When I first set out to do this blog. I did it for myself to see how I either grew with AA and being sober or whatever. It was not really set up to sell things to people that come to my blog and I really was not trying to make any money off of this. I have not made money on this site anyway, even though I get like 300 hits a month, so someone is curious about me. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it is friends out there, or maybe I am helping someone that I dont know. But let me be honest with you on this blog post.
I get bored and that is why I write so much on this blog at times. I get inspired to write so I don't get boredom form being sober. Yep, I have the poor me syndrome today and for the last few months. I can't seeem to find a job in Midland, Texas and I am stuck at home most of the time, or going to AA meetings. I do not suggest that I am doing whats right. Maybe I am missing something out there. I use to drink alone and now would be the right time to start drinking cause I have nothing in my life to gain. I am really down right now, but the econopmy is down where I live also.What I am saying is I go online to look for work to send resumes out and nothing happens 70 percent of the time. It gets me down. I want to be productive, so I guess that means flipping burgers at Mcdonalds casue they are about the only p[eople in this ton that is hiring.
I dont know what to do, but drinking is not an answer..I do know that much, but the boredom I am experincing is overwhelming to me at this point in my life. I have a little money left in my savings and I can borrow , but for how long do I have to wait Lord? This is truly a shame that I am healthy and ready to do something. I made a few mistakes and did not take a couple of jobs, cause I did not want to do them. Now I regret this and paying the price. My own fault, but in reality I have never been this long out of work. It bothers the hell out of me, and my self esteem is shot..I wake up early in the morning to nothing. I am alive but for what?Damn life is just not easy.Thats all I have to say today..Chris
Living in a world of sober people and not so sober. A place for my interest in sobriety and how it affects life
Showing posts with label Memorial day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memorial day. Show all posts
Monday, February 15, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
How To Be a Sponsor in Social Sobeirty
In AA there are people with lengths of sobriety, it could be 6 months or longer , and if you work the steps you should of gotten to twelve on the list. Now I say you should of, meaning that you thoroughly worked each and every step and have a concept of the program and how sponsoring works . You should have a sponsor already also before sponsoring, but these are not rules, just suggestions.
What does a sponsor do? They are a person that you can call on during the day and night when you have problems or just feel uneasy with a living situation. They are not your last answe, they will give answers that are AA driven , and for your sobriety. Most sponsors turn into lifelong friends, but there are a few new comers out there, that abuse the policy. A good sponsor will sit down and go over the Big Book with you and help you understand what you son't understand in the books of AA. If they don't have the answer, they will find it. They are not saints or anyone that is higher up in a AA group. These sponsors are friends of the program wiling to help others to stay sober. Like the buddy system.
They are helpers in living life to its fullest for the person that might need help puling away from a liquor store and telling their them to throw the drink out. These are rare things that happen but they do happen.They do not lend money or provide shelter but they might have ideas as to where one can go if the alcoholic is homeless.
In sponsoring you can run across a group of real interesting good and bad people. I have met both in sponsoring and have let go of two of them because they were whiners and did not want help. They wanted answers to things I had no idea about. They wanted money, and when one comes into AA sometimes there is no money in your pocket and it is ok to help someone with cash, but you have to put a stop on this. Anyway , if your a sponsor you are working the program as it is written and it does help one to do this activity. I highly suggest you sponsor someone that needs this. Have a nice day!
What does a sponsor do? They are a person that you can call on during the day and night when you have problems or just feel uneasy with a living situation. They are not your last answe, they will give answers that are AA driven , and for your sobriety. Most sponsors turn into lifelong friends, but there are a few new comers out there, that abuse the policy. A good sponsor will sit down and go over the Big Book with you and help you understand what you son't understand in the books of AA. If they don't have the answer, they will find it. They are not saints or anyone that is higher up in a AA group. These sponsors are friends of the program wiling to help others to stay sober. Like the buddy system.
They are helpers in living life to its fullest for the person that might need help puling away from a liquor store and telling their them to throw the drink out. These are rare things that happen but they do happen.They do not lend money or provide shelter but they might have ideas as to where one can go if the alcoholic is homeless.
