Showing posts with label Spiritual Malady. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual Malady. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dear God," Sorry To Disturb You Now" But,

Do you feel like you are disturbing God . I do at times, and hope I am not getting in his way. I pray every day for him to watch over the world and me. I am selfish by the way. I try not to be , but when it comes to praying I am. I wish for my whole family to be safe and free from evil or darkness. Darkness, is evil when it rears its ugly head. We have all experienced it, yet to ask for it to go away, it does. You only have to ask God remove the evils from your life and fill yourself full of goodness. That is what I pray for as well. I am a fanatic that prayer in the morning will help you through the day. I seldom pray during the day unless I am  in a complicated situation with work, then small prayer will take care of my issue or give me an alternative answer to my problem.

It's all good to give and receive this Christmas, however there are some that do not have much. It is hard to tell which people need help or which will take advantage of you. I guess you just pray about it and do what your heart says to do. I buy mostly from the internet as I do not like the crowds at the stores. Maybe your this way also, you do miss out on the spirit a little bit by doing your shopping this way.

I am just thankful that I am able to give this year, not in presents but in faith also. When you sober up you help those around you without trying to. It's odd but it does happen. Your family values change as your attitude changes and it reflects in your actions and words. Keep up the AA if you can , that is where you will learn about the spiritual side of this disease of Alcoholism. It will help you with friends over time also. True friends, that you can count on. Have a good day, and God bless the USA......Christopher Hyer
Chicago Downtown, By Chris Hyer in October 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Chris Raymer Comes To Midland, Texas

Ladies and Gentlemen Chris Raymer is coming to Midland, Texas as per this PDAP flyer sent to me from my sponsor. This sought after speaker is an International AA speaker Guru, who tells it likke it is about the AA program. The strengths of the 12 steps and hopes of millions of people in this program Internationally. I was blessed to hear him at La Hacienda Treatment Center in Hunt , Texas. He has moved on to another South Texas Rehab Facility now, but continues with his ongoing fight against the disease of Alcoholism. He is the founder of the "Issue Man", and has a word or two about sponsoring that will make you love him or not. HE is a character with strength and will be joyfully welcome to this area of West Texas. He is originally from West Texas and for him to make a stop in Midland, Texas is such a pleasure for us all in the area. Please book your plane tickets to MAF for this occasion as you do not want to miss out on this..Christopher Hyer

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rarely have we seen a person fail !!!

The rest of this passage
By Chris Hyer 2013
is very well known.
We try to not take that first drink and we try to make amends while in the program of AA. We try all the time not to step on others toes. Yes, as Alcoholics we try!! Thats all we can do is try to succees in what we are attempting to do. Whether it be work or quitting a drug or drink, we at least give it full effort to try and make use of ourselves. If we don't we have already failed. So trying is number one if you ask me for this program. Try to be the person you want to be and you will be that person.

This is Wed, and halfway through the week ,What can you try to do today that you have not done yet. Something that bothers you makes for good practice. That way you willl have God behind you and you will not fail. Ask God for his help today to try new things out. Ask him to hold you and guide you through the light of the day and the darkness of the night. Try Try Try!!!!God Bless.. Christopher

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Updates to Blog For Sobriety

Since I am recovering from the Dentist, I have decided to make use of this blog as it tends to be growing in numbers around the world. This blog now has a translator, because of the Russian community that is present on this blog. I welcome the Russian Alcoholic and all others from around the world to explore my daily routines and rituals, if you will. This blog is for alcoholics and thos whom might be interested in what alcoholisim is. I put my personal accounts or journal into this and sometimes I just put plain facts from other sites to help those of us that need this.

Interesting !! Chris Hyer 2013

I will say this , if an alcoholic , you should build your own blog or be writing about your our story in a personal journal, that way you can see how you have been doing . I have found this to be quite an experience and I see how I have grown from hating AA to loving it. I am a proud recovering or recovered person from drinking alcohol and smoking . I write to inform the masses and myself how far I have come and how this program of rigorous honesty, works with the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. I am sorry to say that the only way to stay sober is to work the steps and work them with a sponsor and attend a few AA meetings every now and then or everyday. Whatever works for you. We are all different, when I mention a higher power , I speak of God and this might throw a whole lot of people off. I am a Ch
ristian though and I have come to believe that God has lifted me and my spirits high and ahs given me the power to pass what I know on to people.

