It is easy for me to get lost in my problems with life and forget to be grateful for those things in which God has given me. It is easy to get lost in the confusion of the day and realize that I am sober from alcohol and drugs and should be grateful that God has given me the strength to carry forward in this life. I am grateful to be able to type this at 8:00 AM on Friday morning because eight years ago I sure would of not been doing this blog. I was always hung over and to combat the hangover I would smoke a joint upon waking then the cycle of the addiction would take over my day.
I believe we all have all sorts of issues we have to deal with on a daily basis. The best way I prepare for the next day is to not expect that I will have another next day, I give it to God in prayer at night and ask him to do for me what I can't do for myself and to guide me , that is about it. Upon waking the next morning , surprise phone calls or seeing my dog wag her tail at me in enthusiasm is a wonderful start to a new day. My days are not perfect, and I still have my faults but I am clear headed and make some sense of what I am doing for the most part of the day. I try to help another human being out as often as I can but I forget to do this also, and then it comes natural. Helping another person out takes me out of self and makes me feel useful to this life. I am ever so grateful for God in making me a sober individual that my family wants to be around, and my friends also. This is a blessing, even the computers I have to write this blog are miracles to have considering when I was in my addiction I had no car or anything of materials as I sold most all twice in my life to afford my addiction to alcohol and drugs. I hit bottom so many times , I have lost count, I don't think this will happen again, or i at least pray for this not to be the case for me. Have a grateful Day, Chris
Living in a world of sober people and not so sober. A place for my interest in sobriety and how it affects life
Showing posts with label Realtionships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Realtionships. Show all posts
Friday, July 7, 2017
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
"The Habit" Of Your Life and Mine
I found this in my email and I thought I would share it with those who struggle feeling good during the day at times. I hope you enjoy it. Chris 6/28/2017
The habit?
To simply take 2 minutes at the end of your day to appreciate yourself. To think
back and to celebrate the small and bigger positive things you have done today.
back and to celebrate the small and bigger positive things you have done today.
It could be that you listened to your friend when she really needed to vent today.
Or took the first small step with something you have been procrastinating on for
too long.
Or took the first small step with something you have been procrastinating on for
too long.
Or that you got up from the comfy couch and went out for a run or into the gym to
get stronger. It could be that you were kind in a situation where it would have
been so easy to be judgmental and to derive pleasure from that.
get stronger. It could be that you were kind in a situation where it would have
been so easy to be judgmental and to derive pleasure from that.
It could be things you may often take for granted in your everyday life. Like doing
the dishes. Or washing the dirty clothes. Or cooking a healthy and tasty dinner.
the dishes. Or washing the dirty clothes. Or cooking a healthy and tasty dinner.
A few questions that can help you to start finding things to appreciate about
yourself today are:
yourself today are:
- What is one small thing I can appreciate about what I have done today?
- What is one small thing I can appreciate about what I have thought today?
- How did I add value to one person's life today?
- What thing that is positive but I usually take for granted did I do today?
By making this self-celebration into a very small habit at the end of your day -
perhaps when you are in bed or resting after your dinner or taking a shower after
work - every day you can start to change how you think about yourself and the
things you do.
perhaps when you are in bed or resting after your dinner or taking a shower after
work - every day you can start to change how you think about yourself and the
things you do.
This quick evening habit has helped me to raise my self-esteem and to keep it
steady (even on tough days when things didn't go as I had wished).
It has helped me to build new positive energy within and to up my motivation
for life and for tomorrow.
steady (even on tough days when things didn't go as I had wished).
It has helped me to build new positive energy within and to up my motivation
for life and for tomorrow.
I have also found that after a while as this self-kinder way of thinking becomes
more and more of a habit it will start to seep into the rest of the day too. And that
can help you to react to and handle life's ups and downs in a more constructive
and optimistic way. Staying sober is a good way to live life, god bless..
more and more of a habit it will start to seep into the rest of the day too. And that
can help you to react to and handle life's ups and downs in a more constructive
and optimistic way. Staying sober is a good way to live life, god bless..
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Positive Affirmations with sober Living and Life
Living a positive outlook on life can be a challenge for myself. There is so much negativity around me and in the world. Staying positive in a daily living situation as most alcoholics have to live from day to day is not easy. Waking up , is when I start to look into the mirror
and be blessed that I am not crippled and I am semi-good looking and that I smell clean is a positive role for me on most mornings. I read the bible for positive information to help with my day. I don't do this everyday, and beware of people wanting you to get negative with them. They are in AA and everywhere that you might work, ready to bring you down, not on purpose but so they may feel good about themselves.
If your sober you have taken steps to make sure you can get by the day without a drink. That is very positive in sober living. Therefor , pat yourself on the back that you have made it to this point. There are so many that can not get past this point in thier lives and end up you know where.
Today is a sun shiny day with squirrels running the fence and my puppy chasing the varmets from one end of a tree to the other end of the fence. They are playing and enjoying life as God had intended for us to be. Happy , joyous , and free. We only have today for 24 hours, do a kind deed for another, buy them lunch or a stranger lunch, and see what happens. It is a miracle how this person will react and it shows Gods faith in God above. God watches every move we make, in fact he knows what we will do next. God knows what is going to happen in the next 24 hours ahead so don't over think this as I have, it will add confusion. You only can live one day at a time. Live today as it was your last and think if it was your last day how you would want to behave.God is working a miracle with me , and sometimes I refuse to see it. Please don't be as stubborn as I am .. Chris Hyer
and be blessed that I am not crippled and I am semi-good looking and that I smell clean is a positive role for me on most mornings. I read the bible for positive information to help with my day. I don't do this everyday, and beware of people wanting you to get negative with them. They are in AA and everywhere that you might work, ready to bring you down, not on purpose but so they may feel good about themselves.
If your sober you have taken steps to make sure you can get by the day without a drink. That is very positive in sober living. Therefor , pat yourself on the back that you have made it to this point. There are so many that can not get past this point in thier lives and end up you know where.
