AA is a word for alcoholics anonymous, which is a group of people from all walks of life. There are homeless, lawyers, executives, fast food workers,and everyday people. They come to AA to learn how to live life sober. Most are sober when they come, but there are times when one is not sober and they are welcome to come in as well. Our mission is not of a cult or religious one. We strive to help the other alcoholic who still surfers from the disease of alcoholism. Yes, it is a disease that some people with a chemical makeup cannot control , even the first drink. They continue drinking until they pass out or black out. That is the extreme , there are also people that just cannot control thier drinking and need help , moral help in stopping. This is what AA is. A place to stop and get your senses straight just for one hour at a time. The goal is to treat the drinking alcoholic for 24 hours of sobriety if they come into a meeting and really want the help.
However , one must ask for help. Without asking, you will go un-noticed and possibly be passed by the crowd in AA. There is nothing like making a fool of your self in AA. Some of us have come to AA meetings just after having drank alcohol, and sat through meetings and then were directed as to what we could do to stay sober for 24 hours, and some are refered to treatment centers , and there is money in some groups that will help with your expenses to get this help.
So AA is a caring group of spiritual people that each speak and discuss thier week or life and try to find some type of relief. Come in and join us, even if you are curious. We will not ask anything from you , and you do not even have to talk. Just come to listen to former alcoholics to seee if maybe you are one..Have a great Day!!Chris
PS. La Hacienda will have Chris Raymer speaking this May in Hunt, County in Kerrville, Texas for their alumni meeting..Please come to listen to this man. He is pasionate about what he speaks and very good at what he says!!
Living in a world of sober people and not so sober. A place for my interest in sobriety and how it affects life
Showing posts with label Chris Raymer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chris Raymer. Show all posts
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Thursday, October 8, 2015
New Chapter in My Life Today Sober!!
I have been researching and wondering how to make a full time business with little or no money down. I came up with an answer that I pray will work. I have decided to get into the shopping business, Yep, there is a need in my city as I have discovered by my clients I drive around in Uber and there is no one in the area doing this type of work.
I started out with a business plan and marketing , and have succeeded in grasping a hold of the money for a franchise that will enable me to get a web presence and apps for my customers. Sobriety clears the head!! It gives one a creative thought that you can act upon and deliver if persistent in staying sober and confident that you are doing the right thing to the right people.
Is that part of the drinking problem is hanging around the wrong type of person whose life was going nowhere and your also , and its an affliction to the addiction. You both have no motivation to make anything out of yourself except a drunk. I talk about AA and my sobriety when I drive for Uber, and it gets mixed reviews. I expect I don't really care, however it makes me glad when I am tired and sober at the end of my day.
I have positive thoughts now, and I grew up negative. I never thought I would amount to much but acted as though I was indefensible when I was drunk or stoned. I was lyeing to myself for so many years that I believed the lies. Those days are gone and reality has hit once more, and I have high hopes and God to back me on my new project. Keep plugging and stay sober, or get help getting sober. It really does pay off in the long term situation with families and friends..God Bless..Christopher Hyer 10.8.2015
I started out with a business plan and marketing , and have succeeded in grasping a hold of the money for a franchise that will enable me to get a web presence and apps for my customers. Sobriety clears the head!! It gives one a creative thought that you can act upon and deliver if persistent in staying sober and confident that you are doing the right thing to the right people.
Is that part of the drinking problem is hanging around the wrong type of person whose life was going nowhere and your also , and its an affliction to the addiction. You both have no motivation to make anything out of yourself except a drunk. I talk about AA and my sobriety when I drive for Uber, and it gets mixed reviews. I expect I don't really care, however it makes me glad when I am tired and sober at the end of my day.
I have positive thoughts now, and I grew up negative. I never thought I would amount to much but acted as though I was indefensible when I was drunk or stoned. I was lyeing to myself for so many years that I believed the lies. Those days are gone and reality has hit once more, and I have high hopes and God to back me on my new project. Keep plugging and stay sober, or get help getting sober. It really does pay off in the long term situation with families and friends..God Bless..Christopher Hyer 10.8.2015
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Uber Time For this Fellow Alcoholic
I have a little more spare time with losing my job or do I? I have been driving for Uber and making decent money to pay my bills in the West Texas area. Where there is a will and a way you can find your answers by praying for God and to him. As a recovering alcoholic I find that my work with Uber has been humbling from the start. It is really a cool job , except for all the down time that I have no calls. However if you work it or stay on the App for long enough each and every day , I am making a little more money than I was with my last company.
Is this wonderful that I can leave my former job and find money driving my car, and actuallly make my bills? I think miracles from God come in many shapes and sizes. For my case I get to attend more AA meetings and have more free time, and yet I am working probably harder now then ever. How do I mean by this?
I have started to think of ways to make a living where I am in control..Hahah..Sounds familiar to the alcoholic that has recovered, but in reality God is in control of my thoughts of self-employment. I have decided to start a need for a shopping service in Midland , Texas and there is no compitition in this market. I have found a template to work with and have made a business plan, ( which I would of never done if drinking), and things seem to add up just right. Will it be easy, no .However anything that is easy reaps no benefits and I am aware of this with my seven years of sobriety. I am not really counting the years of being sober, but brought that up to show those of you how one's mind can be straighten up and clear as to seing new objectives coming my way.
With Uber I do 12 step work in helping people that have drank too much get home safe and no in trouble with the law and get paid for this, What a deal this is and it bothers me not one bit at all. Of course this is temporary but the money and people are all good. This is a God send for people out of work with a newer vehicle to use this platform in a way to make money. You also meet some reallly nice people in the world this way. Sober ones and not so sober ones.
Do I preach Aa? Yes and no, I explain I am a recovered alcoholic and some wonder how to stop. I explain how I did, and answer any questions someone may have. It is a great feeling to be a rescue of sorts to others whom are strangers...
In the long run if I was not sober right this minute I would be a wreck!! No doubt about this, however I have learned how to forgive and forget the bad. I have learned how to ove those that my or may not like me. I seem to shine when I have a new rider with me and I always have something to ask them. I am curious as to what they do and why they do what they do. I try not to ask to many questions and the drunks are some of the nicest people I have met. Most just slur thier words but I have to give them credit for not being stupid and driving. It's funny how I can not relate to most of them, cause I would of driven my car where these smart social drinkers take Uber instead cause they know the consequences of driving while having too much to drink, I give them dredit for responsibility to thier selves and others.
I am no saint I just try to live by the 12 steps in AA and I try to adhere to most of them throughout my daily grind of driving and waiting. I am treated with respect and did not know that would happen. Maybe I bring something to these people that ride with me. I know when they smile they are comfortable with me as a driver and friend for just a few minutes and this is rewarding. Humbling oneself is very good for the soul and I am doing just that. I am not at home complaining that things are not going my way they are going in a direction I would of not picked if I were stilll using. Only those with sobrioty can understand what I must be talking about. Sober life is a good life and even though there are trials and situations I do not agree with they flutter off my shoulder and I rest in peace while I go through the day. Remeber this is not for you, this is for my self, I am selfish but I am loveable and a great man. I have become this though the program of AA and those that love me , yes even my family see I am doing something with my life and loving Chris for what he is doing. This would not be true if I was to start drinking again. So onward with sobriety and through the fog I see the light and it is good..God Bless Christopher Hyer
Is this wonderful that I can leave my former job and find money driving my car, and actuallly make my bills? I think miracles from God come in many shapes and sizes. For my case I get to attend more AA meetings and have more free time, and yet I am working probably harder now then ever. How do I mean by this?