I am in no way an authoritative person,, that thinks my ways work for you. I am just one in a million that try's to adhere to this program the best I can. I have thrown some advertising on here to make use of other ideas. Scientist are always looking for ways to beat this disease and therefor if any of these ads helps you in any way , then so be it. I get help from meditation and reading the Big Book of AA, there are those of you that seek another direction beside AA, I say good luck. I have not found any other way and one must work a 12 step program to stay sober, this is fact. There are no magic pills or words , but there is the spirit of God that can be had from this program and working the steps is the way in finding that spiritual aspect that you will have to have. I am just one example of what God has done for my life with a little bit over 4 years of sobriety, each day is a miracle , that I don't use or drink. I thank God for the family I have , and the way my friends look upon me now. My son is closer to me than ever and loves me. These are the rewards for doing this simple , program. You cannot buy this program or love from an individual, I have tried. I have tried everything your little head is thinking, and I have fallin many times back into the darkness of the insanity. Please comment and leave your testimony if you feel like it. We are not a glum lot , we all need to be loved, and this is good. Christopher

The Tuesday of Hope for Sobriety

Well, I made it through my first day of work, only to have my Dental appt. today. I have a few teeth that have to have root canals done to them this morning. I may be out of work for a while or all day. This upsets me because I just started, yet my boss is aware of this situation. I am glad I did nto have to lie about anything, I had to have them done, ASAP, as they are hurting very badly.

The thing with being an alcoholic is we put things off . I do at least and my teeth are bad from years of smoking and drinking. They are getting better, but I have been through three years of reconstruction. I am in the final phase of this Dentist, so hopefully , this will all end soon. I have practically bought a Ferrari for this Doctor. He is good and knowledgeable, and my work knew ahead of time I had to have this work done, so be it.
Chimes by Chris Hyer 2013

I will have to take Hydrocodone for the pain and It makes me feel good if I remeber this, I am smart as to only takeing one of these usually, for the pain. I do not want to run rampid with this medication and I have not so I am not worried. It kills the pain and makes me goofy.

My new job is good and it will take me time in getting to know all that needs to be done. I hope my employer knows I am a bit slow as to catching on. I can only do what I am capable of doing. Having a new employer and getting things done the way they want them to be done is a challenge. I can do it though. God is watching over me as I pray while I work. It does work. God Bless...Christopher

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Morning Soberiety and New Job

I start my new job in IT today with a business that is local. I look forward to working outside the house. This is a fortunate position that God has sent my way. I have the jitters a bit this morning but I woke up early and got cleaned up and had enough time to write to this blog. Monday's are usually busy days for most as they set out for the week. I believe that I have found the perfect Christian job , all that work here are Christian and family. They seem to have accepted me and my past alcoholism. I explained to them on my first interview that I was. This is how I am spiritually motivated I said. The man I talked to was impressed, though I was outspoken, it did not hurt my job chance
s. Nor was a drug test even given, I was trusted.
Garden in Midland, Texas 07/21/2013 Chris Hyer

I think working for a Christian company is what God had planned for me, though the work will be difficult, there is training.God does not give us more than what we can handle is what is said, and I believe this and will do my best. I need to calm down and let things be as they are. I slept horribly last night, I guess my first day has made me a bundle of nerves, for I have not been under a employment like this in a while. I was a contractor, and ran the show. I must remeber that I do not run the show, I am an actor for this company and I must slow down and follow their rules. God makes this happen.

I have said my prayers this morning and pray as I do , this makes for a great beginning. I will write at the end of the day to tell how all went. God grant me the serenity to change the things I can the wisdom to know the difference and so on....I have said this prayer possibly 5 times today and the Lords prayer that things work out. I will go forward in pursuit of being productive and knowledgeable this day forward with my life and my work. I dress for the part and look nice and my mind is open for new ideas. I carry with me a cross around my neck in remembrance of Christ and what he has done for me. I wear a ring with a cross , so my fingers will be guided by God. I know this may sound foolish but I believe . I show my belief this way, and flaunt this belief.