Today is a sun shiny day with squirrels running the fence and my puppy chasing the varmets from one end of a tree to the other end of the fence. They are playing and enjoying life as God had intended for us to be. Happy , joyous , and free. We only have today for 24 hours, do a kind deed for another, buy them lunch or a stranger lunch, and see what happens. It is a miracle how this person will react and it shows Gods faith in God above. God watches every move we make, in fact he knows what we will do next. God knows what is going to happen in the next 24 hours ahead so don't over think this as I have, it will add confusion. You only can live one day at a time. Live today as it was your last and think if it was your last day how you would want to behave.God is working a miracle with me , and sometimes I refuse to see it. Please don't be as stubborn as I am .. Chris Hyer
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Sobriety and Living with the Power of God
I live with the power of God every day. That does not mean every day is going to be perfect, and by far this is not true. It means for me to stay sober, I have to hand over a lot of what is on my mind to God.
So , just how does a person do this? Well, for me it takes asking a prayer for God to take a hold of the situation and guide me through it the best he can. Very simple step right? However, I doubt God at times but have all my faith in him to bring me out of myself and gain control over my life. This has been an ongoing process for the last 8 years, and it seems to work. I do not stress as much as when I try to run the show. When I let my higher power take over my day or moment, it usually turns out pretty good and I stay active in keeping my human body functioning doing the right thing in life.
I have been a musician for most of my life but have not perfected theory of music , so I am now working on this with my guitars. I feel that it will make me a better guitar player and more musically inclined to step out and play for people and let them enjoy the music I play. I have always played several instruments but never really stayed with just one. This time, I will take it one instrument at a time, just like the AA program, and master one at a time. This is now what I do in my spare time instead of watching TV and isolating myself from the world. It feels good to know I am progressing in my music and it brings joy and pain to my fingers as I practice for about 4- 5 hours a day while my paperwork is processed for my new position in work. This takes about two weeks I am told. There is nothing else I can think of to do. I am an
artist that oil paints and I have this to tackle also as I could be a better painter if I chose to learn more abut my art.
There are a lot of things God may put in your life that is just right in your home that you may want to be better at and this keeps your mind busy and occupied. I believe God wants us to be creative no matter what age we are. Have a Blessed Day..Chris Hyer
So , just how does a person do this? Well, for me it takes asking a prayer for God to take a hold of the situation and guide me through it the best he can. Very simple step right? However, I doubt God at times but have all my faith in him to bring me out of myself and gain control over my life. This has been an ongoing process for the last 8 years, and it seems to work. I do not stress as much as when I try to run the show. When I let my higher power take over my day or moment, it usually turns out pretty good and I stay active in keeping my human body functioning doing the right thing in life.
I have been a musician for most of my life but have not perfected theory of music , so I am now working on this with my guitars. I feel that it will make me a better guitar player and more musically inclined to step out and play for people and let them enjoy the music I play. I have always played several instruments but never really stayed with just one. This time, I will take it one instrument at a time, just like the AA program, and master one at a time. This is now what I do in my spare time instead of watching TV and isolating myself from the world. It feels good to know I am progressing in my music and it brings joy and pain to my fingers as I practice for about 4- 5 hours a day while my paperwork is processed for my new position in work. This takes about two weeks I am told. There is nothing else I can think of to do. I am an
artist that oil paints and I have this to tackle also as I could be a better painter if I chose to learn more abut my art.
There are a lot of things God may put in your life that is just right in your home that you may want to be better at and this keeps your mind busy and occupied. I believe God wants us to be creative no matter what age we are. Have a Blessed Day..Chris Hyer
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Belief In a Higher Power For Social Sobriety
God, is a big spiritual relief for me. There are those that do not understand God, and I think that is God's intentions. He wants us to believe in a higher power that is stronger than yourself, therefore the word , God. I have for the last eight years have had a strong belief in God working wonders of miracles in my life. Like my previous post about Panic, God knows that I could have a problem with addiction with the medications but he knows what is up with my life at all times. So be it. I wake up in the early morning about 5 AM and begin to pray for the new day everyday, and this last during work and after work up until the evening. See , in my opinion, God wants to know how you feel about him and yourself on a daily basis. He wants us to rejoice in knowing him on a personal basis. Whether you want to call it a friendship, in which God is my best friend, or spirituality , God works so many miracles in my daily life, that I know no other person or thing could do for me. I am almost 9 years sober now, and it is the miracle of AA and my God spirituality that gets me through the good times and the rough times. This is just me, there are those of you who do not believe in God. I suggest you go outside and look at a leaf and wonder about the veins in which the leaf grows and how intricate the lines are, perfect. I don't think we are a mistake in this world, and yet to believe in something one cannot see is hard to explain until you have had situations that are miracles that only would be happen chance of going on in your life. For me , and my belief , I think every time something goes wrong a right seems to happen . It seems to follow a lesson from God that I either have done something he is not particular lily happy with and then I do something to help someone and I get this feeling that is good and wholesome. We all know when we sin. No one needs to tell us when we do something immoral or sinful. We all sin, but what I think God wants us to do is show to him and tell him we were wrong. It takes a spiritually guided look on life to do this particular action.
In the Big Book of AA there is a part that says either God is or he is not , what is your choice to be? I want to be on a winning team and God to me is a happy spirit and I am here for his entertainment, but he wants us all to succeed, maybe not get rich or have a Corvette, but whatever we can accomplish in our daily lives and give back to those who may not have what we have is the true trick to this God outlook. The feeling of helping a stranger out with groceries or helping a person with the door, is morally right and it shows we generally care about one another. That makes my God smile and it makes me smile when I know I have done something in my life that I make no money but provide just a little bit of help to those in need.