In sponsoring you can run across a group of real interesting good and bad people. I have met both in sponsoring and have let go of two of them because they were whiners and did not want help. They wanted answers to things I had no idea about. They wanted money, and when one comes into AA sometimes there is no money in your pocket and it is ok to help someone with cash, but you have to put a stop on this. Anyway , if your a sponsor you are working the program as it is written and it does help one to do this activity. I highly suggest you sponsor someone that needs this. Have a nice day!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Uber Time For this Fellow Alcoholic
I have a little more spare time with losing my job or do I? I have been driving for Uber and making decent money to pay my bills in the West Texas area. Where there is a will and a way you can find your answers by praying for God and to him. As a recovering alcoholic I find that my work with Uber has been humbling from the start. It is really a cool job , except for all the down time that I have no calls. However if you work it or stay on the App for long enough each and every day , I am making a little more money than I was with my last company.
Is this wonderful that I can leave my former job and find money driving my car, and actuallly make my bills? I think miracles from God come in many shapes and sizes. For my case I get to attend more AA meetings and have more free time, and yet I am working probably harder now then ever. How do I mean by this?
I have started to think of ways to make a living where I am in control..Hahah..Sounds familiar to the alcoholic that has recovered, but in reality God is in control of my thoughts of self-employment. I have decided to start a need for a shopping service in Midland , Texas and there is no compitition in this market. I have found a template to work with and have made a business plan, ( which I would of never done if drinking), and things seem to add up just right. Will it be easy, no .However anything that is easy reaps no benefits and I am aware of this with my seven years of sobriety. I am not really counting the years of being sober, but brought that up to show those of you how one's mind can be straighten up and clear as to seing new objectives coming my way.
With Uber I do 12 step work in helping people that have drank too much get home safe and no in trouble with the law and get paid for this, What a deal this is and it bothers me not one bit at all. Of course this is temporary but the money and people are all good. This is a God send for people out of work with a newer vehicle to use this platform in a way to make money. You also meet some reallly nice people in the world this way. Sober ones and not so sober ones.
Do I preach Aa? Yes and no, I explain I am a recovered alcoholic and some wonder how to stop. I explain how I did, and answer any questions someone may have. It is a great feeling to be a rescue of sorts to others whom are strangers...
In the long run if I was not sober right this minute I would be a wreck!! No doubt about this, however I have learned how to forgive and forget the bad. I have learned how to ove those that my or may not like me. I seem to shine when I have a new rider with me and I always have something to ask them. I am curious as to what they do and why they do what they do. I try not to ask to many questions and the drunks are some of the nicest people I have met. Most just slur thier words but I have to give them credit for not being stupid and driving. It's funny how I can not relate to most of them, cause I would of driven my car where these smart social drinkers take Uber instead cause they know the consequences of driving while having too much to drink, I give them dredit for responsibility to thier selves and others.
I am no saint I just try to live by the 12 steps in AA and I try to adhere to most of them throughout my daily grind of driving and waiting. I am treated with respect and did not know that would happen. Maybe I bring something to these people that ride with me. I know when they smile they are comfortable with me as a driver and friend for just a few minutes and this is rewarding. Humbling oneself is very good for the soul and I am doing just that. I am not at home complaining that things are not going my way they are going in a direction I would of not picked if I were stilll using. Only those with sobrioty can understand what I must be talking about. Sober life is a good life and even though there are trials and situations I do not agree with they flutter off my shoulder and I rest in peace while I go through the day. Remeber this is not for you, this is for my self, I am selfish but I am loveable and a great man. I have become this though the program of AA and those that love me , yes even my family see I am doing something with my life and loving Chris for what he is doing. This would not be true if I was to start drinking again. So onward with sobriety and through the fog I see the light and it is good..God Bless Christopher Hyer
Is this wonderful that I can leave my former job and find money driving my car, and actuallly make my bills? I think miracles from God come in many shapes and sizes. For my case I get to attend more AA meetings and have more free time, and yet I am working probably harder now then ever. How do I mean by this?
I have started to think of ways to make a living where I am in control..Hahah..Sounds familiar to the alcoholic that has recovered, but in reality God is in control of my thoughts of self-employment. I have decided to start a need for a shopping service in Midland , Texas and there is no compitition in this market. I have found a template to work with and have made a business plan, ( which I would of never done if drinking), and things seem to add up just right. Will it be easy, no .However anything that is easy reaps no benefits and I am aware of this with my seven years of sobriety. I am not really counting the years of being sober, but brought that up to show those of you how one's mind can be straighten up and clear as to seing new objectives coming my way.