Well,have a blessed day and those still drinking , I feel for you and please write and tell me how I could help you via the Internet. I will reply if I can. God Bless. Christopher

Friday, July 19, 2013

Promises and Life Mid Afternoon Friday

I just got home from having lunch with my father in Big Spring, Texas. Here is what happened . I left Midland, Texas at 1130am arrived at a restauraunt at 1215pm in Big Spring , Texas. Had a gyro sandwich and found 100.00 bill on the sidewalk. Pocketed the money and was kinda happy. Got in my car to go back home, and enjoyed the top off and was cruising at 80 MPH and all of a sudden the traffic on the highway stopped. As I pulled up to the accident I noticed a black Dodge Ram, on its top in the other lane next to mine coming the wrong direction and bottles of liquor all around the truck. I saw blood coming from the cab and turned my head so I did not see more, I continued on to my city and the traffic was going up to 100 MPH and I was in wonder as to what the hurry was to get to this hell hole called Midland , Texas. Then a near miss in town by a Big truck, almost hit me, and pushed me off the road. I proceeded to the grocery store to buy stuff. I bought drinks and shampoo, had a lady rush right in front of me in the express lane with about 40 items. I waited patiently for this 20 inute checkout , and then put my 4 items down and loaded my car..Got in car , proceeded to back out and a truck was just sitting right behind me. He was not going to move, I got out and asked him to move his ass nicely, and he went , oh, uh ok, and he left. Damn I thought , what an idiot. I decided today was dangerous, I drove into my garage and parked my car. Took my groceries out , and got a text from a massage theapist, I said Yes I could use one, but not now.. Then I got to this blog.
My C6 Top Off Today!!

I stayed sober, content and kept my cool and was blessed all this afternoon in about a 4 hour period. I almost was in a wreck, and saw the damage of a possible drunk driver, and counted my blessings. What an order, I can't go through with it!!lol Well I made out ok, this is a usual day in this city. No wonder we used to drink, I would of had a few if this were a few years back or sit back and turn on
my TV and smoke a joint and just veg out. No not today, I live life and move on and remeber what happened, in a short time. Our lives are short is what I am trying to point out and what all can happen in a matter of hours if not minutes. There is no reason to get high or drink, because I am past this.
I am sure if you look at your day it would be comparable... Chris

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

To Drink is To DIe

We had to smash the idea that we could drink or it killed us. The Big Book reminds us that controlled drinking was all we wanted to have. We have the disease of alcoholism, and this spiritual malady or "issue man" inside us makes this possible. Inside you may have another drink left in you, don't even think this for a moment. We know to drink is to die. It is our death sentence to take one drink as it tends to lead to another sometimes slowly others it takes just one drink that will lead to another. We have tried all forms of controlled drinking or drugging. Trying it in the morning only or just one in the evening, then to succumb to the fact that we could drink two or more now, back to the races we went, and fell into an insane asylym. Back to treatment or death to most of us.

Hunt , Texas by Christopher Hyer 2013
Please do not believe you can control your drinking, and do not take this test. If you are like myself, it will be the last thing in your mouth, and you will not wake up. This is not living, AA gives us the tools for living and that is with the spritual God in our hearts telling us this drinking has to quit or it will kill us. The obsession to drink may not completly go away , but will if you truly work step one. Step one is the most important step we could have in our hearts and life. We have to believe in a power greater than ourselves, could restore us to sanity and not take that one drink.

God is all powerful, look at your self in the mirror and laugh this morning and this afternoon, soon you will be able to laugh all day long, and without a drink. You are with the spirit of God and he is wonderful and grateful to you for being strong
against the devil. The devil is evident now is he not? You know what to do whne the drink thing comes to your mind, there sits on one side the devil on the other is God's spirit, who do you want on your side.

The God concept is not a new one and if we truly believe he can conquer all our fears if asked. Pray to God and ask him to relieve the pain of drink and give you life today. Look at a child and see his innocence. This is you reflecting back . You are a child of God and this is good. He watches over you if asked. He needs to be asked, though. Faith without works is dead.God respects you as much as you respect him, its a mirroring effect , and it works. Millions of alcoholics and drug addicts have lived this way since being sober, you can too, so can I. God Bless and Keep your head up high, God is riding with you right now. God Bless and have a great day...Christopher07/17/2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Good Day- Thy Will Be Done, Not Mine

In a perfect world, my life would go like I see it. I am wrong , in a perfect world my life will go according to how God sees it. What does he see? I look in the mirror and he sees a sober, handsome , individual, that is sober and has his will of God in his mind. Thy will be done, not mine. This is the motto of this day. As I seek employment from different sources, God makes this all possible, where I had no leads a few days ago to having to pick which job best suits me.

Midland Park after rain Christopherhyer2013
God has his ways of telling me what to do. I don't listen at times, and be quite and shut up. I need peacefulness to hear his word to me, and sometimes his word is written in this blog. I read back a few days back and I can't believe I wrote such articles. Some good , others spiritual, and without provocation I adhere to every word I write.