Of course, there are those who cut us off in traffic and we swear at them or shoot the finger, but if you are where I am at in my program you let it go and say:God Bles Them" I was taught that by a friend that has passed away. Everytime, something rude was done to this friend of mine he would say "God Bless Them "out loud. I use to really trip out to this , but it is like cussing but your not. Your asking for God's help in dealing with this person and your also praying that this person has a better day. It takes a strong person to admit a higher power such as God can help you. However, once you take a hold of prayer and really believe in God you will notice changes in your lifestyle, and they are good. This is a good reason to stay sober, to have a better relationship with God and yourself. It is selfish in a way but most who drink are very selfish people, and it stays with us . I really feel a need to write more on God, and I will throughout my life on this blog . As I said this is a journal for myself and you are welcome to read it. I am 53 now and plan to keep writing on this blog until the end of my time. God Bless Chris Hyer
In the Big Book of AA there is a part that says either God is or he is not , what is your choice to be? I want to be on a winning team and God to me is a happy spirit and I am here for his entertainment, but he wants us all to succeed, maybe not get rich or have a Corvette, but whatever we can accomplish in our daily lives and give back to those who may not have what we have is the true trick to this God outlook. The feeling of helping a stranger out with groceries or helping a person with the door, is morally right and it shows we generally care about one another. That makes my God smile and it makes me smile when I know I have done something in my life that I make no money but provide just a little bit of help to those in need.
Of course, there are those who cut us off in traffic and we swear at them or shoot the finger, but if you are where I am at in my program you let it go and say:God Bles Them" I was taught that by a friend that has passed away. Everytime, something rude was done to this friend of mine he would say "God Bless Them "out loud. I use to really trip out to this , but it is like cussing but your not. Your asking for God's help in dealing with this person and your also praying that this person has a better day. It takes a strong person to admit a higher power such as God can help you. However, once you take a hold of prayer and really believe in God you will notice changes in your lifestyle, and they are good. This is a good reason to stay sober, to have a better relationship with God and yourself. It is selfish in a way but most who drink are very selfish people, and it stays with us . I really feel a need to write more on God, and I will throughout my life on this blog . As I said this is a journal for myself and you are welcome to read it. I am 53 now and plan to keep writing on this blog until the end of my time. God Bless Chris Hyer
Monday, February 15, 2016
Sobriety and Boredom
When I first set out to do this blog. I did it for myself to see how I either grew with AA and being sober or whatever. It was not really set up to sell things to people that come to my blog and I really was not trying to make any money off of this. I have not made money on this site anyway, even though I get like 300 hits a month, so someone is curious about me. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it is friends out there, or maybe I am helping someone that I dont know. But let me be honest with you on this blog post.
I get bored and that is why I write so much on this blog at times. I get inspired to write so I don't get boredom form being sober. Yep, I have the poor me syndrome today and for the last few months. I can't seeem to find a job in Midland, Texas and I am stuck at home most of the time, or going to AA meetings. I do not suggest that I am doing whats right. Maybe I am missing something out there. I use to drink alone and now would be the right time to start drinking cause I have nothing in my life to gain. I am really down right now, but the econopmy is down where I live also.What I am saying is I go online to look for work to send resumes out and nothing happens 70 percent of the time. It gets me down. I want to be productive, so I guess that means flipping burgers at Mcdonalds casue they are about the only p[eople in this ton that is hiring.
I dont know what to do, but drinking is not an answer..I do know that much, but the boredom I am experincing is overwhelming to me at this point in my life. I have a little money left in my savings and I can borrow , but for how long do I have to wait Lord? This is truly a shame that I am healthy and ready to do something. I made a few mistakes and did not take a couple of jobs, cause I did not want to do them. Now I regret this and paying the price. My own fault, but in reality I have never been this long out of work. It bothers the hell out of me, and my self esteem is shot..I wake up early in the morning to nothing. I am alive but for what?Damn life is just not easy.Thats all I have to say today..Chris
I get bored and that is why I write so much on this blog at times. I get inspired to write so I don't get boredom form being sober. Yep, I have the poor me syndrome today and for the last few months. I can't seeem to find a job in Midland, Texas and I am stuck at home most of the time, or going to AA meetings. I do not suggest that I am doing whats right. Maybe I am missing something out there. I use to drink alone and now would be the right time to start drinking cause I have nothing in my life to gain. I am really down right now, but the econopmy is down where I live also.What I am saying is I go online to look for work to send resumes out and nothing happens 70 percent of the time. It gets me down. I want to be productive, so I guess that means flipping burgers at Mcdonalds casue they are about the only p[eople in this ton that is hiring.
I dont know what to do, but drinking is not an answer..I do know that much, but the boredom I am experincing is overwhelming to me at this point in my life. I have a little money left in my savings and I can borrow , but for how long do I have to wait Lord? This is truly a shame that I am healthy and ready to do something. I made a few mistakes and did not take a couple of jobs, cause I did not want to do them. Now I regret this and paying the price. My own fault, but in reality I have never been this long out of work. It bothers the hell out of me, and my self esteem is shot..I wake up early in the morning to nothing. I am alive but for what?Damn life is just not easy.Thats all I have to say today..Chris
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Social Sobriety and Giving Back
One part of AA is the giving back what you have been given from the program of AA. This can be done a several of ways. Do service work ,which means chairing meetings and cleaning up the building after a large gathering of people. So instead of just getting up and leaving to go to your car, you might ask the chair person if there is something you can do to give back what was kindly given to you for your sobriety. Yes, they will look at you in a strange way, but be surprised that you even offered, as most of us after a meeting will just throw our cups away and then casually walk out of the building . Then the person that has the key to the door has to do the cleanup of the room so the next group that comes in will have a orderly room to conduct meetings.
I know , you probably are not the type of person that would do such a thing, but recently I did this and made a few new friends that I have more in common with. In AA we talk about the steps and staying sober. After AA we talk like regular people and if you need a job or seek a sponsor this is a perfect time in which to ask other members about such things.
Service wrok can entitle many aspects of what you can do to give back , but also giving of money to help operate the expenses is another way of tithing. I feeel like when I give money I am saying thank you for the group counseling and paying a small fee for helping me stay sober just makes since. No one will ask you to put money in the basket that is passed around just before a meeting is about to close. This is the 7th Tradition in which we accept no outside operating expenses and are in no debt to anyone but ourselves. So you see your home AA group is self supporting in how it is run, and if you don't like how it is run you can attend meetings once a month and make suggestions and if they are voted on and agreed then they will make adjustments to how the money is spent on a monthly or yearly basis.