With Uber I do 12 step work in helping people that have drank too much get home safe and no in trouble with the law and get paid for this, What a deal this is and it bothers me not one bit at all. Of course this is temporary but the money and people are all good. This is a God send for people out of work with a newer vehicle to use this platform in a way to make money. You also meet some reallly nice people in the world this way. Sober ones and not so sober ones.
Do I preach Aa? Yes and no, I explain I am a recovered alcoholic and some wonder how to stop. I explain how I did, and answer any questions someone may have. It is a great feeling to be a rescue of sorts to others whom are strangers...
In the long run if I was not sober right this minute I would be a wreck!! No doubt about this, however I have learned how to forgive and forget the bad. I have learned how to ove those that my or may not like me. I seem to shine when I have a new rider with me and I always have something to ask them. I am curious as to what they do and why they do what they do. I try not to ask to many questions and the drunks are some of the nicest people I have met. Most just slur thier words but I have to give them credit for not being stupid and driving. It's funny how I can not relate to most of them, cause I would of driven my car where these smart social drinkers take Uber instead cause they know the consequences of driving while having too much to drink, I give them dredit for responsibility to thier selves and others.
I am no saint I just try to live by the 12 steps in AA and I try to adhere to most of them throughout my daily grind of driving and waiting. I am treated with respect and did not know that would happen. Maybe I bring something to these people that ride with me. I know when they smile they are comfortable with me as a driver and friend for just a few minutes and this is rewarding. Humbling oneself is very good for the soul and I am doing just that. I am not at home complaining that things are not going my way they are going in a direction I would of not picked if I were stilll using. Only those with sobrioty can understand what I must be talking about. Sober life is a good life and even though there are trials and situations I do not agree with they flutter off my shoulder and I rest in peace while I go through the day. Remeber this is not for you, this is for my self, I am selfish but I am loveable and a great man. I have become this though the program of AA and those that love me , yes even my family see I am doing something with my life and loving Chris for what he is doing. This would not be true if I was to start drinking again. So onward with sobriety and through the fog I see the light and it is good..God Bless Christopher Hyer
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Sober The Tough Times
I have not written for a while now and I guess things were going to good. I have lost my job with 2 years behind my belt. Was I being unreasonable , I don't think so. I was up for a pay raise and the company wanted me to go into Production Printing . I had no problem with moving up but not with the salary they were paying me or not willing to pay me. The company found a minute issue with my job performance and decided I did not deserve a raise this year. I informed them through email I did in fact deserve a raise and I was professional in asking for this raise. Anyway I am now a official Uber driver in Midland, Texas with hardly any rides this week.
Staying sober through all this has been a challenge but the obsession to drink has been taken away for many years now, In fact I have seven years sobriety , so going out and getting drunk was not an option this time. I got on my high horse and stated selling on eBay and making quite a bit of money drop-shipping products form other retail outlets, until eBay caught on and put a hold on my account, for drop-shipping, I worked hard on this website listing more than 300 items to sell and then a complete stop by eBay and I was not in violation of anything wrong. They wanted me to verify who I was and where I got my products from. I told them the truth and sent the required documents then they wanted them again. I said Hell no, I am not going to provide any more information as I already have done this twice. I can't figure eBay out I was making about 4000 per week in net income from doing this and it was a headache, but God must have other things in mind for me.
Living life on life's terms is a hard thing to do at times, but God has brought me through many difficult times and I am sending out Resumes to everyone. In Midland , Texas it was booming with oil prices in the 80 to 100 a barrel prices but now that it is down to 4-0 dollars its dead out here. The bust has set in and the jobs are not there like they were a year ago. Like I said I am writing this journal so I can look back at my life as it progressess. It would appear that I am degressing at this point in my life, but I am not.
It is called change, and God knows I have changed for the better and he will choose what is best for me next. It is the waiting game that kind of throws me off. You see I am wanting results now, and I am working at anything I can to lessen the burden of having to borrow from anyone to pay my bills right now. I have sources that are willing to help me, and I am putting them off the best I can because I can make it. I might have to borrow from someone to get through this stage but not for long and the good thing about being sober, is the trust factor that people have with me now. In the past no one would of been willing to help me out in the situation I am in now. So staying off of drugs and drinking does pqay off in more than a few ways for me.
