Showing posts with label God prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God prayer. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Changing Sober Times In April 2015

Every day is a new day, we have to accept things we do not want to accept at times. Changes in and around us, affect us and we have to let go. If not , we get caught up in the hoop of poor me syndrome!! I , personally have been having the blues a bit lately, maybe because my birthday just past and i am now 52 and the world is moving strangely in a direction not familiar with most people.

 I live in Midland, Texas and you know about the Walmarts that have been closing in and sround the Midland, Texas area and other areas of the country. It is none of my business what the reason is and it does seem a little bit unreal, with all the conspiracy theories surrounding this and the military exercises that are taking place just around the corner from this city and possibly in the city.

We live one day at a time, and if we stay close to God miracles will happen just like staying sober. There is nothing to fear but fear itself!!! If you have a reason to be fearful it is normal, in a since. However to stress out and wonder about the future is not a correct assessment of what sober humans do. We are just a drink away from knocking ourselves into oblivion and possible death. The disease of Alcoholism is a punishment we all have lived with and yet if you are like me, it has been a wonderful enlightening way of life.

Yes, it is different to stay sober during times where we have no control. I have to speak for myself, I want control even being sober at times and yet I have to re- learn that I have no control over people, places and events. I believe in a loving God and no one can take that from me. No one will take this from me!!I pray for good health and for my family and friends and I have done this for over seven years of sobriety. May 2015 will be my seventh year without any substance to alter my mind. Therfor this is a milestone I have not ever past before.

I have grown up as a man and learned new ways of living without close codependency upon my family and learned to pay my bills on time and keep healthy by visiting a Dr. when needed. What else can a person do but hit AA meetings when you feel the need or at least for me it is about twice a week if not more at times when I am a little bit out of whack with the universe. I get a little bit paranoid some days , and then I have to remember that God is with me and he understands why I am who I am..I pray every single hour at times even while I drive during work and this helps me in a way that only a true recovered Alcoholic can understand or some religious person that believes in a spirit that is bigger then him or her. That is one point I have to remember is God is Huge!!!He is spirit , He is in me, He is my father.He either is everything or nothing , it says in the Big book. He is everything to me. 

My baby Lab watching me eat in the kitchen!!!
I have to know that I am OK with me!!In writing about these things I am OK with whom I am and have become. I am only a man living in a society that is messed up and I let God carry me at times to point A to connect with point B , because I do not have the will at times. It's easy to forget God is in our lives, with so much crap in this world. However I have learned to take a meditation break and just lay down on the couch and talk with God and ask questions to him for 30 minutes, and I sem to be good to move on day by day!!God Bless The USA....Christopher...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Living Sober through The Holidays 2014

It's holiday season again as it is every year. Living sober through the holiday season is no different then the rest of the year!! Is there a litttle bit more stress? Yes , of course there is..Some of us use to egt around out old school buddies and drink the night away and smoke . However if you have made the leap into a new faith of sober living you may not of gotten together with your old budies and if you did you might of not got drunk this year.

I kknow I had to change the people places and things in my life to stay sober. Did you?
Quite possibly you do not have the same friends as you did in your drinking days as you do now..I do not have many friends that are still living , so it's not too unusual to spend time alone reading books and collecting my comics as I do this for a hobby.

Christopher and Son 2014
We all have our demons but if you believe in Christ our Lord he will rid these demons out and let you have a spiritually based holiday with no interruptions. Mine has been peaceful, with my family and the few friends I have in AA..Today is 12/30.2014 and I am off Thursday till Monday of this week, and that makes it nice to be able to sleep in , so to speak. Have you found it hard to sleep in? I have, really sleep in means about an hour more than 7 am for me. I have a schedule even on my off days to get things done at the house. God has made it possible for me to have chores to do to occupy my time, and then I have started reading more often than not books.

Living sober in 2014 was not bad, it had it's up and downs but mostly ups. I made several mistakes in life and what I did and said. I make no resolution when the new year starts, I just break them anyway..Have you really kept your New Years resolutions, or are they just conversation things to talk to friends about and laugh about?