AA programs have been know to use this money to sponsor people to go to quarterly mega-meetings in other towns, if you need the money. They also have used the money to send people to Treatment centers, so we graciously give back what is given to us.This is unlike any meeting you will ever come to, where things are given to you to help you with keeping your life intact. This is what happens when you do service work is you give back and in return , something always good comes back to you. It is the way a church is run in a way, but I don't know what churches do with their money. Give back today to someone less fortunate than you and live life sober today!!
I know , you probably are not the type of person that would do such a thing, but recently I did this and made a few new friends that I have more in common with. In AA we talk about the steps and staying sober. After AA we talk like regular people and if you need a job or seek a sponsor this is a perfect time in which to ask other members about such things.
Service wrok can entitle many aspects of what you can do to give back , but also giving of money to help operate the expenses is another way of tithing. I feeel like when I give money I am saying thank you for the group counseling and paying a small fee for helping me stay sober just makes since. No one will ask you to put money in the basket that is passed around just before a meeting is about to close. This is the 7th Tradition in which we accept no outside operating expenses and are in no debt to anyone but ourselves. So you see your home AA group is self supporting in how it is run, and if you don't like how it is run you can attend meetings once a month and make suggestions and if they are voted on and agreed then they will make adjustments to how the money is spent on a monthly or yearly basis.
AA programs have been know to use this money to sponsor people to go to quarterly mega-meetings in other towns, if you need the money. They also have used the money to send people to Treatment centers, so we graciously give back what is given to us.This is unlike any meeting you will ever come to, where things are given to you to help you with keeping your life intact. This is what happens when you do service work is you give back and in return , something always good comes back to you. It is the way a church is run in a way, but I don't know what churches do with their money. Give back today to someone less fortunate than you and live life sober today!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Social Sobriety Today in 2016
What exactly is social sobriety? That is a really good question, I would have to say it is meant to mean there are several human beings that believe they can socially drink and end up alcoholic and then there are the standard human being that can socially drink and put down the beer or glass and walk away from this alcoholic beverage.You can still be very social and sober and not have to worry about making a ass out of yourself . This is a good thing , is it not? How many people go to company drinking or cocktail parties and drink way too much, I would put it half of them drink to much. I don't think that is too many people to include, it does not mean they are alcoholic , however if they get pulled over after the party and get a DWI, then they just might have a legal issue or they drink way too much.
Socially speaking in a sober manner can keep you out of a lot of trouble around friends and those at bars. I think most would agree with me that staying socially sober is best for most people. You would not make the mistake of saying words that might hurt a friend and you would think before you act on a situation. It would be like asking a girl to dance out at a nightclub, I would think she would like to smell a good clean breath talking to her than a guy smelling of Whiskey and stumbling around like a fool. I could be wrong but I think I chose a good title for this blog unintentionally.
Now living sober is not the easiest way for most of us, it does get easier as the days and years move forward. I just finished a E Book on sobriety in 2016 , please purchase this and read the information. It is very conclusive on why we drink and places to get help, and places that may work better than treatment at these country club style treatment centers. There is a spiritual side to this E Book as well and why we include God into our program of alcoholics anonymous and why you don't have to include God. It is alll by choice and buying this book is by choice also.
Social Sobriety in 2016 is no different than staying sober for one more year, you could look at this as a New Years resolution. I really don't make these New Year resolutions because I think they are foolish, that is my opinion, but for the sake of this blog post I am using this metaphor. Taking the drink idea one day at a time, what does that mean. Simply ,just not drinking for 24 hours than doing all over again, and attending meetings of AA is a must, as if you get to far behind as I have at a point , you lose the grasp as to why you are staying sober, until you hear a newcomer come in and realize that this person could be yourself, then you start attending more meetings, in my case. God Bless and have a great day.
Socially speaking in a sober manner can keep you out of a lot of trouble around friends and those at bars. I think most would agree with me that staying socially sober is best for most people. You would not make the mistake of saying words that might hurt a friend and you would think before you act on a situation. It would be like asking a girl to dance out at a nightclub, I would think she would like to smell a good clean breath talking to her than a guy smelling of Whiskey and stumbling around like a fool. I could be wrong but I think I chose a good title for this blog unintentionally.
Now living sober is not the easiest way for most of us, it does get easier as the days and years move forward. I just finished a E Book on sobriety in 2016 , please purchase this and read the information. It is very conclusive on why we drink and places to get help, and places that may work better than treatment at these country club style treatment centers. There is a spiritual side to this E Book as well and why we include God into our program of alcoholics anonymous and why you don't have to include God. It is alll by choice and buying this book is by choice also.
Social Sobriety in 2016 is no different than staying sober for one more year, you could look at this as a New Years resolution. I really don't make these New Year resolutions because I think they are foolish, that is my opinion, but for the sake of this blog post I am using this metaphor. Taking the drink idea one day at a time, what does that mean. Simply ,just not drinking for 24 hours than doing all over again, and attending meetings of AA is a must, as if you get to far behind as I have at a point , you lose the grasp as to why you are staying sober, until you hear a newcomer come in and realize that this person could be yourself, then you start attending more meetings, in my case. God Bless and have a great day.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Defeating Drugs And Death a Social Sobriety E- Book Special
It is Saturday 1/23/2016 and I just returned from an AA Meeting , I am working on a another E Book that should be more conclusive to the individual person and how to combat drugs and drinking. This will come out soon. With up to date ideas and ways of controlling your urges and a list of treatment options , even free treatment centers you can get in touch with.
It is imparative that you start working on yourself today, not the next day, because you may not have another day left in you.
If you read this blog then you already are sober or thinking about being sober, or you just have an interest in what I have to say. Whatever the reason, please be on the look out for my next E Book.
Have a great day and stay sober. This is all about helping others whom might need help. Help someone or help yourself today.
It is imparative that you start working on yourself today, not the next day, because you may not have another day left in you.
If you read this blog then you already are sober or thinking about being sober, or you just have an interest in what I have to say. Whatever the reason, please be on the look out for my next E Book.
Have a great day and stay sober. This is all about helping others whom might need help. Help someone or help yourself today.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Sobriety in 2016 - Is it Possible?