I have started to think of ways to make a living where I am in control..Hahah..Sounds familiar to the alcoholic that has recovered, but in reality God is in control of my thoughts of self-employment. I have decided to start a need for a shopping service in Midland , Texas and there is no compitition in this market. I have found a template to work with and have made a business plan, ( which I would of never done if drinking), and things seem to add up just right. Will it be easy, no .However anything that is easy reaps no benefits and I am aware of this with my seven years of sobriety. I am not really counting the years of being sober, but brought that up to show those of you how one's mind can be straighten up and clear as to seing new objectives coming my way.
With Uber I do 12 step work in helping people that have drank too much get home safe and no in trouble with the law and get paid for this, What a deal this is and it bothers me not one bit at all. Of course this is temporary but the money and people are all good. This is a God send for people out of work with a newer vehicle to use this platform in a way to make money. You also meet some reallly nice people in the world this way. Sober ones and not so sober ones.
Do I preach Aa? Yes and no, I explain I am a recovered alcoholic and some wonder how to stop. I explain how I did, and answer any questions someone may have. It is a great feeling to be a rescue of sorts to others whom are strangers...
In the long run if I was not sober right this minute I would be a wreck!! No doubt about this, however I have learned how to forgive and forget the bad. I have learned how to ove those that my or may not like me. I seem to shine when I have a new rider with me and I always have something to ask them. I am curious as to what they do and why they do what they do. I try not to ask to many questions and the drunks are some of the nicest people I have met. Most just slur thier words but I have to give them credit for not being stupid and driving. It's funny how I can not relate to most of them, cause I would of driven my car where these smart social drinkers take Uber instead cause they know the consequences of driving while having too much to drink, I give them dredit for responsibility to thier selves and others.
I am no saint I just try to live by the 12 steps in AA and I try to adhere to most of them throughout my daily grind of driving and waiting. I am treated with respect and did not know that would happen. Maybe I bring something to these people that ride with me. I know when they smile they are comfortable with me as a driver and friend for just a few minutes and this is rewarding. Humbling oneself is very good for the soul and I am doing just that. I am not at home complaining that things are not going my way they are going in a direction I would of not picked if I were stilll using. Only those with sobrioty can understand what I must be talking about. Sober life is a good life and even though there are trials and situations I do not agree with they flutter off my shoulder and I rest in peace while I go through the day. Remeber this is not for you, this is for my self, I am selfish but I am loveable and a great man. I have become this though the program of AA and those that love me , yes even my family see I am doing something with my life and loving Chris for what he is doing. This would not be true if I was to start drinking again. So onward with sobriety and through the fog I see the light and it is good..God Bless Christopher Hyer
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Still Sober after SIx Years!! How and Why of it?
I have not posted to this blog in a while and I decided to write a little bit in this sobriety blog. I have now over six years of sobriety and I feel just fine. It is something that confuses me when I go to AA and some guy blurts out ,"I have 667 days and 12 hours of sobriety"..Well that is fine and I am glad he does not think about his sobriety hourly..lol..However, we are all different, and for me it has become a part of my life.I don't think about it much at all, I just don't drink and I go to AA for reasons that I would say is my therapy.
You have to chose the right group for yourself. There are small groups and then there are the large ones. I prefer both, but I mostly go to a small group in Midland, Texas. It's called the 12 step group and there are quality people in my group with long term and short term sobriety. There has been a few I have met that have stayed sober and then one night have died from drinking again. So this disease can strike and kill at anytime you let up on it.
The How and Why of my sobriety is just I have a better life. It is more organized and I have daily rituals I go through in order to stay sober. These include reading the Bible, to reading the Big Book. I always get something out of both books and apply it to my day. It works and I have also started using hypnotism for a calming affect in my life. It is more of meditation than anything, and it works , if you want it to. Just like AA and what they stand for, You have to have an open mind. You have to believe in a higher power and I chose God as I know no other higher power than him.
It is July 2014 today and I feel better than I should. I have a meeting I go to on Thursday night, its called the La Hacienda out care group. It is therapy for me in this group as we go around the table and discuss how our week went. Each person contributes a little bit of their life story. You really get to make some close friends in this type of atmosphere. Its a small group of about 10 people, and it is a shame because it is a aftercare group for people coming out of treatment from La Hacienda Treatment Center in Hunt , Texas..
There are a lot of drunks in Midland, Texas and I am sure there are where you are from. The oilfield has several rough , and angry workers. They work long hours and make gobs of money and spend it on drugs and booze. Most in the oil field that work on drilling rigs are ex-cons. So , that is not to say they are bad people, just pretty damn rough around the edges, and I am glad I don't work around them. God willing this place will slow down a bit , as there are so many people in this town because of the oil boom we have. Prices are high for housing , if you can find any. The groceries are high and the gas for cars is high. This place will bust someday as it has boomed and dried up many times. Yet those who are not aware of this, will greatly be dissapoited when the boom stops.
Oh well, just checking in on my blog. Be safe and God be with you!!!
You have to chose the right group for yourself. There are small groups and then there are the large ones. I prefer both, but I mostly go to a small group in Midland, Texas. It's called the 12 step group and there are quality people in my group with long term and short term sobriety. There has been a few I have met that have stayed sober and then one night have died from drinking again. So this disease can strike and kill at anytime you let up on it.
The How and Why of my sobriety is just I have a better life. It is more organized and I have daily rituals I go through in order to stay sober. These include reading the Bible, to reading the Big Book. I always get something out of both books and apply it to my day. It works and I have also started using hypnotism for a calming affect in my life. It is more of meditation than anything, and it works , if you want it to. Just like AA and what they stand for, You have to have an open mind. You have to believe in a higher power and I chose God as I know no other higher power than him.
It is July 2014 today and I feel better than I should. I have a meeting I go to on Thursday night, its called the La Hacienda out care group. It is therapy for me in this group as we go around the table and discuss how our week went. Each person contributes a little bit of their life story. You really get to make some close friends in this type of atmosphere. Its a small group of about 10 people, and it is a shame because it is a aftercare group for people coming out of treatment from La Hacienda Treatment Center in Hunt , Texas..
There are a lot of drunks in Midland, Texas and I am sure there are where you are from. The oilfield has several rough , and angry workers. They work long hours and make gobs of money and spend it on drugs and booze. Most in the oil field that work on drilling rigs are ex-cons. So , that is not to say they are bad people, just pretty damn rough around the edges, and I am glad I don't work around them. God willing this place will slow down a bit , as there are so many people in this town because of the oil boom we have. Prices are high for housing , if you can find any. The groceries are high and the gas for cars is high. This place will bust someday as it has boomed and dried up many times. Yet those who are not aware of this, will greatly be dissapoited when the boom stops.