Remeber , this is just a diary of my life and not to be taken too seriously because I do not take life to seriously or I would go nuts. I bought a new 2015 vehicle for work and home, and still do not know if it was stupid or not. It is not a Corvette , but it is what I needed for work and home life, so It is just the car I needed. God bless you all whom read this and take it One Day at a Time..Christopher...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Re-building Credit after Hitting Bottom Due to Drugs and Alcohol

Most of us have hit a bottom in our life leaving behind unpaid bills and bad credit. It is not unusual to be in such a situation after drinking and drugging. So I decided to tell you how I got my credit back after being below a 500 score on FICO. It is very easy to do, and it does take time. Here are a few tips that worked for me, and I actually have driven my credit rating up to 710 and have new credit cards.

The first thing is all those letters you get for being behind, forget them. Do not pay them. Find a credit company online that will work with you in deleting these negative remarks. Even if you owe on these they can be destroyed. It cost money but only about 45 a month, I don't want to endorse anyone, but hunt around for anyone that charges about that much. They usually dispute up to 5 items on your credit report and it actually works.

After that is done, your credit score will start to rise after a month or two, and you will be eligible for credit cards at the following companies. The score you will need to have is about a 600, Wallmart, Target, and Barclay Visa, JC Penny, Exxon, and others. These are the cards I was able to obtain. However be careful and do not max them out ..They all give pretty good credit to you even at a poor score of 600. They help you build credit if you let them sit and don't spend on them. Conns is a easy credit card store to get credit from. Besst Buy is another one that I found to be easy to get...

Too many cards can drive you stir crazy also if you start using them, pay them on time..Pay the full balance or more than the minimum payment..I made the mistake of maxing out my Visa cards and it has hurt my score again, so be careful.

If you need to take out a loan and have a credit score of 600 chose Springleaf Financial, they are reasonable, and they will loan on about 4k in money at 30 percent interest..Sometimes that is better on your higher interest  cards.

I just thought I would mention this because I have been working on my credit for only 10 months now and I am fine as long as I can pay my bills..Good luck and God Bless..Chris Hyer10.30.2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Focused and Sober , Today!!

There are a lot of good things that happen when you stay sober, and one of them is being focused on your life and what's around you. I have been through many trials and tribulations while in the last six years of my sobriety. We all have been in actuality. How we handle these issues when they arise is a proven ability of God working within us. If you truly believe in God and pray for others and yourself, you will always be alright in the outcome of the possibilities of nature and life. Staying focused on what you are doing and saying is key to living sober.

Stay Focused!!
I have been staying focused on my spiritual program for a long time. Even when I was drinking I was in complete contact with God, as I remember back. I , did however use my conscious contact with God in a different manner, than I do now. I am a more caring person that makes things happen, good and not so good. I make mistakes but I know when and how I did these mistakes now.

I have found a new love in life that I cannot explain. A new reason to get up early and get ready for the coming day and to see what awaits me. SOmetimes it's not exactly what I want but that is life. I do the job and I end up feeling good about what I have done. Never fails!! God Bless and Stay Focused!!Chris 10.27.2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Travel and Sobriety

Today is travel day for me. I am headed to Orange County, Ca for work for one week. It is always nice to get  a break from thuis small town of Midland, Texas but I am still a bit unstable about flying and being sober. I don't worry about having to have a drink to fly. I just get caught up with anxiety over the entire trip. It is new every time I leave home, and now I have to leave behind my partner , Abbey. She is my dog.

However, I believe in God and he believes in me and all is going to be allright with this trip. I have a brother in Newport Beach , Ca. and he is picking me up at the airport and we will dine tonight before taking me to my hotel in Huntington Beach, Ca.. It seems over whelming this morning but I have read the bible and I am dressed to fly like a professional . I prefer to look as nice as I can , I am not sure why. In the
years people use to wear a suit and tie when flying by airlines, it was a privilege I guess. These days everyone just wears whatever, and that is fine with me, but I wear a sport coat and slacks , and just feel more comfortable looking nice.