My goal is for the Alcoholic to see what happens when you sober up and live life day to day. 90 days in the program and 90 meetings is great at first , but don't adhere to these if y
ou cannot, you will let yourself down. Meetings will not make you sober, its your oneness with God, that will keep you  straight and in line with the program of AA. I believe this to this day. If not for my spiritual connection with God I would not be writing these everyday.

This is my journal and I highly believe you write one for yourself. A blog is an easy idea, but a notebook with paper will do just fine. In fact this should be a part of your everyday ritual. It will help you see where you are with the steps and how you feel day to day. Today is a new day and tomorrow is the future, what happens today is god send, and the future is known by God and only him. I have to stay in check with this attitude myself, as I try to skip ahead a few days at a time.

We are not a glum lot, we are happy individuals, that God has given us a daily reprieve contigant upon how we manifest ones self with our spiritual being. God is good and he is forever watching over us and giving direction. Try to catch him working in your life today and see the miracles he performs daily in your life as I try. God Bless and have a Good Day! Christopher

Monday, July 15, 2013

All Men Of Faith Have Courage

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous , it goes into the fact that we seek spiritual guidance is by no means we lack courage. In fact , this principle of spirituality just means ,"all men of faith have courage". Ok, so I might have read this wrong, but you know what I am talking about if you have worked the steps. A spiritual beginning takes place when we complete step 4 and read aloud to our sponsor step 5 and work step 6. This is done in succession and honestly done. You cannot lie to yourself and another human being the resentments you have. It makes no sense to even try. If you want what millions of recovered alcoholics have , this and all steps are done in honest, and thought out time.

Chris Raymer Speaks!!
Work these steps fast and thoroughly so that your road to recovery can lead to step 12 , where you help the newcomer who is clueless as to what AA is all about. We need to help the newcomer come to realize step 1 and get him well off his way onto the other steps as soon as possible for him or her to stay sober for more than one more day. This is possible says ,"Chris Raymer. "Work these steps quickly, there is nowhere in the Big Book of alcoholics anonymous that says we seek 4 months of doing step 4 , this is wrong. it only takes a few days if only hours of rigorous honesty".

I stayed dry for three years of my 4 plus years of sobriety and I am a rarity, most do not last this long without some type of support. I went to AA just in time, and if I had started going like I am now, I would not of had the baffling years of insecurity I have had during those three years. I stayed sober or dry , but no program in place. I had a spiritual connection to God already, but there are many who do not understand this concept. Once the steps are in working order for the newcomer, he can go on about living and working , and staying sober. We have to work on the recovering new comer, he came to these meetings because he either had to ( Court Order) or he is seeking answers. Do not waist your time on those that do not want to work this program, let them go out and try some controlled drinking, and he hopefully will return. He may die, so it is important to try to work with the individual as fast as possible.

Once started this new person will come to know that the obsession to drink will go away after the simple step of quitting that one drink. All miracles start with step one, then one miracle after another will continue to be obtained. It works, it really does, if action is taken. God must be found and a spiritual relief has to be received in order to continue. Pray and pray more. Get on your knees and ask for help, and help will be given. Ask for the next day to be better than the last and it will be . I am working proof of this. Read through my blog and see all the miracles that have happen to just myself. I am just one of millions who have worked and fought this program. Hardhead as I was this deal actually works and keeps you from slipping if practiced. God Bless and have a Great Monday..07/15/2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

William James and AA: The Beginninge of Billl W's Spiritual Malady

In reading and watching a film about Bill Wilson , AA father and founder. William James , a great Philosopher and Writer from the 1800s to his death in 1910 , had a huge impact on the AA program.  Bill w. goes to explain on his last binge when in an asylum for drinking his last time. He discovered a book by ,"William James",. This book would have a sustained impact on Bill , he found a spiritual connection with God after reading this book and stayed sober from then on.

I dare you to read this book, it is called,"Varieties of Religious Experiences" by William James. He was a man who struck head on with the spiritual malady of living. He is why , possibly AA is what it is. A spiritual program based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. His book , is very difficult to read, and the philosophical words and phrases are quite the head on approach that made Bill W. quit drinking.