Sobriety in the past few years have been a positive influence in my family and my new friends towards myself. It has been a dream come true in areas of finacial situations and the many job changes I have gone through. Usually , I would not of made it this far, which is about 8 years of sobriety up to this date on January 21st, 2016. You never know how long you may stay sober, hoever with the tools from AA, such as the steps in the Big Book of Alcohollics Anonymous all things are truly possible.
The third step prayer in the Big Book is very keen to how I live my life. For those not familiar with the third step prayer please look this up as I believe it is on page 60 right after ,"How it Works".
In starting a sober lifestyle I would have to recommend that you evaluate your situation and time in life to determine if this is in fact you. An alcoholic that desires to stay sober.
The only advice I can give to a person that is not sure if they have a drinking problem, is if you go and have one drink and end up having more than that or shut down the bar, you probably have the disease . No one can tell you how to drink nor can they control your reactions to your own problems, but suggestions from others inthe program of AA can and wil give you thier feelings towards your desired outcome from going to drink to sobriety.
I have many years of drinking alcohol and some are a blurr, but usually they ended up with me hurting not only myself but hurting others. When you hurt others with your drinking , they will let you know it, so that is another sign that possibly you may have a drinking problem.
The good news is you can stop. Nothing in this life is easy , unless you make your mind up to take the first step in Alcoholics Anonymous, and that is to believe
in a power greater than yourself can beat the drinking obsession. Once you have past step one , which is totally not drinking, then you are ready to proceed with the second step which is turning your life over to God and letting him have control over your thoughts, actions and well being.
I wrote the above a short e book that I am donating 1/2 of the sales to a local 12 step program for alcoholics and drug abusers. It is a list of statistical ratings of 2015 and the way alcoholism is headed. Written from sources I have found on the Internet dealing with the year 2015 and the problems and the issues with hard core drinking and drugs. There is a section to check if you indeed have alcoholic tendencies and information that is concerning the recovery rates and the program of AA. It is an opportunity to give back what I have been given in the case of my charge for the book, and it is quite informative. No subscription to buy this e book, just a donation of a few dollars to help other alcoholics and to keep this blog a rolling as I get quite a few visitors. The facts are in for 2015 , so take a look at them. Thank You
The third step prayer in the Big Book is very keen to how I live my life. For those not familiar with the third step prayer please look this up as I believe it is on page 60 right after ,"How it Works".
In starting a sober lifestyle I would have to recommend that you evaluate your situation and time in life to determine if this is in fact you. An alcoholic that desires to stay sober.
The only advice I can give to a person that is not sure if they have a drinking problem, is if you go and have one drink and end up having more than that or shut down the bar, you probably have the disease . No one can tell you how to drink nor can they control your reactions to your own problems, but suggestions from others inthe program of AA can and wil give you thier feelings towards your desired outcome from going to drink to sobriety.
I have many years of drinking alcohol and some are a blurr, but usually they ended up with me hurting not only myself but hurting others. When you hurt others with your drinking , they will let you know it, so that is another sign that possibly you may have a drinking problem.
The good news is you can stop. Nothing in this life is easy , unless you make your mind up to take the first step in Alcoholics Anonymous, and that is to believe
in a power greater than yourself can beat the drinking obsession. Once you have past step one , which is totally not drinking, then you are ready to proceed with the second step which is turning your life over to God and letting him have control over your thoughts, actions and well being.
I wrote the above a short e book that I am donating 1/2 of the sales to a local 12 step program for alcoholics and drug abusers. It is a list of statistical ratings of 2015 and the way alcoholism is headed. Written from sources I have found on the Internet dealing with the year 2015 and the problems and the issues with hard core drinking and drugs. There is a section to check if you indeed have alcoholic tendencies and information that is concerning the recovery rates and the program of AA. It is an opportunity to give back what I have been given in the case of my charge for the book, and it is quite informative. No subscription to buy this e book, just a donation of a few dollars to help other alcoholics and to keep this blog a rolling as I get quite a few visitors. The facts are in for 2015 , so take a look at them. Thank You
Friday, November 6, 2015
Sober Living in a Drunk Society
In Midland, Texas the highlights for most drinkers are the nights of Wednesday through Sunday morning. How do I associate these days with drunks? As a Uber part time driver that is when we get the most calls at night. The majority of the drinkers are alcoholics rather than occasional drinkers. How am I to determine this, by the repeat customers on these daily nights, and the way they act. Take and pick them up to go from one bar to the next and each time more wasted than the 1st stop I had picked them up from which is usually their house.
Society in this West Texas town is tolerant of excessive drinking, I am not sure if the oilfield has anything to do with the heavy drinking this town seems to have. I know other cities are just as bad especially those with universities. Alcoholism is a disease that is spreading among the younger crowd into their older years. Unfortunately , most would not consider themselves alcoholics until they lose a wife or husband, or some dramatic event in their life made them become locked up or homeless.
This is a destructive disease that just blows my mind as to society just accepts it. You may talk to your friends and they will most surely know of an alcoholic and it may be themselves , but hardly would one consider themselves an alcoholic, for they just drink too much. They laugh it off and don't realize the destruction they are doing to their families and themselves and society just accepts this. What is society to do about this? Nothing.Alcohol has been around for so many years that it is chic to drink and have those fancy glasses and as you look in magazines these actors have just a little bit of alcohol in their drinks and this is shown in most advertisements. Do they think we are all stupid. I mean, you buy a bottle of your favorite liquor , you damn sure are not going to put it in a little glass and sip it. I sure would not, open that sucker up and drink from the bottle and pass it around or not.
That is the thinking of a true alcoholic, and go to your nearest Restaurant and sit at the bar during lunch at 11 AM someday and watch as the bar tender is mixing several drinks together and working every minute service liquor, society accepts this as part of some peoples habits and I don't care who the Fuck you are , if Your drinking a mix drink at 11 Am you are possibly a drunk. Especially if you don't just stop at one drink and continue on through your meal and afterwards maybe put some liquor on ice cream and wash all this down with two cups of coffee so you think you are fooling the cops if you get pulled over.