I have been sober for over 5 years now and it just gets better each day. Even today is better than last year at this time when I had to fly to Chicago for work. That was very nervy yet this is also. I am calm , but anxious and this willl pass once I get going in the airports, I am positive. I just keep saying , Happy, Joyous, and free is what I am..I meditate and calm down. I love airplanes and I have seats next to the window like I like it so I have it all  going my way or God's way.

God protects me and guides me everyday and he will today..I have to let go and let God run the show again like I do every day. It is not easy task for a former alcoholic to do. It can be done though if tried. Well its that time to roll back the car and head to the airport, have a great day and God be with us all...Chris

Friday, September 12, 2014

Traveling and Being Sober

I will embark on a business trip this next week and I am looking forward to it however it has it's downfalls. I have a new puppy and she and I have really bonded, she is a Labrador and I feel like I am abandoning her to the Kennel . It actually feels like I have a child I have to take somewhere and leave cause Daddy is leaving her . The only thing is the dog does not know this. I tell her of course and I have discussed this in AA last night, but I can't help but feel sorry for my puppy and myself.
Being sober and having a companion like I have has made my life so much better. I highly suggest if your by yourself and have no puppy , you get one. It gives new meaning to life.

I now how someone to have responsibility for , even though it's just a dog. She is mine and we both play together and love each other. God knows this and some may think this is silly . But I can't stop thinking how lonely it is going to be not having her lick me when the alarm goes off in the morning , or how she is at night, sneaking underneath my bead to sleep. Me providing her comfort is what this is. It is nice to know that I can love another and be sober at the same time, even though it's just a dog.

I spoke enopugh on this subject now and it is time I take her, I just had to write this in my journal so I could get it it off my mind for  a little while. God Bless you all!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Dog in Sobriety

My New Puppy,"Abbey"09/04/2014
Funny thing about being sober and not having a wife is you sometimes can get lonely. I finally have a house now with a large backyard and I decided to get a puppy. Never had my own puppy before, and now I have had her for over one month and she is keen. Great for my company when I need her, which is all the time now. She has grown into knowing what is wrong and right at my house, well she is learning. I get frustrated with her, but I am kind to her and treat her as if she were human. She is my love of life!! I highly recommend you get a puppy if you can while going through this life of sobriety. It can be great to get out of yourself and help a dof and train her into being a fine animal.

It takes patience and sometimes I run short of this. It takes love and I am full of love for my dog. I have to be in California for a week this month and I dread having to take her to the kennel, I love her so much and don't want her to think I just left her. However, I give her up to God and I let life keep on happening and I will be ok as she will.It is a humbling experience to own a dog and make sure she is fed and is kept healthy and trained. Responsibility is the utmost importance with my puppy.I would not of taken care of a dog years ago. This puppy folows me everywhere and is so smart, I am grateful for my girl. Sobriety brings about many different avenues in our lives and this is one of those times where it really pays off in loving one another.

Have a good day and God bless you on your journey as it can get rocky , yet trust in God and your day will be ok. I know this as I live this way every day. Pray for his forgiveness and you will be forgiven. Sins are always there for us to initiate and God willing he will forgive these sins if we ask. Living sober has its benefits and having a puppy is one of them.  

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

God Got Me Sober Then God Got Me Drunk!!

Welcome to my blog and I will post your email to me as I just did with "God got me sober then God got me drunk"..This was in my blog email, and it struck me good. It either is from a person that is trying to heal through his alcoholism and is failing, or this person really means what he says.

My Oil Painting Christopher Hyer
Let's think about the statement this person sent me.Okay, I thought about it, and this person can say what he wants , this is a free USA and I am damn glad it is for now. He can say anything he pleases and believe in what he says.The "God got me drunk, I just don't buy unless God had a purpose for me to drink myself into a drunk state , so I would lean
how to recover and be a better person ,then I accept this. If this person is spiritual, and believes this he might have a hard time staying sober. I don't know, and really do not care.