Bill w. gos on to say he had a spiritual change in his soul and the urge to drink was taken away after reading this book. I believe it is 1100 pages , and very concise on religions and why we experience outward bodies of a spiritual relationship with our higher power. Here are a few quotes from a site called "Brainy Quotes from this man , William James.

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.

These are only a few that William James writes about and they are powerful messages for our every day sobriety. These words mixed with a desire to stop drinking and get with the steps are indeed a revolution to take yourself on. The path to sobriety is haveing a spiritual relationship with God, our higher power. It is possible to pray for this relief and it will come onto you. I am one of a million persons that has been blessed with a spiritual change that has effected my life in this world. 

God Bless and have a great weekend. Life is good and Life is what you make out of it. Pray for those times when you are unsure what to do with your life, and a answer will come. This is a promise, that "Thy will be done, Not mine" Christopher07/14/2013 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Male , Female Relationships in AA- Are they Possible

I went and picked up my four year chip last night with my friend, I met in AA. She was beautiful and I helped her out with a place to stay for a couple of nights. She needed to get away from her home and figure out something, what she needs, I am not sure, but I could not provide it for her. I knew I would fall for her when I first met her, and I did. Having her in my house made it difficult to not watn to hold her and cuddle with her. I tried nothing with this sperson , though, because I knew the feeling was not mutual. She liked me, for me, but she wants no relationship, damn I thought.

Cocoa by Christopherhyer2013
However, can one have a relationship with another in AA.? I would say this would be difficult , and near impossible. You both may have physical attraction going on, then possibly sex. The bottom line is two people in the program are not the ideal mates to marry. That is of course my opinion again, and a lot of flirting goes on in AA. It's obvious in almost every meeting that has a young lady in the group, men are always hitting on her. I see this everywhere I go. This girl may be sick as hell, and yet men hit on her consistently, making AA even a hard place for this single women to be involved with. This needs to be addressed and taken care of from meeting to meeting.

Relationships are problems for us in AA and those of us that have drank a lot of years. It was a reason why we drank at times, and to deal with a spouse in the program of AA is true honesty. If you are honest with this women in A
A that you like and she can be that way back to you, then mutually you have made an agreement. This is a good deal, because if for some reason the relationship does not work out, you can still be friends. This is my case at hand. I had to let the young lady leave my place, because I told her of my intentions and how I felt, we spent the morning analizing this and she packed and wanted no relationship. That is ok with me , now and I did not hurt her and she did not hurt me. We were honest about our feelings and able to communicate our desires and our likes.

Living sober is what AA teaches you even if you are not trying to learn this, or is this God working in our lives? I would say a little bit of both. She escorted me to a meeting to receive my four year chip and I was honest when I spoke at AA last night about my past and present. This living sober is about being honest with yourself , and living through the spiritual aspect of God. It works, really works when you don't try to analize at like I tend to do . God bless and come back ....Happy 4th to those that will have the day off, and to those working . Christopher

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

William James and Sobriety

William James was a was an American philosopher and psychologist who had trained as a physician. He lived in the late 1800s to 1910. He also was the first person to start a Psychology class in America. He is mentioned in Bill W.'s video I saw on an AA site on the Internet. Bill W. said after reading "The Varieties of Religious Experiences" by William James he had a spiritual awakening. He had no desire after this episode to take another drink.

Interested as I am about this subject, Alcoholism, I decided to buy this book and wow, it is over my head. William is a Philosopher that blows me away with his words in this book. It is over 400 pages on religious beliefs and material concerning religion as a whole and spiritual beliefs that manifest itself. It is hard reading to a guy like myself.

After doing some research and putting down this book. I find out how brilliant this man is, or was and how he added to oour society of AA and the world at large. These are a few quotes from him"Act as if  what you do makes a difference. It Does"

"Belief creates the actual fact"

"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another"

"Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing."

"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook"

Powerful stuff, huh.....This fellow was very precise in this book, and the meaning of living is installed in this book, it would seem. The simplicity of his quotes are elegant and straight forward compared to his book, which is a back and forth pragmatic genius that eludes a reader.