Nope, that's when you call Uber in to rescue your drunk ass and take you to work!!lol...That is what Uber is all about shuffling drunks back and forth and the occasional traveler. Don't get me wrong there are sober ones that use Uber but I would have to say in where I live 75% of Uber business is from being intoxicated and now people have an excuse for getting wasted at lunch and getting back to work. This goes hand in hand with the alcoholic and the nights I pick up these fucking idiots. Yes, I use to be one of these Idiots but I grew up and realized how stupid it all was. Maybe these smart business people , with their degrees and high profile jobs that get drunk think they are above the law, and they are very sarcastic drunks. Its deplorably and disgusting to myself. However society accepts this and now they have transportation to inhibit their abusive behavior.
Society in this West Texas town is tolerant of excessive drinking, I am not sure if the oilfield has anything to do with the heavy drinking this town seems to have. I know other cities are just as bad especially those with universities. Alcoholism is a disease that is spreading among the younger crowd into their older years. Unfortunately , most would not consider themselves alcoholics until they lose a wife or husband, or some dramatic event in their life made them become locked up or homeless.
This is a destructive disease that just blows my mind as to society just accepts it. You may talk to your friends and they will most surely know of an alcoholic and it may be themselves , but hardly would one consider themselves an alcoholic, for they just drink too much. They laugh it off and don't realize the destruction they are doing to their families and themselves and society just accepts this. What is society to do about this? Nothing.Alcohol has been around for so many years that it is chic to drink and have those fancy glasses and as you look in magazines these actors have just a little bit of alcohol in their drinks and this is shown in most advertisements. Do they think we are all stupid. I mean, you buy a bottle of your favorite liquor , you damn sure are not going to put it in a little glass and sip it. I sure would not, open that sucker up and drink from the bottle and pass it around or not.
That is the thinking of a true alcoholic, and go to your nearest Restaurant and sit at the bar during lunch at 11 AM someday and watch as the bar tender is mixing several drinks together and working every minute service liquor, society accepts this as part of some peoples habits and I don't care who the Fuck you are , if Your drinking a mix drink at 11 Am you are possibly a drunk. Especially if you don't just stop at one drink and continue on through your meal and afterwards maybe put some liquor on ice cream and wash all this down with two cups of coffee so you think you are fooling the cops if you get pulled over.
Nope, that's when you call Uber in to rescue your drunk ass and take you to work!!lol...That is what Uber is all about shuffling drunks back and forth and the occasional traveler. Don't get me wrong there are sober ones that use Uber but I would have to say in where I live 75% of Uber business is from being intoxicated and now people have an excuse for getting wasted at lunch and getting back to work. This goes hand in hand with the alcoholic and the nights I pick up these fucking idiots. Yes, I use to be one of these Idiots but I grew up and realized how stupid it all was. Maybe these smart business people , with their degrees and high profile jobs that get drunk think they are above the law, and they are very sarcastic drunks. Its deplorably and disgusting to myself. However society accepts this and now they have transportation to inhibit their abusive behavior.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Depression and Sobriety: Do they conflict?
I write this blog to keep track of certain stages in my life as I live sober day to day and try to keep my head high. There are times like now, where I am questioning my outlook into the future. I have started a new franchise and it is not going very well. I have ben working PT as a Uber driver and this is fine, but not many rides lately. Therefor the money I was making has dwindled down to the point I have to borrow. I am looking for a full time job right now, not as hard as I should casue I don't know exactly what I can do.
When I was drinking almost eight years ago, wow..I had problems with getting work cause I had so many jobs I bounced to and from. They were usually white collar jobs and I learned quite a bit about interviewing and quitting. The experience from the past is now different in my present state. I lost my good paying job and I dwindled into Ebay and made a smal fortune but that was lived fast. Then I got this idea of a franchise I bought into and this is stale right now. I need advertising, and blogging has helped bring more business , however not enough to sustain a living from this new position.
I am very creative , with art, music and photography, I know how to dress the part in the role in which I decide to put myself in. I have so many talents that possibly if I focused on one of them I could make a living at one of these hobbies. I am 52 and the age thing bothers me today. I don't really look this old but it is getting harder to do a few things I use to could accomplish in my youth. I am lonely and have not even had a date in over ten years. I feel like I need a vacation from life , I seem to always be chasing jobs and money. Maybe this is the real world, but it has gotten to the point I get depressed when I am at a roadblock.
Alcohol and drugs are not the answer nor have they even entered my mind, but a solution to my problems right now have been positive cause I have stayed sober this long. I have the help when I need it now, and I don't lie about how my life is really going. I face life in a truthful manner and discuss this with my family. They seem to respect the fact that I have taken action and have not let myself get down and keep pushing forward, where back in the day I just gave up. So Sobriety and depression can go hand in hand. However there is a light at the end of my tunnel. Just not sure which way God is jerking me toward . Is it left or right? Is Chris suppose to be going on this little hayride and into the unknown again sober.
God is in my prayers for everything and everyone , and I include myself. Living life on life's term is not very easy to me at this point in my life, however, I am doing this. Fell glum and try to perk up but it is difficult as the days fly by. I am always busy looking for signs on the Internet or marketing my company. So I just dont give in and up. 10.28.2015
When I was drinking almost eight years ago, wow..I had problems with getting work cause I had so many jobs I bounced to and from. They were usually white collar jobs and I learned quite a bit about interviewing and quitting. The experience from the past is now different in my present state. I lost my good paying job and I dwindled into Ebay and made a smal fortune but that was lived fast. Then I got this idea of a franchise I bought into and this is stale right now. I need advertising, and blogging has helped bring more business , however not enough to sustain a living from this new position.
I am very creative , with art, music and photography, I know how to dress the part in the role in which I decide to put myself in. I have so many talents that possibly if I focused on one of them I could make a living at one of these hobbies. I am 52 and the age thing bothers me today. I don't really look this old but it is getting harder to do a few things I use to could accomplish in my youth. I am lonely and have not even had a date in over ten years. I feel like I need a vacation from life , I seem to always be chasing jobs and money. Maybe this is the real world, but it has gotten to the point I get depressed when I am at a roadblock.