God , I hope whoever reads this realize I am not perfect in any way. I am just sober trying to live by God's will not mine, but I do have to put things into action as I am doing. I don't sit around watching Television or anything like that. I am not depressed as I know something better is headed my way, cause that has been the case through seven years of believeing in a higher power , which is God whom love you and me, and ask for his help in our time of needs. God Bless..Christopher
Staying sober through all this has been a challenge but the obsession to drink has been taken away for many years now, In fact I have seven years sobriety , so going out and getting drunk was not an option this time. I got on my high horse and stated selling on eBay and making quite a bit of money drop-shipping products form other retail outlets, until eBay caught on and put a hold on my account, for drop-shipping, I worked hard on this website listing more than 300 items to sell and then a complete stop by eBay and I was not in violation of anything wrong. They wanted me to verify who I was and where I got my products from. I told them the truth and sent the required documents then they wanted them again. I said Hell no, I am not going to provide any more information as I already have done this twice. I can't figure eBay out I was making about 4000 per week in net income from doing this and it was a headache, but God must have other things in mind for me.
Living life on life's terms is a hard thing to do at times, but God has brought me through many difficult times and I am sending out Resumes to everyone. In Midland , Texas it was booming with oil prices in the 80 to 100 a barrel prices but now that it is down to 4-0 dollars its dead out here. The bust has set in and the jobs are not there like they were a year ago. Like I said I am writing this journal so I can look back at my life as it progressess. It would appear that I am degressing at this point in my life, but I am not.
It is called change, and God knows I have changed for the better and he will choose what is best for me next. It is the waiting game that kind of throws me off. You see I am wanting results now, and I am working at anything I can to lessen the burden of having to borrow from anyone to pay my bills right now. I have sources that are willing to help me, and I am putting them off the best I can because I can make it. I might have to borrow from someone to get through this stage but not for long and the good thing about being sober, is the trust factor that people have with me now. In the past no one would of been willing to help me out in the situation I am in now. So staying off of drugs and drinking does pqay off in more than a few ways for me.
God , I hope whoever reads this realize I am not perfect in any way. I am just sober trying to live by God's will not mine, but I do have to put things into action as I am doing. I don't sit around watching Television or anything like that. I am not depressed as I know something better is headed my way, cause that has been the case through seven years of believeing in a higher power , which is God whom love you and me, and ask for his help in our time of needs. God Bless..Christopher
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Wed and Sober With You
Well its Wednesday, hard to spell that word? I wonder why? Oh well, just my mind boggling , idiosyncrasy, that plunders on a work week. I think that makes sence..Its a Hot day in West Texas and wind blowing and sand storms always. Not the prettiest place in the world. Had anothe r, hmm day at my job. I fix computers, and I never have tried to fix an Alll In One before. I think it was a mess when I finished. I tried damn hard all day to get this thing to work, and to no operation. I had to talk to a guy in India and he frustrated the hell out of me, I kept saying I don't get you? He was only trying to speak English, I can't blame him. Its these darn corporations that have gone global to east India and Pakastan whenre they make a dollar or two, so why would he be in a hurry to help me?
He wasn't. So I stoof online the phone for my call for about an hour, to tech support. Its' frustrating and I was sweating bullets because this is the job I want to keep. Have you found "The Job" you love. I love this job and how I have the freedom to call most of the shots. No boss breathing down my back and the company I work for seems to have been tolerant of my issues with some of the computers I fix. You can't beat that. I am not making the money I am use to yet, but I am still in training. I just started this job two weeks ago, and so far I have been happy with their attitude towards me and my problems I have run into. No yelling at me or saying that I suck. It is noce to have this convience, I beg you all to change jobs and find that right one, that is bearable.
Work in Midland, Texas is abundant, because of the oil industry. I have so far been able to keep out of it. Most of my service calls are to IT dept. of these companies,. I would much rather be inside than outside in this heat.
Idle Hands and the Issue Man , my favorite subjects including God. I have lost quite a few readers when I mention God in my blogs. So be it. Theuir fate is of no concern to me. It is the faithful readers that have regular jobs and trying to stay sober in Christ name that concern me.
I dare to be different, cause I am. There is no one in this world that is even close to the man I am. God makes us all unique, even you. Yes U.....Stay sober tonight and enjoy a show or paint a picture or play your guitar, keep you soul open and don't fret tomorrow. Its not here yet , we have to get through tonight. Thanks for sticking with me the very few who have. I will have something exciting soon. ..Christopher 05.29.2013
He wasn't. So I stoof online the phone for my call for about an hour, to tech support. Its' frustrating and I was sweating bullets because this is the job I want to keep. Have you found "The Job" you love. I love this job and how I have the freedom to call most of the shots. No boss breathing down my back and the company I work for seems to have been tolerant of my issues with some of the computers I fix. You can't beat that. I am not making the money I am use to yet, but I am still in training. I just started this job two weeks ago, and so far I have been happy with their attitude towards me and my problems I have run into. No yelling at me or saying that I suck. It is noce to have this convience, I beg you all to change jobs and find that right one, that is bearable.