This blog is about myself , and not the other alcoholics out there. I write because I like to see how far I have progressed in my disease against alcoholism.Everyday , I have to fight off the demons of doing wrong from right, it seems. I know drinking is not right for me ,so I do not drink. Period. God took this obsession away from me five years ago, and I don't think he intended my life to be a drunk.I used my will to drink not God's will to take the first drink.

I have to work at a funeral home on Thursday and I am dreading every minute I have to be in this place. Why? I don't know, exactly. This is a good reason to drink though, right..Wrong, I have learned to not drink when I have no control over my life, and all has turned out ok. I can find every thing, person, or situation to drink about , but now I chose to not drink it away and face my fears. I do ask from help from God to enter each and every day. I will do the same with this place full of death. However I have to remember that all these dead people in this place I am going to are actually going somewhere better. That is what the bible says, and I try to live up to the bible and it's words. Everlasting life is what we get for choosing to be the best we can in our human world. The spiritual self lives on. So I wonder how many thousands of spirits will run through this place when I work there. I am looking at this situation as a good thing, and that these spirits that are in this place will be willing to accept just hate that I have to go.However this to shall pass, and I live on to my next account.

Any more people want to comment , go right ahead, it gives me a reason to write about how I am feeling about life, today. God Bless You All!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sober in a Alcoholic Society

Staying sober in a alcoholic society is key. There are beer ads and liquor ads that strike at us at all directions. The media is to blame and so are the companies that promote what they sell. They have a right to create a mass of media to sell their products , but to what extent? Your children and mine are affected by the ads that are on Bill boards in your city as well as mine. Every picture shows people having a god time and a bottle of their favorite drink next to them. Is this to assume that if I don't drink your product that I am to be unhappy and boring?

Photos By Christopher Hyer
The society that we live in tolerate alcohol and the alcoholic, that is out of control. You have friends that drink too much , as I have them. Do we tell them, I don't unless they ask. I will be upfront and chose words that are not of an AA nature possibly. We were all there at one point in our lives. Could not put the beer down and when we did, we went and grab the car keys and made sure our breath was not smelling like liquor , just to go buy more liquor. The insanity of our alcoholism, is so obvious when you think back of how it use to be drinking.

Society and friends think that it's normal to drink. It is widespread throughout the world. To celebrate any holiday, we drink. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Joyous occasions are celebrated with alcohol. Every day of the week was a holiday for me , I would have to say. It was not a fun holiday in the end. It was off to the races , when I was coming down from a drinking binge. Back to the local store where they knew me by name and what I drank. I was special to this store owner!! 

Friends , that I would call after catching a slight buzz would know right off that I was drunk when I phoned them. It was normal for them to cut me off when I spoke to some of my family members and close friends. I was a closet drinker and did not go driving around and drinking. I might get another DWI, so I thought I was smart in not driving and just drinking at home. I was alone and getting lonelier. It is heart breaking when I think about it, so I try not to think about the bad times. There were so many towards the end of my drinking though, it is hard not to forget..

Social outcast as I was, and not blending in with social drinkers was me. In fact, when I had to meet business associates for a drink out, I would not drink alcohol, because I knew I would not stop at one glass. I would drink soda water with lime , like I do now all the time. I used my head when I

did drink , and then I did not. After a while the body gives out from so much alcohol, and starts to kill you. Your liver goes bad, and you have to heal or you die.
Photo By Christopher Hyer

This is the reality of being sober in an alcoholic society!! For some people and I am talking into the millions in the USA, alcohol is killing us. I am sure you can think of one or two people right this minute that is alcoholic and you can't do a thing about it. He has to change, not you changing him. That is where our thinking has to change in society. There is a cure for this disease and its rather simple. It just takes stopping that first drink and for long you will be a sober individual, with a life better than you had ever in your life... Christopher Hyer 6.7.2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

Five Years as of This Month , Sober

I have not kept up with this blog on Sobriety and I will try to keep it going since there are people reading it.As of this writing , I will receive my 5 year chip for sober living on Tuesday night. It is a bigger deal than I first thought. I have for the last year been granted a great job in which I get to travel. I have a healthy son that is a non drinker and non smoker and he is 20, I have been blessed with a new house that was given to me by my mother, I have a daily routine, which I never had before sobering up. I pray constantly and my prayers are answered in a way I can't really put my finger on.