Oh well, just checking in on my blog. Be safe and God be with you!!!
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Sober in a Alcoholic Society
Staying sober in a alcoholic society is key. There are beer ads and liquor ads that strike at us at all directions. The media is to blame and so are the companies that promote what they sell. They have a right to create a mass of media to sell their products , but to what extent? Your children and mine are affected by the ads that are on Bill boards in your city as well as mine. Every picture shows people having a god time and a bottle of their favorite drink next to them. Is this to assume that if I don't drink your product that I am to be unhappy and boring?
The society that we live in tolerate alcohol and the alcoholic, that is out of control. You have friends that drink too much , as I have them. Do we tell them, I don't unless they ask. I will be upfront and chose words that are not of an AA nature possibly. We were all there at one point in our lives. Could not put the beer down and when we did, we went and grab the car keys and made sure our breath was not smelling like liquor , just to go buy more liquor. The insanity of our alcoholism, is so obvious when you think back of how it use to be drinking.
Society and friends think that it's normal to drink. It is widespread throughout the world. To celebrate any holiday, we drink. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Joyous occasions are celebrated with alcohol. Every day of the week was a holiday for me , I would have to say. It was not a fun holiday in the end. It was off to the races , when I was coming down from a drinking binge. Back to the local store where they knew me by name and what I drank. I was special to this store owner!!
Friends , that I would call after catching a slight buzz would know right off that I was drunk when I phoned them. It was normal for them to cut me off when I spoke to some of my family members and close friends. I was a closet drinker and did not go driving around and drinking. I might get another DWI, so I thought I was smart in not driving and just drinking at home. I was alone and getting lonelier. It is heart breaking when I think about it, so I try not to think about the bad times. There were so many towards the end of my drinking though, it is hard not to forget..
Social outcast as I was, and not blending in with social drinkers was me. In fact, when I had to meet business associates for a drink out, I would not drink alcohol, because I knew I would not stop at one glass. I would drink soda water with lime , like I do now all the time. I used my head when I
did drink , and then I did not. After a while the body gives out from so much alcohol, and starts to kill you. Your liver goes bad, and you have to heal or you die.
This is the reality of being sober in an alcoholic society!! For some people and I am talking into the millions in the USA, alcohol is killing us. I am sure you can think of one or two people right this minute that is alcoholic and you can't do a thing about it. He has to change, not you changing him. That is where our thinking has to change in society. There is a cure for this disease and its rather simple. It just takes stopping that first drink and for long you will be a sober individual, with a life better than you had ever in your life... Christopher Hyer 6.7.2014
Photos By Christopher Hyer |
Society and friends think that it's normal to drink. It is widespread throughout the world. To celebrate any holiday, we drink. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Joyous occasions are celebrated with alcohol. Every day of the week was a holiday for me , I would have to say. It was not a fun holiday in the end. It was off to the races , when I was coming down from a drinking binge. Back to the local store where they knew me by name and what I drank. I was special to this store owner!!
Friends , that I would call after catching a slight buzz would know right off that I was drunk when I phoned them. It was normal for them to cut me off when I spoke to some of my family members and close friends. I was a closet drinker and did not go driving around and drinking. I might get another DWI, so I thought I was smart in not driving and just drinking at home. I was alone and getting lonelier. It is heart breaking when I think about it, so I try not to think about the bad times. There were so many towards the end of my drinking though, it is hard not to forget..
Social outcast as I was, and not blending in with social drinkers was me. In fact, when I had to meet business associates for a drink out, I would not drink alcohol, because I knew I would not stop at one glass. I would drink soda water with lime , like I do now all the time. I used my head when I
did drink , and then I did not. After a while the body gives out from so much alcohol, and starts to kill you. Your liver goes bad, and you have to heal or you die.
Photo By Christopher Hyer |
This is the reality of being sober in an alcoholic society!! For some people and I am talking into the millions in the USA, alcohol is killing us. I am sure you can think of one or two people right this minute that is alcoholic and you can't do a thing about it. He has to change, not you changing him. That is where our thinking has to change in society. There is a cure for this disease and its rather simple. It just takes stopping that first drink and for long you will be a sober individual, with a life better than you had ever in your life... Christopher Hyer 6.7.2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
Five Years as of This Month , Sober
I have not kept up with this blog on Sobriety and I will try to keep it going since there are people reading it.As of this writing , I will receive my 5 year chip for sober living on Tuesday night. It is a bigger deal than I first thought. I have for the last year been granted a great job in which I get to travel. I have a healthy son that is a non drinker and non smoker and he is 20, I have been blessed with a new house that was given to me by my mother, I have a daily routine, which I never had before sobering up. I pray constantly and my prayers are answered in a way I can't really put my finger on.
God has given me everything I could possibly need in life , and God either is or is not. He is the main reason for my success and I have to say AA also has improved my thought patterns about people and life. Watching the new comer come in all strung out with no hope. That is the real deal with AA is helping those with no hope as I was one of these. They really don't seeem to get it, but a couple will stay around and sober up out of 30 people that come to my group , which is called the 12 Step Group of Midland, Texas.
The AA group I go to has a low attendance and I seem to like it that way. Every one has their preference, and I go every Thursday and Saturday to this group. It is on my schedule to do this and I don't even think twice about it. It has become habit to me and a good one at that. You learn that your problems may not be as big as you think when attending an AA meeting, and then you might just go away in a pink cloud, and happy that you went. That to me, is the spiritual side of AA, the God miracle working in our group as maybe in your group.
I have chaired meetings the last few months and enjoy doing this. If my sponsor ask me to do this , I automatically will. There is something to be said about relationships with others in AA that are staying sober, you can trust them. People that you would of past and not look back at, now are respectable citizens with jobs and family.
My family is not very close, however since I have cleaned up they have become closer. My mother and I were so far apart when I was drinking that we never really knew each other. Now I have the deepest respect for her and my brothers and sister, that are in my family. My father on the other hand still drinks quite a bit, and God Bless him, and I hope he lives out a good life. I still have lunches with my father at the bar of a local restaurant. It bothers me none that he drinks wine consist
ently while chatting to me, and I don't bug him about his drinking. He is 78 years old and has a few DWI's and knows what he is into if he gets caught. It is his life and I can't tell him what to do. He is wealthy and thinks he can buy his self out of this. I just pray he does not hurt anyone, or he could not live with himself.
On a positive note, Life is good, and it is not easy being single in this town I live in. I am making the best of it the only way I know how, is to not take a drink. That's it!!!Really once you stop and stay stopped, life gets better, but it takes time. I am living proof of this. Have a good day, I know I will. Christopher Hyer
Don't be caught in this!!lol |
The AA group I go to has a low attendance and I seem to like it that way. Every one has their preference, and I go every Thursday and Saturday to this group. It is on my schedule to do this and I don't even think twice about it. It has become habit to me and a good one at that. You learn that your problems may not be as big as you think when attending an AA meeting, and then you might just go away in a pink cloud, and happy that you went. That to me, is the spiritual side of AA, the God miracle working in our group as maybe in your group.
I have chaired meetings the last few months and enjoy doing this. If my sponsor ask me to do this , I automatically will. There is something to be said about relationships with others in AA that are staying sober, you can trust them. People that you would of past and not look back at, now are respectable citizens with jobs and family.