Work in Midland, Texas is abundant, because of the oil industry. I have so far been able to keep out of it. Most of my service calls are to IT dept. of these companies,. I would much rather be inside than outside in this heat.
Idle Hands and the Issue Man , my favorite subjects including God. I have lost quite a few readers when I mention God in my blogs. So be it. Theuir fate is of no concern to me. It is the faithful readers that have regular jobs and trying to stay sober in Christ name that concern me.
I dare to be different, cause I am. There is no one in this world that is even close to the man I am. God makes us all unique, even you. Yes U.....Stay sober tonight and enjoy a show or paint a picture or play your guitar, keep you soul open and don't fret tomorrow. Its not here yet , we have to get through tonight. Thanks for sticking with me the very few who have. I will have something exciting soon. ..Christopher 05.29.2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
Sober and Memorial Day
Usually , this is a great day to BBQ and drink beer and get f...k up and kick it with your friends. If your on the path of recovery,(which you are all the time)/ You realize that you can BBQ and not have beer at your home party and maybe drive home the ones that have been drinking. They will thank you in the end.
Russian friend by ChristopherHyer2011
I use to have a problem with all holidays and those days I made holidays which was everyday. I would suck down a six pack in no time then drive carefully to a 7-11 and buy more beer. How many of you still do this? Is it time to stop?
If you want to stop bad enough, you can. Though not through your will power alone, You must ask God to help you stop for today at least. What better day to stop than Memorial Day. This is a great day to say no thanks, I am trying to quit. That simple, and pray while you day these words, and tonight while still craving that beer or beers or alcoholic drink, thank God you have not had one today. You may fel nervous , and like a rock has hit you in the face. But you accomplished one large feet that could
last a lifetime and save you money .
God Grant me the serenity to stay sober today as I cannot change , the desire to change ( to stop drinking) the things I can. God Help me. You will have a spiritual experience some faster tthan others. If you make it through just today , you have made quite an effort. Goto an AA group and sit there and squirm with the others that are feeling the way you do. You will feel as though your not the only one suffering if you go.
Nothing in life is easy , you know this. Quitting is very hard, and people in AA do agree upon this. Its staying off the booze that is your next exercise and it gets easier as time goes by if you keep spiritual faith in God. Yes, you must believe in God , this is a spiritual program of quitting, and we cannot do this without his help. Not a one of us could. Have a great Monday, and get some work done at the house with you Idle Hands.
Russian friend by ChristopherHyer2011
I use to have a problem with all holidays and those days I made holidays which was everyday. I would suck down a six pack in no time then drive carefully to a 7-11 and buy more beer. How many of you still do this? Is it time to stop?
If you want to stop bad enough, you can. Though not through your will power alone, You must ask God to help you stop for today at least. What better day to stop than Memorial Day. This is a great day to say no thanks, I am trying to quit. That simple, and pray while you day these words, and tonight while still craving that beer or beers or alcoholic drink, thank God you have not had one today. You may fel nervous , and like a rock has hit you in the face. But you accomplished one large feet that could
last a lifetime and save you money .
God Grant me the serenity to stay sober today as I cannot change , the desire to change ( to stop drinking) the things I can. God Help me. You will have a spiritual experience some faster tthan others. If you make it through just today , you have made quite an effort. Goto an AA group and sit there and squirm with the others that are feeling the way you do. You will feel as though your not the only one suffering if you go.
Nothing in life is easy , you know this. Quitting is very hard, and people in AA do agree upon this. Its staying off the booze that is your next exercise and it gets easier as time goes by if you keep spiritual faith in God. Yes, you must believe in God , this is a spiritual program of quitting, and we cannot do this without his help. Not a one of us could. Have a great Monday, and get some work done at the house with you Idle Hands.
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Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal
I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...
It's been nine years since I have taken a drink of alcohol, and I have to say that a holiday without alcohol is ok with me. After the fi...
I am perfect by no means. What I am going to point out to myself on here is that yes, I have addiction problems. I'm addicted to sex, ga...
It is Friday the 26th of February and the weekend is upon us again. This just goes round and round with me. One day just leads into another ...