sunday was my re-cooperation day . This was a time for cuddling up to a warm body who was as sick as I was , and just literally sleeping the day away.
Those times are gone and have been for about eight years now, as on a Sunday , I get up about 8:00 AM and start my day on a Sunday. There is no hangover and I have time to fill up with gas , go to a store and buy food for the next week, and Church on occasion.
When a person sobers up his entire schedule changes in his life. Sleeping in would be impossible for me now, as when the day sunlight breaks , it is time for me to put into action whatever God's plan is for me today. I don't set my alarm for a Saturday or Sunday, hoping I can get a few hours of rest in. The problem is now I am on a schedule that I did not make up. It must be God's will for me to be awake and running a few errands, because around after lunch , I do rest for the rest fo the day . I watch Movies, Football, you name it. I am also a musician and I play my instruments or Paint a picture with the remaining hours of my day.

I do laundry also on the weekends, but even not having a steady job I wake up and dress for the say which is appropriate , and get out of the house and take care of what needs to be done. It is Tax season now and I have some work in this area as I am sure some of you also do, therefor there is always something to stay busy with on a day I use to totally blow away with sleep and hangovers.
I also for got to mention that when I was drinking , I sometimes did not want to go out to my car and see if I might of hit something when I went out on those Friday and Saturday nights.. Those were the scary times on a Sunday morning that I am glad are gone and I don't have to worry about. I use to wonder if I hit a dog or even a person while I was intoxicated back in those years. Of course, I did find dings at times from my anger when drinking and this would add fuel to my flame on a Sunday. I was also dreading going to work on a Monday and trying to figure out if I could take off that Monday so I could rest even more.
There must be something in alcohol, that depletes the energy in some people after a hard night of drinking due to the fact of laziness the next day and the sarcassm I use to portray toward anyone that spoke to me in a way I did not like.Maybe some of youu cna relate to what I have said on Sunday mornings, possibly you are experiencing the same thing I use to on Sundays. If so, get your self some help before it is too late.
Sundays are a beautiful day to spend in a park with a loved one, or just being lazy and getting chores done. It is a day to live again and again.Don't let your Sundays get you down, Get sober and start living. Have a good Day..Chris