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Marfa , Texas |
ently while chatting to me, and I don't bug him about his drinking. He is 78 years old and has a few DWI's and knows what he is into if he gets caught. It is his life and I can't tell him what to do. He is wealthy and thinks he can buy his self out of this. I just pray he does not hurt anyone, or he could not live with himself.
On a positive note, Life is good, and it is not easy being single in this town I live in. I am making the best of it the only way I know how, is to not take a drink. That's it!!!Really once you stop and stay stopped, life gets better, but it takes time. I am living proof of this. Have a good day, I know I will. Christopher Hyer
Friday, May 2, 2014
Alcoholics and Denver Colorado
The legalization of marijuana in the Colorado area had me wondering the other day. I was thinking how nice it would be to go to the store and pick out my dope by flavor. How nice that would be. I don't smoke pot anymore, it has been 5 years since May 2009 since I have smoked. I am an alcoholic though, and a drug addict that has recovered, or have I.
When you think of legalized pot, like in Colorado. It has me thinking how nice it would be to go back to smoking pot. However it would trigger my drinking a beer with smoking, so that would not work.
The same old sick thinking starts to creep in when they legalize stuff like this. Its like going to your local convience store and picking your drug of choice , beer, pot, whatever else they sell.It makes it hard on some of us that live to stay sober ,and stay sober to live. It is a choice of your own.
Anyway had to throw that comment in there. I wonder if there is pot smoke all around the place in Colorado? I might have to visit, but it is like a gambler with gambling problems and going to Vegas. Could this hurt Colorado, by legalizing Pot? I doubt it so many people smoke it. Just m,y thought for the day. Have a great day and God bless...
When you think of legalized pot, like in Colorado. It has me thinking how nice it would be to go back to smoking pot. However it would trigger my drinking a beer with smoking, so that would not work.
The same old sick thinking starts to creep in when they legalize stuff like this. Its like going to your local convience store and picking your drug of choice , beer, pot, whatever else they sell.It makes it hard on some of us that live to stay sober ,and stay sober to live. It is a choice of your own.
Anyway had to throw that comment in there. I wonder if there is pot smoke all around the place in Colorado? I might have to visit, but it is like a gambler with gambling problems and going to Vegas. Could this hurt Colorado, by legalizing Pot? I doubt it so many people smoke it. Just m,y thought for the day. Have a great day and God bless...
Friday, September 20, 2013
Moving On With Living
Well, Chris Raymer was here in Midland on the 13th of September and he was full of words. Very good words , indeed. He speaks from his soul and he was expected to . He is a delightful fellow , and was presented with an award from PDAP , which sponsored this event.
Now it is time to move forward with our daily life and plan for being recovered. It is a rocky road for some of us to take . However , it is full of miracles if we let God take over our lives and let him into the daily living we do. I have been just fine and live day to day , and work hard each day at my job, not taking shortcuts, but installing all I can learn.
I get to travel to Chicago, Atlanta, California and Texas with this job I do, and this will be fulfilling and a challenge. I even had to break down and buy me one of those roller suitcases so I could move with the flow in the airports. I have not traveled much in the last few years, so I have some fears. I have handed these over to God and he will take care of them. I do look forward to the travel as I have not been to some of these places. I get paid very good to go to these places and even get paid for my time in travel. I should be so lucky, huh?
Well, I have not abandon this site, I have just been very busy, I pray that those that read this blog are trying to get sober or getting an insight into sobriety and learning to go to AA and believe in God. Those are things I still do . I pray each morning for a good day and the health of everyone. I also ask for a great day each and every day for not only myself but for those I do not know and those I do. It is a peacefulness that will come over you during the day when things go wrong and I remeber that God is trying to tell me something. God Bless..Chris
By Christopher Hyer |
I get to travel to Chicago, Atlanta, California and Texas with this job I do, and this will be fulfilling and a challenge. I even had to break down and buy me one of those roller suitcases so I could move with the flow in the airports. I have not traveled much in the last few years, so I have some fears. I have handed these over to God and he will take care of them. I do look forward to the travel as I have not been to some of these places. I get paid very good to go to these places and even get paid for my time in travel. I should be so lucky, huh?
Well, I have not abandon this site, I have just been very busy, I pray that those that read this blog are trying to get sober or getting an insight into sobriety and learning to go to AA and believe in God. Those are things I still do . I pray each morning for a good day and the health of everyone. I also ask for a great day each and every day for not only myself but for those I do not know and those I do. It is a peacefulness that will come over you during the day when things go wrong and I remeber that God is trying to tell me something. God Bless..Chris
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Friday the 13th, ( Actually Chris Raymer Day in Midland, Texas)
As we head into the week of September 2013 , Midland , Texas and PDAP are welcoming Chris Raymer back into the Permian Basin area to speak. This man is a god given talent to all whom are able to attend this meeting on Friday September the 13th at 6 pm at PDAP in Midland, Texas.
I am curious as to how large or small the crowd will be, the announcement has been around the AA meetings in Odessa and Midland for about two months. He has affected those of us who went to La Hacienda , and where he use to work as a clerk, ( I believe), and a speaker about the issue man or spiritual malady that is inside each and every one of us. During his circuit speeches he does not talk about the spiritual malady , as he did at the Hunt alcohol and drug treatment center and I would like it if he would. It is a great topic, yet he has his own speech already prepared I am sure.
Chris R. is a spiritual person that is passionate about human beings . He is concerned about topics that are not touched on in AA groups and is sometimes frowned upon by the AA circuit gurus. As it may be , his message is real , and he is the real McCoy in this alcohol battle we all have and his presence will be felt once you meet him. Please make a point to come and hear this man speak , and you will have a new outlook on life. God Bless. Christopher
Chris R. is a spiritual person that is passionate about human beings . He is concerned about topics that are not touched on in AA groups and is sometimes frowned upon by the AA circuit gurus. As it may be , his message is real , and he is the real McCoy in this alcohol battle we all have and his presence will be felt once you meet him. Please make a point to come and hear this man speak , and you will have a new outlook on life. God Bless. Christopher
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Chris Raymer and AA Speakers
There are a lot of circuit AA speakers who fly all around the world, helping those that need guidance with the disease of alcoholism. Chris Raymer of Hunt, Texas is one of these guys. He is sometimes called the "One eyed bandit" joyfully so. He is on a mission, and his mission includes all those affected with alcohol in one way or another. When I was in treatment at La Hacienda this man spoke to us everyday. I was in such a daze that I only was able to conceive some of his message. He is very out there and out spoken , he gets his point across. He has the idea that we are not doing enough as a whole in helping the newcomer beat his addiction. He will tell you that AA in some cities will not even crack open a Big Book in their meetings, and he is right. The AA and the group as a whole should use this material , because it works. He has been to so many places and witness too many deaths in his lifetime of sobriety.