Have a great day and check out the book if you can read this type of information, its very complex. God Bless. 06/26/2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Spiritual Malady Inside Alcoholics

The days go by so fast that we have to slow ourselves down. As an alcoholic that is in recovery, I know too much about the ins and outs of a normal day. What is normal? No one can define this except to live life on a daily basis, and abide by all laws. The laws of society and your place in this world must be ideal for one to live. The spiritual malady exists in each and every person on this earth. When one has an addiction, the spiritual malady can go insane inside of a person whom is alcoholic. I will explain this further in this book. We, as a society shun alcoholics that are on the street pushing baskets from one place to another. They are searching for their soul and drinking for these few unfortunates is a way of living. The spiritual malady inside these people is the same as most recovering alcoholics. The difference is controlling this through a spiritual connection to a higher power, or God. This sounds very easy to the normal drinker who m can put down one drink and be finished. There are those of us that cannot do this though. We drink into oblivion and this makes us feel good when doing the action of drinking. The next day our desire to quit comes for only a few moments and then the insanity of the spiritual malady kicks in and makes us take another drink to start the day out. This is a never ending cycle until one gets help from a detoxification system of some sort.
Too many people go to treatment centers, to stop drinking entirely. However, upon leaving a facility as a drug and alcohol treatment center the urge to drink comes about from being away from the confines of a facility. There is big money to be made by treatment centers and they are growing as this story is written. The thousands of dollars for a thirty day treatment center can range from the forty thousand dollar range all the way up to one hundred thousand dollar range. Insurance companies are paying only a small portion of this tab, because the relapse rate is high among first time recovering alcoholics. Why is this so?

Let’s look at the situation, you just were confined to this beautiful treatment center and every day you have meetings all day long, and are surrounded by people that you can relate to on a mental, and physical basis. The recovering alcoholic goes through many psychological changes in treatment centers. They are finding out who they really are, and some are afraid of leaving the confinement of this place. There is controlled non-drinking activities for the patient. People get use to this and realize once they have gone their usual thirty day treatment that they will face reality. There are several who have excellent insurance and will treatment hop. This is the action of going to one treatment center to another in a matter of months, because of the confinement they are relaxed and want to remain sober and this is the only way they can. A community of these people exists and go through thousands of dollars to remain in this active group of alcoholics. This in itself is a sickness, then the insurance money is gone, they are left with being homeless, if not staying sober and pushing a basket full of clothes around the neighborhood, as the old drunk who can’t stay sober. This is a reality in our world. Most human’s frown upon these few unfortunate people that are destined to die if life does not change for them. Can these “bums” change?

Yes, that is the good part, can you change him? No, there is no way a person can change anybody that is sick spiritually, and most will end up dead or in mental institutions. The worst case scenario is this person ends up in jail, and confined for life of prison. They can be lawyers, doctors and your everyday person that just cannot handle drinking. There is hope and that hope lies in the principles in AA. Yes, may of men and women have lost everything materialistic and even part of their pride? Their spiritual malady is dead and they are physically and internally sick. They can survive if given a hand of help, and driven to a place where hope still exists. AA in itself has helped people sober up in spare rooms set aside for those whom cannot afford treatment, and have the necessary tools to aid a victim of alcoholism and gain his pride back for twenty four hours, then a spiritual program outlined in the Big Book of AA can be shown to the newcomer and a new person can emerge as if a child is reborn. Many of us have been this direction and thank God for programs that cost no money, and offered by such agencies, like the Salvation Army and others. These agencies care about the alcoholic that has lost everything including their personal lives. One can become a new and active member in his community, if strong and willing to follow a few steps on a daily, or hourly basis. The spiritual malady can be re-shaped to accept this new way of living.

There is hope and even recovery if this person will dedicate his life to a higher power, or God as he understands him. You must have a spiritual revelation in your heart and head and want what AA has to offer. This is the only way to stay sober. Many of us have tried to drink only a few beers, or mix drinks where they are not as strong, and ended up flat on the street passed out again. We get up and try again, and again. Sometimes there is no hope for those who keep falling because they get involved in illegal activities and are helpless. There are many more of us that have been beaten up enough and give into the twelve steps of AA and live normal lives, as do our neighbors, and become respected, born again humans. We love, and are loved by our fellow friends and help others to quit drinking with our experiences, strength, and hopes.  
There is a re-birth of character through following the outline in AA and one can laugh for once in his or her life and lead an employed, enjoyable life, with the understanding that one drink will lead to another embedded into their head they will never forget where they are and where they came from. That is what AA is all about, fellowship and helping the alcoholic deal with living life on life’s terms. It’s a new way of living and you will be thrilled of how you are perceived from others who may have known you during the bad times and respect your new self as a person who has beat the disease of alcoholism. Though, do not fool yourself, you are one drink away from disaster. This has to be remembered and never forgotten or you will relapse and it could be your last one.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wed and a New Beginning