Alcohol and drugs are not the answer nor have they even entered my mind, but a solution to my problems right now have been positive cause I have stayed sober this long. I have the help when I need it now, and I don't lie about how my life is really going. I face life in a truthful manner and discuss this with my family. They seem to respect the fact that I have taken action and have not let myself get down and keep pushing forward, where back in the day I just gave up. So Sobriety and depression can go hand in hand. However there is a light at the end of my tunnel. Just not sure which way God is jerking me toward . Is it left or right? Is Chris suppose to be going on this little hayride and into the unknown again sober.
God is in my prayers for everything and everyone , and I include myself. Living life on life's term is not very easy to me at this point in my life, however, I am doing this. Fell glum and try to perk up but it is difficult as the days fly by. I am always busy looking for signs on the Internet or marketing my company. So I just dont give in and up. 10.28.2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
New Chapter in My Life Today Sober!!
I have been researching and wondering how to make a full time business with little or no money down. I came up with an answer that I pray will work. I have decided to get into the shopping business, Yep, there is a need in my city as I have discovered by my clients I drive around in Uber and there is no one in the area doing this type of work.
I started out with a business plan and marketing , and have succeeded in grasping a hold of the money for a franchise that will enable me to get a web presence and apps for my customers. Sobriety clears the head!! It gives one a creative thought that you can act upon and deliver if persistent in staying sober and confident that you are doing the right thing to the right people.
Is that part of the drinking problem is hanging around the wrong type of person whose life was going nowhere and your also , and its an affliction to the addiction. You both have no motivation to make anything out of yourself except a drunk. I talk about AA and my sobriety when I drive for Uber, and it gets mixed reviews. I expect I don't really care, however it makes me glad when I am tired and sober at the end of my day.
I have positive thoughts now, and I grew up negative. I never thought I would amount to much but acted as though I was indefensible when I was drunk or stoned. I was lyeing to myself for so many years that I believed the lies. Those days are gone and reality has hit once more, and I have high hopes and God to back me on my new project. Keep plugging and stay sober, or get help getting sober. It really does pay off in the long term situation with families and friends..God Bless..Christopher Hyer 10.8.2015
I started out with a business plan and marketing , and have succeeded in grasping a hold of the money for a franchise that will enable me to get a web presence and apps for my customers. Sobriety clears the head!! It gives one a creative thought that you can act upon and deliver if persistent in staying sober and confident that you are doing the right thing to the right people.
Is that part of the drinking problem is hanging around the wrong type of person whose life was going nowhere and your also , and its an affliction to the addiction. You both have no motivation to make anything out of yourself except a drunk. I talk about AA and my sobriety when I drive for Uber, and it gets mixed reviews. I expect I don't really care, however it makes me glad when I am tired and sober at the end of my day.
I have positive thoughts now, and I grew up negative. I never thought I would amount to much but acted as though I was indefensible when I was drunk or stoned. I was lyeing to myself for so many years that I believed the lies. Those days are gone and reality has hit once more, and I have high hopes and God to back me on my new project. Keep plugging and stay sober, or get help getting sober. It really does pay off in the long term situation with families and friends..God Bless..Christopher Hyer 10.8.2015
Friday, November 21, 2014
Treatment Centers (Are They Needed?)
I went to a few treatment centers when I hit bottom twice in my lifetime. I have to say that for a short while alcohol and drug treatment facilities are a way to stay sober for the lenghth of time you are to stay there. You have no choice and the community in which you are in seems so unreal. The fact is that it is not real. In every day life there are bars and liquor stores all around us and the temptation to take a drink is overwhelming at times in sobriety. Treatment centers have stores, but no liquor is to be found in these places. Everyone at the treatment facility is sober or at least appear this way.
I think they are a necessity for some people who have not been sober for long in their lifetime. The success rates in staying sober just out from a treatment center is staggering at about 3-7 percent will stay sober from leaving this treatment center. Why is this? Do they not teach how to live without drinking and drugging at these centers. Not really, you are in the now when you are locked up in a center, and the only contacts are with dried up drunks and counselors who have years of sobriety.
I have been to so many treatment centers and psychiatric places that I dould not sit down and tell you how many. Thats pretty damn bad, I know. I have almost 6 years of sober time now and the last 30 years of drinking really screwed me up with my past. The cool thing is , I have a life now that I would not trade for any drink or drug. That is the goal of one whom has been in and out of the treatment centers, or at least for me. I got sick and tired of seeeing sick and tired people, at these places. Yeas , I was one of them and had been homeless at least two times in my lifetime.
I guess I bring this up to remind myself of what I do not want to repeat in my life. The obsession to drink and smoke weeed has been taken away. What does that mean , you might ask? It means I know where it will take me if I decide to go back and start drinking again. I know the drill, so to speak and I don't want to fall back like so many people do. Until the goverment realizes that addiction is killing us off, and that alcohol is a disease that threatens their sons, and daughters. The viscous cycle will continue too endeavor and engulf people from now on. God Bless Happy Turkey Day..
I think they are a necessity for some people who have not been sober for long in their lifetime. The success rates in staying sober just out from a treatment center is staggering at about 3-7 percent will stay sober from leaving this treatment center. Why is this? Do they not teach how to live without drinking and drugging at these centers. Not really, you are in the now when you are locked up in a center, and the only contacts are with dried up drunks and counselors who have years of sobriety.
I have been to so many treatment centers and psychiatric places that I dould not sit down and tell you how many. Thats pretty damn bad, I know. I have almost 6 years of sober time now and the last 30 years of drinking really screwed me up with my past. The cool thing is , I have a life now that I would not trade for any drink or drug. That is the goal of one whom has been in and out of the treatment centers, or at least for me. I got sick and tired of seeeing sick and tired people, at these places. Yeas , I was one of them and had been homeless at least two times in my lifetime.
I guess I bring this up to remind myself of what I do not want to repeat in my life. The obsession to drink and smoke weeed has been taken away. What does that mean , you might ask? It means I know where it will take me if I decide to go back and start drinking again. I know the drill, so to speak and I don't want to fall back like so many people do. Until the goverment realizes that addiction is killing us off, and that alcohol is a disease that threatens their sons, and daughters. The viscous cycle will continue too endeavor and engulf people from now on. God Bless Happy Turkey Day..