Chris R. story is not the typical one. His indeed is different as we all are. He did not recover from this disease this last time at a alcohol and drug treatment facility. He went to an AA meeting in Lewisville, Texas on his last draw with drugs and drinking. He really wanted what these people in AA had, and made the effort. He was taken in by some old timers at the AA club and put to work on the steps immediately. Those who wanted Chris to stay sober knew just what to do to give him a chance in sobriety, because all had failed in what Chris tried. He was willing to do what it took, reluctantly at first, yet building a foundation that he lives by today.
Focusing on the 12th step and helping other alcoholics maintain their sobriety is a passion for this man. It should be the passion of all of us. However, we have fallin short and expect the newcomer to take for his own. This is not how AA was intended and Chris will speak about this. There are some in AA whom disagree with Chris on several issues, and this is true with anyone that has knowledge of his sorroundings. Chris is hyper and full of passion for the recovered AA person and those coming new into the program. Here is a sound clip of one of his recent speaches he has given. You can find these by searching out his name in google.com. Christopher
Focusing on the 12th step and helping other alcoholics maintain their sobriety is a passion for this man. It should be the passion of all of us. However, we have fallin short and expect the newcomer to take for his own. This is not how AA was intended and Chris will speak about this. There are some in AA whom disagree with Chris on several issues, and this is true with anyone that has knowledge of his sorroundings. Chris is hyper and full of passion for the recovered AA person and those coming new into the program. Here is a sound clip of one of his recent speaches he has given. You can find these by searching out his name in google.com. Christopher
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Chris Raymer Comes To Midland, Texas
Ladies and Gentlemen Chris Raymer is coming to Midland, Texas as per this PDAP flyer sent to me from my sponsor. This sought after speaker is an International AA speaker Guru, who tells it likke it is about the AA program. The strengths of the 12 steps and hopes of millions of people in this program Internationally. I was blessed to hear him at La Hacienda Treatment Center in Hunt , Texas. He has moved on to another South Texas Rehab Facility now, but continues with his ongoing fight against the disease of Alcoholism. He is the founder of the "Issue Man", and has a word or two about sponsoring that will make you love him or not. HE is a character with strength and will be joyfully welcome to this area of West Texas. He is originally from West Texas and for him to make a stop in Midland, Texas is such a pleasure for us all in the area. Please book your plane tickets to MAF for this occasion as you do not want to miss out on this..Christopher Hyer
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Updates to Blog For Sobriety
Since I am recovering from the Dentist, I have decided to make use of this blog as it tends to be growing in numbers around the world. This blog now has a translator, because of the Russian community that is present on this blog. I welcome the Russian Alcoholic and all others from around the world to explore my daily routines and rituals, if you will. This blog is for alcoholics and thos whom might be interested in what alcoholisim is. I put my personal accounts or journal into this and sometimes I just put plain facts from other sites to help those of us that need this.
I will say this , if an alcoholic , you should build your own blog or be writing about your our story in a personal journal, that way you can see how you have been doing . I have found this to be quite an experience and I see how I have grown from hating AA to loving it. I am a proud recovering or recovered person from drinking alcohol and smoking . I write to inform the masses and myself how far I have come and how this program of rigorous honesty, works with the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. I am sorry to say that the only way to stay sober is to work the steps and work them with a sponsor and attend a few AA meetings every now and then or everyday. Whatever works for you. We are all different, when I mention a higher power , I speak of God and this might throw a whole lot of people off. I am a Ch
ristian though and I have come to believe that God has lifted me and my spirits high and ahs given me the power to pass what I know on to people.
I am in no way an authoritative person,, that thinks my ways work for you. I am just one in a million that try's to adhere to this program the best I can. I have thrown some advertising on here to make use of other ideas. Scientist are always looking for ways to beat this disease and therefor if any of these ads helps you in any way , then so be it. I get help from meditation and reading the Big Book of AA, there are those of you that seek another direction beside AA, I say good luck. I have not found any other way and one must work a 12 step program to stay sober, this is fact. There are no magic pills or words , but there is the spirit of God that can be had from this program and working the steps is the way in finding that spiritual aspect that you will have to have. I am just one example of what God has done for my life with a little bit over 4 years of sobriety, each day is a miracle , that I don't use or drink. I thank God for the family I have , and the way my friends look upon me now. My son is closer to me than ever and loves me. These are the rewards for doing this simple , program. You cannot buy this program or love from an individual, I have tried. I have tried everything your little head is thinking, and I have fallin many times back into the darkness of the insanity. Please comment and leave your testimony if you feel like it. We are not a glum lot , we all need to be loved, and this is good. Christopher
Interesting !! Chris Hyer 2013 |
ristian though and I have come to believe that God has lifted me and my spirits high and ahs given me the power to pass what I know on to people.
I am in no way an authoritative person,, that thinks my ways work for you. I am just one in a million that try's to adhere to this program the best I can. I have thrown some advertising on here to make use of other ideas. Scientist are always looking for ways to beat this disease and therefor if any of these ads helps you in any way , then so be it. I get help from meditation and reading the Big Book of AA, there are those of you that seek another direction beside AA, I say good luck. I have not found any other way and one must work a 12 step program to stay sober, this is fact. There are no magic pills or words , but there is the spirit of God that can be had from this program and working the steps is the way in finding that spiritual aspect that you will have to have. I am just one example of what God has done for my life with a little bit over 4 years of sobriety, each day is a miracle , that I don't use or drink. I thank God for the family I have , and the way my friends look upon me now. My son is closer to me than ever and loves me. These are the rewards for doing this simple , program. You cannot buy this program or love from an individual, I have tried. I have tried everything your little head is thinking, and I have fallin many times back into the darkness of the insanity. Please comment and leave your testimony if you feel like it. We are not a glum lot , we all need to be loved, and this is good. Christopher
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Sunday and a Beautiful Day to be Sober
I met a woman last night from CL and she was about my age. We hit it off right from the start aqnd began to talk. She asked about my past , and as honest as I am. She inquired, "You would be hard to be in a committed relationship because what if you decided to drink again?" , Well that stumped me and I said you don't. I can only tel you that I will not in all probability go back to how I was or I will be dead. Shocked , as she seemed to be, I told her I had been as low as I could go this time. I lost my life almost this time when I sobered up, and I will never forget this.
How many of you have had this question brought up to you? It was difficult to swallow at first. Would all women thing the same thing? Do I really care? I would have to say that I could not give her a good answer. I am not on this earth to please a stranger, I am here to stay sober and productive and make a living. If it comes right down to it , I will never marry again and be just fine. I willl have the same questioned asked, I am sure. It's these little things that can really ruin it for me. I try to adhere to the AA program and some people think your some kind of freak or not good enough for them. They are wrong and there are millions of us in relationships al over the world. We are n
ot a glum lot, we are happy individuals, and God driven. They just don't understand this and so be it.
I start a new job on Monday with a Christian company and I look forward to this new position in life. I look ahead and with a future for my life and it involves no drugs or drinking. It involves doing the best for my employer and staying up with AA at the same time. God will be with me through the day and so I do not worry or concern myself with any outcome. I use to get drunk before I started a new job, and the result was so they could get use to the real me back then. I do not need to do this anymore, I can sleep fine at night and wake up early enough to write on my blog and get to work on time. That is my goal and I pray this works out fine. I know it will. I am in recovery for the rest of my life, and it is ok. Accept me for who I am not and who I am. I am very proud of what I do not do anymore and you should be also. Work the steps at home and at work and pray constnatly with God and all things can be accomplished. Chris
Texarkana, Ark. Chris Hyer 2011 |
ot a glum lot, we are happy individuals, and God driven. They just don't understand this and so be it.