This is a great day to start a new project. What can you do? Well , I will let you in on what I am doing. I write articles for several different magazines online. I am pretty sloppy on this blog site, yet when it comes to work I am as precise on my grammar as I can be. Spelling has to be exact, and word usage has to be perfect. We strive for perfection anyway, right. Well none of us are perfect , and I get rejected almost 50 percent of the time with my articles. If your starting out, I would suggest you study up on grammar and make an outline on the topic you will write about.
My Old C5 2004 Corvette,

When I write for this blog I do it my way, its a free for all for me. So my sentence structure and words just come from my brain onto this page without any order. Therefor the misconception of a good writer is at hand. I suggest also that you write for the best. Yahoo Voices is a great place to make good money, yet the Editors are strict. If you get an article on this site , you can make big money. I have made about 400.00 per article, so take your time in writing for them and have patience. They will pay off big only if you have the quality they are looking for. There is also a writing Academy with Yahoo Voices and this will help you get your artic
les published by this group. I have not even finished this Academy yet, and I have been lucky on a few articles.

Staying sober means you have to put action to your prayers. Faith without works is dead. You have to help other alcoholics every day to stay sober in this world. Go to an AA meeting at noon or at 8pm. They are universal in time usually in every city in the USA. My friends from Russia who visit this site, I am curious to your input please make a comment if able to.  Today is the beginning of a new day and make it count, help someone out if you can, alcoholic or not. Maybe a child needs help with life, help.God bless and keep your head up high to the sky, your special and God knows this. Christopher Hyer 06/19/2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wed "The Age Of Anxiety" Sober Again

Historians will probably call our time on earth" the age of anxiety"anxieties are caused by the natural result when our hopes are centered in anything short of God. When we make anything alse our goal, frustration, and defeat are inevitable.Though we have less to worry about than previous generations, we have more worry.We have it easier than our forefathers, we have more uneasiness. We should have less real cause for anxiety, as we believe more in God and practice our spiritual beliefs. It is not easy to do. Try to pray for God to lift your anxieties, some grow into full panic attcks. If this happens go see a doctor and possibly seek medication for this. One must take medication for heart problems and if you have diabetes you have to take medicine. Panic is no different when it controls your life.

There is many problems that God can control, but if there is a chemical imbalance to a person , they need medicine. Do not be afraid to accept this help and be aware of the problems associated with panic disorder medications. Most can be addictive , and help. So it can be a double edged sword to a person taking such medicines. If drinking or a recovering alcoholic , you must make that decision based on your experiences with other medicines. Some frown upon people in AA that take anti-anxiety medicines , yet this should not be an issue unless mixed with alcohol. If you take the medicine as directed and not throw a beer or any other substance in your body , you should be able to take what you need for panic disorder.

Talk any medicines over with your doctor before taking them. If he thinks there is a problem with you and any medications that he is offering you to help reduce panic disorder, he should inform you. Ask an AA member and they may say just give it to God and let him take over. Remember though , if you have
uncontrollable panic that keeps you from meetings , personally I think the choice is up to you. Remember, also that possibly you will not need medication for the long term of panic disorder. If that is so, you will experience some sort of withdrawal. If you drink stay away from any type of panic disorder medicines. This will only add to your problems.

There will be those who disagree with me from AA on this subject, yet in reality it is those that may need anti-depressants. The people in AA are not doctors and they have no medical experience, so keep this in mind. A doctor is familiar with alcoholics and you must inform them of your addiction , if any, so they may provide any information pertaining to you as a person in the AA program. I hope this helps anybody that has panic disorder as I do. Have a great day and God bless you on this mid week part of your life.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday Afternoon and Sober

I dreaded and shook when I went to work this morning, it was a casual mistake I did to this computer, and all was fine. I asked for God's help and did it happen. Yes, and not when I wanted it to either. That is how the spiritual God works in my world,. If you look back at what I wrote this morning you will tell that I am in a wreck of emotions. I did not let it get to me , though. I kept my head on straight and went to get the part I needed and had a few problems and noticed this PC was not attached by brackets in the right manner, solved my ordeal.
Photogrphy by Christopher Hyer2013

It is the little things like what I went through that can cause a person to think stupid thoughts. I did not think about drinking, but if I had only a few days sobriety , I would of thought about it. This shows how crazy your inner self reacts to things you have no control over. The spiritual malady was being tugged at within my soul and I knew if I just prayed about it all would come out alright.