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Chair Person For an AA Meeting
It's Saturday and I am the chairperson for my group . The 12 Step group of Midland, Texas/ Come out if you are from here or visiting the area. It is at 207 N. Midkiff Dr. and it is a small group. Usually have about 4 to 10 people show up. It is good to be a chair person for the Saturday morning group . It brings a beginning to the day of staying on track with what life is all about. I really like the first three steps and I practice them daily in my life, but we work on these on Saturday morning. I always learn more each Saturday than the last.
It is good to do service work at an AA group , it makes you seem worthwhile , while maybe helping out one or two new people also. I highly recommend that you do this type of service work if invoved in AA. It will bring out the shyness in you and concentrate on why you really are there. To help yourself and others that wake up early on Saturday morning to get thier dose of words.The Saturday meeting is at 10 am to 11 am so try to come if able..God Bless..Chris
It is good to do service work at an AA group , it makes you seem worthwhile , while maybe helping out one or two new people also. I highly recommend that you do this type of service work if invoved in AA. It will bring out the shyness in you and concentrate on why you really are there. To help yourself and others that wake up early on Saturday morning to get thier dose of words.The Saturday meeting is at 10 am to 11 am so try to come if able..God Bless..Chris
Thursday, September 4, 2014
A Dog in Sobriety
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My New Puppy,"Abbey"09/04/2014 |
It takes patience and sometimes I run short of this. It takes love and I am full of love for my dog. I have to be in California for a week this month and I dread having to take her to the kennel, I love her so much and don't want her to think I just left her. However, I give her up to God and I let life keep on happening and I will be ok as she will.It is a humbling experience to own a dog and make sure she is fed and is kept healthy and trained. Responsibility is the utmost importance with my puppy.I would not of taken care of a dog years ago. This puppy folows me everywhere and is so smart, I am grateful for my girl. Sobriety brings about many different avenues in our lives and this is one of those times where it really pays off in loving one another.
Have a good day and God bless you on your journey as it can get rocky , yet trust in God and your day will be ok. I know this as I live this way every day. Pray for his forgiveness and you will be forgiven. Sins are always there for us to initiate and God willing he will forgive these sins if we ask. Living sober has its benefits and having a puppy is one of them.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Chris Raymer Comes To Midland, Texas
Ladies and Gentlemen Chris Raymer is coming to Midland, Texas as per this PDAP flyer sent to me from my sponsor. This sought after speaker is an International AA speaker Guru, who tells it likke it is about the AA program. The strengths of the 12 steps and hopes of millions of people in this program Internationally. I was blessed to hear him at La Hacienda Treatment Center in Hunt , Texas. He has moved on to another South Texas Rehab Facility now, but continues with his ongoing fight against the disease of Alcoholism. He is the founder of the "Issue Man", and has a word or two about sponsoring that will make you love him or not. HE is a character with strength and will be joyfully welcome to this area of West Texas. He is originally from West Texas and for him to make a stop in Midland, Texas is such a pleasure for us all in the area. Please book your plane tickets to MAF for this occasion as you do not want to miss out on this..Christopher Hyer
Monday, July 29, 2013
Good Monday Morning
Well the sun is out and the birds are chirping and , we are all alive. This is a good deal , right? God grant us the serenity to do the things we need to do. I have a lot of things to acomplish toda
y. I had a rough week last week and this week will be ok starting with today. I was lucky enough to have an interview inperson and over the phone with a large corporation last friday. I am looking at a very good position with a manufacturer this afternoon. I have the qualifications and I will be working mostly by myself. I will have to travel to Chicago, Huntington Beach, and Atlanta on occasion. SO this would be nice . When things get tough, and you hang in there like I have been, good things seem to happen. I call them miracles. God miracles.
I am feeling pretty secure with what this fellow has to offer me in the way of work today. I hope he decides to take me on. I will pray about it, and hopefully it will come true. I will not know until this afternoon. I met a girl from Silsbee, Texas online and she is a doll. I don't know what to think about her, though. She is quite young and beautiful, and she and I talked all weekend. There is a part of me that just wants to marry this girl and go from there, but I need a job first and then we will see about a relationship.
In a way I am tired of being alone, I am not really lonely but to have a special girl with me at all times, is not heard of. It has been over 16 years since I have been married. This girl I speak of is half my age and mature, but this could be an issue. I like them young, and spunky as this keeps me feeling young. If I still attract this type of women , why not go for it. Go ahead and make her a part of my life. I don't care what people would say, I would love her anyway. We will see how this week goes I guess, sorry for the rambling. Have a good day..Christopher
y. I had a rough week last week and this week will be ok starting with today. I was lucky enough to have an interview inperson and over the phone with a large corporation last friday. I am looking at a very good position with a manufacturer this afternoon. I have the qualifications and I will be working mostly by myself. I will have to travel to Chicago, Huntington Beach, and Atlanta on occasion. SO this would be nice . When things get tough, and you hang in there like I have been, good things seem to happen. I call them miracles. God miracles.
I am feeling pretty secure with what this fellow has to offer me in the way of work today. I hope he decides to take me on. I will pray about it, and hopefully it will come true. I will not know until this afternoon. I met a girl from Silsbee, Texas online and she is a doll. I don't know what to think about her, though. She is quite young and beautiful, and she and I talked all weekend. There is a part of me that just wants to marry this girl and go from there, but I need a job first and then we will see about a relationship.
In a way I am tired of being alone, I am not really lonely but to have a special girl with me at all times, is not heard of. It has been over 16 years since I have been married. This girl I speak of is half my age and mature, but this could be an issue. I like them young, and spunky as this keeps me feeling young. If I still attract this type of women , why not go for it. Go ahead and make her a part of my life. I don't care what people would say, I would love her anyway. We will see how this week goes I guess, sorry for the rambling. Have a good day..Christopher
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Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal
I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...
It's been nine years since I have taken a drink of alcohol, and I have to say that a holiday without alcohol is ok with me. After the fi...
I am perfect by no means. What I am going to point out to myself on here is that yes, I have addiction problems. I'm addicted to sex, ga...
It is Friday the 26th of February and the weekend is upon us again. This just goes round and round with me. One day just leads into another ...