I start a new job on Monday with a Christian company and I look forward to this new position in life. I look ahead and with a future for my life and it involves no drugs or drinking. It involves doing the best for my employer and staying up with AA at the same time. God will be with me through the day and so I do not worry or concern myself with any outcome. I use to get drunk before I started a new job, and the result was so they could get use to the real me back then. I do not need to do this anymore, I can sleep fine at night and wake up early enough to write on my blog and get to work on time. That is my goal and I pray this works out fine. I know it will. I am in recovery for the rest of my life, and it is ok. Accept me for who I am not and who I am. I am very proud of what I do not do anymore and you should be also. Work the steps at home and at work and pray constnatly with God and all things can be accomplished. Chris
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
To my Russian Friends on this site
Здравствуйте, мои русские друзья. Я заметил, что вы большой части аудитории на моем блоге. Я хочу, чтобы вы знаете, что в моих молитвах и добро пожаловать на мой сайт в любое время. Я использую translator написать это, чтобы вы. А.А., я считаю, это в вашей стране. Я когда-нибудь хотели бы посетить Россию и встретиться с некоторыми из людей. Я слышал о красоте и я слышу о бедности, которая меня огорчает. Если вы алкоголик, и я могу помочь вам сохранить некотором смысле трезвости в вашей жизни пожалуйста, напишите мне. Пусть Бог благословит и есть великий день!
Over 60 percent of my readers are Russian this is what the above message says: Hello , my Russian friends. I have noticed that you are a large part of the audience on my blog. I want you to know you are in my prayers and welcome to my site at all times. I am using a translator to write this to you. AA ,I believe is in your country. I someday would like to visit Russia and meet some of the people there. I hear of the beauty and I hear of the poverty that saddens me. If you are alcoholic , and I can help you maintain some sence of sobriety in your life please write to me. God Bless and have a great day!!
Over 60 percent of my readers are Russian this is what the above message says: Hello , my Russian friends. I have noticed that you are a large part of the audience on my blog. I want you to know you are in my prayers and welcome to my site at all times. I am using a translator to write this to you. AA ,I believe is in your country. I someday would like to visit Russia and meet some of the people there. I hear of the beauty and I hear of the poverty that saddens me. If you are alcoholic , and I can help you maintain some sence of sobriety in your life please write to me. God Bless and have a great day!!
Monday, July 15, 2013
All Men Of Faith Have Courage
In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous , it goes into the fact that we seek spiritual guidance is by no means we lack courage. In fact , this principle of spirituality just means ,"all men of faith have courage". Ok, so I might have read this wrong, but you know what I am talking about if you have worked the steps. A spiritual beginning takes place when we complete step 4 and read aloud to our sponsor step 5 and work step 6. This is done in succession and honestly done. You cannot lie to yourself and another human being the resentments you have. It makes no sense to even try. If you want what millions of recovered alcoholics have , this and all steps are done in honest, and thought out time.
I stayed dry for three years of my 4 plus years of sobriety and I am a rarity, most do not last this long without some type of support. I went to AA just in time, and if I had started going like I am now, I would not of had the baffling years of insecurity I have had during those three years. I stayed sober or dry , but no program in place. I had a spiritual connection to God already, but there are many who do not understand this concept. Once the steps are in working order for the newcomer, he can go on about living and working , and staying sober. We have to work on the recovering new comer, he came to these meetings because he either had to ( Court Order) or he is seeking answers. Do not waist your time on those that do not want to work this program, let them go out and try some controlled drinking, and he hopefully will return. He may die, so it is important to try to work with the individual as fast as possible.
Once started this new person will come to know that the obsession to drink will go away after the simple step of quitting that one drink. All miracles start with step one, then one miracle after another will continue to be obtained. It works, it really does, if action is taken. God must be found and a spiritual relief has to be received in order to continue. Pray and pray more. Get on your knees and ask for help, and help will be given. Ask for the next day to be better than the last and it will be . I am working proof of this. Read through my blog and see all the miracles that have happen to just myself. I am just one of millions who have worked and fought this program. Hardhead as I was this deal actually works and keeps you from slipping if practiced. God Bless and have a Great Monday..07/15/2013
Chris Raymer Speaks!!
Work these steps fast and thoroughly so that your road to recovery can lead to step 12 , where you help the newcomer who is clueless as to what AA is all about. We need to help the newcomer come to realize step 1 and get him well off his way onto the other steps as soon as possible for him or her to stay sober for more than one more day. This is possible says ,"Chris Raymer. "Work these steps quickly, there is nowhere in the Big Book of alcoholics anonymous that says we seek 4 months of doing step 4 , this is wrong. it only takes a few days if only hours of rigorous honesty". I stayed dry for three years of my 4 plus years of sobriety and I am a rarity, most do not last this long without some type of support. I went to AA just in time, and if I had started going like I am now, I would not of had the baffling years of insecurity I have had during those three years. I stayed sober or dry , but no program in place. I had a spiritual connection to God already, but there are many who do not understand this concept. Once the steps are in working order for the newcomer, he can go on about living and working , and staying sober. We have to work on the recovering new comer, he came to these meetings because he either had to ( Court Order) or he is seeking answers. Do not waist your time on those that do not want to work this program, let them go out and try some controlled drinking, and he hopefully will return. He may die, so it is important to try to work with the individual as fast as possible.
Once started this new person will come to know that the obsession to drink will go away after the simple step of quitting that one drink. All miracles start with step one, then one miracle after another will continue to be obtained. It works, it really does, if action is taken. God must be found and a spiritual relief has to be received in order to continue. Pray and pray more. Get on your knees and ask for help, and help will be given. Ask for the next day to be better than the last and it will be . I am working proof of this. Read through my blog and see all the miracles that have happen to just myself. I am just one of millions who have worked and fought this program. Hardhead as I was this deal actually works and keeps you from slipping if practiced. God Bless and have a Great Monday..07/15/2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
William James and AA: The Beginninge of Billl W's Spiritual Malady
In reading and watching a film about Bill Wilson , AA father and founder. William James , a great Philosopher and Writer from the 1800s to his death in 1910 , had a huge impact on the AA program. Bill w. goes to explain on his last binge when in an asylum for drinking his last time. He discovered a book by ,"William James",. This book would have a sustained impact on Bill , he found a spiritual connection with God after reading this book and stayed sober from then on.
I dare you to read this book, it is called,"Varieties of Religious Experiences" by William James. He was a man who struck head on with the spiritual malady of living. He is why , possibly AA is what it is. A spiritual program based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. His book , is very difficult to read, and the philosophical words and phrases are quite the head on approach that made Bill W. quit drinking.
Bill w. gos on to say he had a spiritual change in his soul and the urge to drink was taken away after reading this book. I believe it is 1100 pages , and very concise on religions and why we experience outward bodies of a spiritual relationship with our higher power. Here are a few quotes from a site called "Brainy Quotes from this man , William James.