This is what AA is all about is believing in a power greater than ourselves and did I second guess it, No, I was prepared for anything. I think negative thoughts sometimes and I have to pray for positive thoughts. I have been negative thanks to my upbringing, and how I use to react to situations I have no control over. AA is the same way , it gives you insight on how to let go of the
se negative thoughts, and practice makes perfect. Thy will be done ( Not Mine). If I can keep this in my head daily , I will be ok. You also will be ok if you believe in a spirit greater than yourself. God does not give us anymore than what we can handle. Read Job in the bible.

Job was knocked down and delivered from God and he went through Hell on his way back to God. He never lost sight of God and kept his promise, what a strong man Job was. The devil wanted Job , but God would not let him take Job. This part in the bible is crucial for our sobriety, read it and weep , and know you do not have it as bad as Job did.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change the things I can"  Say this over and over and over again ....This prayer does work and you have to work insside the prayer. For "Faith without works is dead" Thank You for paying attention to my words. I hope it helps someone out there. God Bless.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Sober "Issue Man"

Sometimes it is plain hard to stay sober. Here I am with over 4 years and I have been thinking about what to do next. I am very busy all the time, but that little man inside me as discussed earlier in this blog, screams!

I don't want a drink , I just want something different. A girlfriend maybe , a new car, or just a want. I get agitated as the rest of you do. I know there is a few reading this blog as the numbers are shown. Yet this blog is not for cash, and not a waste of time.

I feel like if I can share the crappy moments with the good ones to someone , they will stay sober also. I don't attend AA very often any more, maybe that is my cue. I don't crave liquor at all, and I am glad. I don't have much to say tonight except , that it was a day. Not a bad day, just a day and I'm a little bummed that my postal card collection is not worth hundreds of dollars. lol

So keep your head up high and don't let the "Issue Man "inside you bring you down. He will and will try. Keep your spiritual side going all day long , not just in the morning, like I use to, but all day. God will take care of you. I am a living example of the way God is working through me to you. Have a great Wed. and were half
way through the week.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sober and Memorial Day

Usually , this is a great day to BBQ and drink beer and get f...k up and kick it with your friends. If your on the path of recovery,(which you are all the time)/ You realize that you can BBQ and not have beer at your home party and maybe drive home the ones that have been drinking. They will thank you in the end.
Russian friend by ChristopherHyer2011
I use to have a problem with all holidays and those days I made holidays which was everyday. I would suck down a six pack in no time then drive carefully to a 7-11 and buy more beer. How many of you still do this? Is it time to stop?

If you want to stop bad enough, you can. Though not through your will power alone, You must ask God to help you stop for today at least. What better day to stop than Memorial Day. This is a great day to say no thanks, I am trying to quit. That simple, and pray while you day these words, and tonight while still craving that beer or beers or alcoholic drink, thank God you have not had one today. You may fel nervous , and like a rock has hit you in the face. But you accomplished one large feet that could
last a lifetime and save you money .

God Grant me the serenity to stay sober today as I cannot change , the desire to change ( to stop drinking) the things I can. God Help me. You will have a spiritual experience some faster tthan others. If you make it through just today , you have made quite an effort. Goto an AA group and sit there and squirm with the others that are feeling the way you do. You will feel as though your not the only one suffering if you go.

Nothing in life is easy , you know this. Quitting is very hard, and people in AA do agree upon this. Its staying off the booze that is your next exercise and it gets easier as time goes by if you keep spiritual faith in God. Yes, you must believe in God , this is a spiritual program of quitting, and we cannot do this without his help. Not a one of us could. Have a great Monday, and get some work done at the house with you Idle Hands.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sober and the "God Prayer"

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!”
Photos by cpy2013

This prayer is for everyone, alcoholic or not, it covers a wide range of daily living. Is that not all we seek? What a prayer that can cover all angles of life and what one person can accomplish in this prayer.
There are things we have no control over. It could be your husbands drinking, or his Saturday nights out at the casino. You can tell someone you don’t like what they are doing with their lives, but you can’t tell them how to live.

God will undoubtedly give you what you don’t have. Whether it is money, clothes or friendship. If you pray, and sincerely need these items they will come if prayed and asked for it. Be careful what you ask for you might get it.

Have a fantastic time and tell yourself this will be an perfect time for you to help another human being. Pay it forward to another human being, and give of yourself to him or her. Have a blessed day!!

Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal

I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...