Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chicago, Illinois and Sobriety ( Making it happen)

For those of you whom read this blog I have been in Chicago for a week now. I have successfully flown up here sober and with God's help enjoyed the airplane trip. I , however prepared with Hypnosis and praying to God. One phrase keeps hitting my head.. Happy , Joyous and Free, I am not sure where I picked up this phrase but it helped me with my anxieties. I am by far not a normal person , but I did not coward from this trip, Thank God.

So I am here in the windy city and have enjoyed most of my work and stay here. I am looking forward to coming back home and have no anxiety about flying anymore. It is a true miracle, how breahing deep and breathing out slowly can calm ones self in a stressful environment. I have practice this and still use this when I have to deal with fear...It works this program of AA and the Big Book and God. You must have God , of course to get your life together. I still have issues about life, but I am dealing with them head on. I am not being fearful. Thank God for my sponsor who called me minutes before my flight. He egged me on to continue, and I have and am doing fine. I hope this helps those of you who have issues with fear. There is no fear... It is the devil, fear is. Do not let the devil get a part of you. Pray to God to let the devil leave your soul and you will be fine as long as you pray for what you need and want. God Bless....Sunday 10.20.2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Work Trip and Staying Sober

As I embark on a journey that is work related. I stumble across the idea that I have not flown sober before.
In all these years, I have been medicated under marijuana, and beer while flying. Being sober for almost five years now,
I find new challenges await myself.  I have a trip to Chicago to work for two weeks this weekend coming up. Of course, I am
 fearful, and  slightly confident person, plus the idea of flying has had an impact on my new life. Not only is the flight a challenge but being away from
what I call home for 2 weeks is also something I have been praying about. The work I have to do is being judged by higher ups in my company, and this adds
to the stress of this trip.
How does one deal with all this commotion. He gives it over to God and prays and meditates. That is what I have been doing for over two weeks in preparation for
This journey to Chicago. I am not thrilled, yet a little bit excited to see how I will react. Everyone says I will be ok, and will be fine. I have to believe them and myself
That this too shall pass, and all will turn out right. You see it’s the little things that get me stirred up. I should be so happy to get out of Midland, Texas. This place is
Not all that, but to me it is home. All my toys are here, and my AA groups and family. However this is my job, and I need to do this in order to keep my job. I knew this day would come,
And there are to be many flights that I will take to other parts of the country as time goes on. So I signed up for this to challenge myself, my weakness and strengths to be tested on this journey.
I can’t give in and I will not. That was my problem when I was drinking, and it did not work. I lost my job several times when I didn’t want to do something.
I will give this to God and hope my sanity stays in place and I can be a productive member of society and not a basket case. It is God will for me to go and do my best.
I have the hope and confidence I can get , and I am working on myself in staying in tune with AA. This has helped me also deal with this new adventure.
The next post will be next week in Chicago, where I will let you in on the experience , and faith that has become from this trial. God Bless.  

Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal

I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...