Bill w. gos on to say he had a spiritual change in his soul and the urge to drink was taken away after reading this book. I believe it is 1100 pages , and very concise on religions and why we experience outward bodies of a spiritual relationship with our higher power. Here are a few quotes from a site called "Brainy Quotes from this man , William James.
Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at
different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes.
William James
William James
These are only a few that William James writes about and they are powerful messages for our every day sobriety. These words mixed with a desire to stop drinking and get with the steps are indeed a revolution to take yourself on. The path to sobriety is haveing a spiritual relationship with God, our higher power. It is possible to pray for this relief and it will come onto you. I am one of a million persons that has been blessed with a spiritual change that has effected my life in this world.
God Bless and have a great weekend. Life is good and Life is what you make out of it. Pray for those times when you are unsure what to do with your life, and a answer will come. This is a promise, that "Thy will be done, Not mine" Christopher07/14/2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
The First Six Steps to Sobriety
Well its Thursday 07/11/2013 and yesterday I did my 5th and sixth step with my sponsor. It was an emotional meeting of sorts. I did not expect to get this way after I submitted my 5th step to my sponsor. I realize now some of the things that I hold deep down inside me that I take for granted. Love for one is what I have to offer to a lot of people, and peace became upon me as I read to him my resentments. I really did not know I resented so many things and that most were a cause from myself. I will make amends to those that I have hurt this week as well. The faster you work theough these steps and heal your inner soul, the better all this AA stuff is. My sobriety is stronger than ever, my conscios contact with the spiritual world is even more evident since I took these steps.
It seems when you read through the steps , a simple feet indeed once you get past step one. However by working the steps outlined by the Big Book, a spiritual beginning takes place again.Another round of peace came over me, and really it sounds strange, but I felt good about how my life was heading. If this is all it takes to stay sober and feel good about life, Is it not worth the risk of doing? I think it is, and being a sceptic for so long about AA and what happens in this group, it seems to be doing me a lot of good for my attitude and my living.
I have damned AA enough and I guess, I have just given in . I am glad I have calmed down about it. There is so much in the world about the good and bad about AA and their principles, that anyone would be a suspicious of why it works. I believe it is the spiritual aspect instead of the being at a meeting that tends to take over ones life, and this is good. My actions and thoughts are not perverse or destructive. I do however during the day have problems in which if I let go and say a pryer, seem to take over and the outcome is tolerable. I think this is called living life on life's terms. Thy will be done, not mine. To let go , is not in most of our vocabulary, we all want control. We basically have no control except for over people places and things. God has the control over everything, and until you find this out, like I am still learning, you will be spiritually sick.
A new way of life has become of me lately and by doing the fifth step and practicing the words I hear at AA meetings must be what this deal is all about. It will change your thought patterns into a good way of life for you. You have to work at this though and not just sit on your ass and hope things will come about. I have tried this even with prayer and the prayer will show you that this is not a way of living. Many exclaim " What an order , I can't go through with this", Yes you can if you are wiling to take certain steps, and believe in a higher power, and I chose the Lord. You may chose any relationship you like as your higher power and find out your stuck with God as being this higher power. It is good when this happens to a human being, they are better people in the world. God knows when we need help and he is there to provide this. Open your hearts and let your prayers be heard and pass it on to someone that may not want to hear about your spirituality because it will make them think.
My life is not perfect, yet perfection is not what I seek. I just want to tolerate it and enjoy a laugh or two in the mean time. I have not been open to much joy until I finished this step of my life. Like a baby taking his first steps, and learning how to walk is what this is all about, God will show you the way if you try. Have a great day....Chris07/11/2013
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My C5 Corvette by Christopher Hyer |
It seems when you read through the steps , a simple feet indeed once you get past step one. However by working the steps outlined by the Big Book, a spiritual beginning takes place again.Another round of peace came over me, and really it sounds strange, but I felt good about how my life was heading. If this is all it takes to stay sober and feel good about life, Is it not worth the risk of doing? I think it is, and being a sceptic for so long about AA and what happens in this group, it seems to be doing me a lot of good for my attitude and my living.
I have damned AA enough and I guess, I have just given in . I am glad I have calmed down about it. There is so much in the world about the good and bad about AA and their principles, that anyone would be a suspicious of why it works. I believe it is the spiritual aspect instead of the being at a meeting that tends to take over ones life, and this is good. My actions and thoughts are not perverse or destructive. I do however during the day have problems in which if I let go and say a pryer, seem to take over and the outcome is tolerable. I think this is called living life on life's terms. Thy will be done, not mine. To let go , is not in most of our vocabulary, we all want control. We basically have no control except for over people places and things. God has the control over everything, and until you find this out, like I am still learning, you will be spiritually sick.
A new way of life has become of me lately and by doing the fifth step and practicing the words I hear at AA meetings must be what this deal is all about. It will change your thought patterns into a good way of life for you. You have to work at this though and not just sit on your ass and hope things will come about. I have tried this even with prayer and the prayer will show you that this is not a way of living. Many exclaim " What an order , I can't go through with this", Yes you can if you are wiling to take certain steps, and believe in a higher power, and I chose the Lord. You may chose any relationship you like as your higher power and find out your stuck with God as being this higher power. It is good when this happens to a human being, they are better people in the world. God knows when we need help and he is there to provide this. Open your hearts and let your prayers be heard and pass it on to someone that may not want to hear about your spirituality because it will make them think.
My life is not perfect, yet perfection is not what I seek. I just want to tolerate it and enjoy a laugh or two in the mean time. I have not been open to much joy until I finished this step of my life. Like a baby taking his first steps, and learning how to walk is what this is all about, God will show you the way if you try. Have a great day....Chris07/11/2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Chris Raymer and AA
Male , Female Relationships in AA- Are they Possible
I went and picked up my four year chip last night with my friend, I met in AA. She was beautiful and I helped her out with a place to stay for a couple of nights. She needed to get away from her home and figure out something, what she needs, I am not sure, but I could not provide it for her. I knew I would fall for her when I first met her, and I did. Having her in my house made it difficult to not watn to hold her and cuddle with her. I tried nothing with this sperson , though, because I knew the feeling was not mutual. She liked me, for me, but she wants no relationship, damn I thought.
However, can one have a relationship with another in AA.? I would say this would be difficult , and near impossible. You both may have physical attraction going on, then possibly sex. The bottom line is two people in the program are not the ideal mates to marry. That is of course my opinion again, and a lot of flirting goes on in AA. It's obvious in almost every meeting that has a young lady in the group, men are always hitting on her. I see this everywhere I go. This girl may be sick as hell, and yet men hit on her consistently, making AA even a hard place for this single women to be involved with. This needs to be addressed and taken care of from meeting to meeting.
Relationships are problems for us in AA and those of us that have drank a lot of years. It was a reason why we drank at times, and to deal with a spouse in the program of AA is true honesty. If you are honest with this women in A
A that you like and she can be that way back to you, then mutually you have made an agreement. This is a good deal, because if for some reason the relationship does not work out, you can still be friends. This is my case at hand. I had to let the young lady leave my place, because I told her of my intentions and how I felt, we spent the morning analizing this and she packed and wanted no relationship. That is ok with me , now and I did not hurt her and she did not hurt me. We were honest about our feelings and able to communicate our desires and our likes.
Living sober is what AA teaches you even if you are not trying to learn this, or is this God working in our lives? I would say a little bit of both. She escorted me to a meeting to receive my four year chip and I was honest when I spoke at AA last night about my past and present. This living sober is about being honest with yourself , and living through the spiritual aspect of God. It works, really works when you don't try to analize at like I tend to do . God bless and come back ....Happy 4th to those that will have the day off, and to those working . Christopher
Cocoa by Christopherhyer2013 |
Relationships are problems for us in AA and those of us that have drank a lot of years. It was a reason why we drank at times, and to deal with a spouse in the program of AA is true honesty. If you are honest with this women in A
A that you like and she can be that way back to you, then mutually you have made an agreement. This is a good deal, because if for some reason the relationship does not work out, you can still be friends. This is my case at hand. I had to let the young lady leave my place, because I told her of my intentions and how I felt, we spent the morning analizing this and she packed and wanted no relationship. That is ok with me , now and I did not hurt her and she did not hurt me. We were honest about our feelings and able to communicate our desires and our likes.
Living sober is what AA teaches you even if you are not trying to learn this, or is this God working in our lives? I would say a little bit of both. She escorted me to a meeting to receive my four year chip and I was honest when I spoke at AA last night about my past and present. This living sober is about being honest with yourself , and living through the spiritual aspect of God. It works, really works when you don't try to analize at like I tend to do . God bless and come back ....Happy 4th to those that will have the day off, and to those working . Christopher
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Burning out in AA
I have to speak for myself, I think I am getting burned out at AA. I have been going to at least one meeting a day and I have to say this. AA does not keep me sober!! Shocked, don't be , I realized last night that my spiritual relationship with God is what keeps me sober. It has kept me sober for over 4 years, not AA. I am not downplaying AA , I am stating a fact. Where did I get this spiritual relationship? From prayer in the morning and all during the day and at night. The craving for beer or pot has gone, and has been for a long time. In AA each person recounts their drinking and what they drank , it makes me thirsty for a drink. No shit, it is crazy to me, that war stories are told and I am sick of them. Let's talk about living today and not" Hi I am Tom and I am glad to be at AA and I have been sober for 60 years and by the grace of this program I have been sober for this long, and the guy begins to recite every chapter in the Big Book". So fucking what, is he not "self seeking, and worried about his next chapter in the Big Book" or is he headed for a fall. Maybe he just likes to talk to anyone that will listen.. I am not sure.
So why go to AA? I went to meet people that shared the same experience as I , but found out that the only thing I have in common with these good folks is a desire to not drink and I was unable to control my drinking at a few points in my life. Does AA keep me sober, No. I know this may shock AA people but once I looked at this program, I personally get tired of the same old shit everyday at the meetings. Maybe I am burned out, but all the talking about liquor has made my craving a little bit more observant. What I am trying to say is I dont think about taking a drink every time something good or bad happens to me. I think about how to deal with it, the problem. Not drink it away. I already know I can't drink my problems away, and knew this before I went to AA. Am I at the wrong place? I was never locked up in prison or believe in DWI. I have no sympathy for those who drink and drive, they are idiots. Do what I did if your drunk , hire a limousine to pick you up and help you spend your money so you don't have enough to drink the next night. There is no common sense to driving and drinking. If you do this , you should be put in jail and pay for it. You could of killed me or a child while drinking and driving, dumb ass.
I have no empathy for those who beat up people from drinking or doing stupid shit . That just means they are mentally not ready to drink. I am not saying that one should drink and sit at home like I did. That is bad also. But I commit no crimes when I did this. I just fucked my self up when I did this and I have learned my lesson. Is AA for people that are just plain stupid? I am not sure, most seem pretty smart, but a re-hash of the program night after night has shown me a few things, and why people do not go. I really will have to examine this a bit further and see if a 12 step program for Christians in recovery is possibly where I need to go. Right now, I think I am just fed up with the whole idea that I just don't seem to fit in with the present group I am with, yet I have been to about 7 different places in 4 towns. Same AA ore-amble and a new comer comes in and people are nice to them, but what kind of help are they getting, none. I have given my business cards to a few of these fellows and no one cals, so there is a flaw in this system that was set up to help alcoholics.
Working the steps is still a vital part of staying sober, I believe you can do this with a close friend or stranger and be done with it, and possibly go back to it when needed. Always help out your fellow human beings as step 12 suggest, do we all help others we see in need, no , but sometimes we do. That is human nature, and if you have a blown out tire on the freeway , usually that would be considered a 12 step , you are helping out a unfortunate one that has a problem. I beleieve AA works for some people, and some have no other choice as they can't believe in a higher power and possibly AA is their higher power. Confused today, sorry if I offend you. Chris
So why go to AA? I went to meet people that shared the same experience as I , but found out that the only thing I have in common with these good folks is a desire to not drink and I was unable to control my drinking at a few points in my life. Does AA keep me sober, No. I know this may shock AA people but once I looked at this program, I personally get tired of the same old shit everyday at the meetings. Maybe I am burned out, but all the talking about liquor has made my craving a little bit more observant. What I am trying to say is I dont think about taking a drink every time something good or bad happens to me. I think about how to deal with it, the problem. Not drink it away. I already know I can't drink my problems away, and knew this before I went to AA. Am I at the wrong place? I was never locked up in prison or believe in DWI. I have no sympathy for those who drink and drive, they are idiots. Do what I did if your drunk , hire a limousine to pick you up and help you spend your money so you don't have enough to drink the next night. There is no common sense to driving and drinking. If you do this , you should be put in jail and pay for it. You could of killed me or a child while drinking and driving, dumb ass.
I have no empathy for those who beat up people from drinking or doing stupid shit . That just means they are mentally not ready to drink. I am not saying that one should drink and sit at home like I did. That is bad also. But I commit no crimes when I did this. I just fucked my self up when I did this and I have learned my lesson. Is AA for people that are just plain stupid? I am not sure, most seem pretty smart, but a re-hash of the program night after night has shown me a few things, and why people do not go. I really will have to examine this a bit further and see if a 12 step program for Christians in recovery is possibly where I need to go. Right now, I think I am just fed up with the whole idea that I just don't seem to fit in with the present group I am with, yet I have been to about 7 different places in 4 towns. Same AA ore-amble and a new comer comes in and people are nice to them, but what kind of help are they getting, none. I have given my business cards to a few of these fellows and no one cals, so there is a flaw in this system that was set up to help alcoholics.
Working the steps is still a vital part of staying sober, I believe you can do this with a close friend or stranger and be done with it, and possibly go back to it when needed. Always help out your fellow human beings as step 12 suggest, do we all help others we see in need, no , but sometimes we do. That is human nature, and if you have a blown out tire on the freeway , usually that would be considered a 12 step , you are helping out a unfortunate one that has a problem. I beleieve AA works for some people, and some have no other choice as they can't believe in a higher power and possibly AA is their higher power. Confused today, sorry if I offend you. Chris
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