Don't be caught in this!!lol
God has given me everything I could possibly need in life , and God either is or is not. He is the main reason for my success and I have to say AA also has improved my thought patterns about people and life. Watching the new comer come in all strung out with no hope. That is the real deal with AA is helping those with no hope as I was one of these. They really don't seeem to get it, but a couple will stay around and sober up out of 30 people that come to my group , which is called the 12 Step Group of Midland, Texas.

The AA group I go to has a low attendance and I seem to like it that way. Every one has their preference, and I go every Thursday and Saturday to this group. It is on my schedule to do this and I don't even think twice about it. It has become habit to me and a good one at that. You learn that your problems may not be as big as you think when attending an AA meeting, and then you might just go away in a pink cloud, and happy that you went. That to me, is the spiritual side of AA, the God miracle working in our group as maybe in your group.

I have chaired meetings the last few months and enjoy doing this. If my sponsor ask me to do this , I automatically will. There is something to be said about relationships with others in AA that are staying sober, you can trust them. People that you would of past and not look back at, now are respectable citizens with jobs and family.

Marfa , Texas
My family is not very close, however since I have cleaned up they have become closer. My mother and I were so far apart when I was drinking that we never really knew each other. Now I have the deepest respect for her and my brothers and sister, that are in my family. My father on the other hand still drinks quite a bit, and God Bless him, and I hope he lives out a good life. I still have lunches with my father at the bar of a local restaurant. It bothers me none that he drinks wine consist
ently while chatting to me, and I don't bug him about his drinking. He is 78 years old and has a few DWI's and knows what he is into if he gets caught. It is his life and I can't tell him what to do. He is wealthy and thinks he can buy his self out of this. I just pray he does not hurt anyone, or he could not live with himself.

On a positive note, Life is good, and it is not easy being single in this town I live in. I am making the best of it the only way I know how, is to not take a drink. That's it!!!Really once you stop and stay stopped, life gets better, but it takes time. I am living proof of this. Have a good day, I know I will. Christopher Hyer

Friday, May 2, 2014

Alcoholics and Denver Colorado

The legalization of marijuana in the Colorado area had me wondering the other day. I was thinking how nice it would be to go to the store and pick out my dope by flavor. How nice that would be. I don't smoke pot anymore, it has been 5 years since May 2009 since I have smoked. I am an alcoholic though, and a drug addict that has recovered, or have I.
When you think of legalized pot, like in Colorado. It has me thinking how nice it would be to go back to smoking pot. However it would trigger my drinking a beer with smoking, so that would not work.

The same old sick thinking starts to creep in when they legalize stuff like this. Its like going to your local convience store and picking your drug of choice , beer, pot, whatever else they sell.It makes it hard on some of us that live to stay sober ,and stay sober to live. It is a choice of your own.

Anyway had to throw that comment in there. I wonder if there is pot smoke all around the place in Colorado? I might have to visit, but it is like a gambler with gambling problems and going to Vegas. Could this hurt Colorado, by legalizing Pot? I doubt it so many people smoke it. Just m,y thought for the day. Have a great day and God bless...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Why Am I Alive

There is a reason why you are alive today. God planned it this way. Yes, you may have had bad habits and still have them. However, God planned you in the beginning. He has plans for you ever since the day you were conceived. He loves you. He loves me. There is a reason why you are breathing today, it is God's will that we breathe and some do not. He knows when we will die and when we will fail, but is it really a failure to live at times, or are these just lessons. We did not create ourselves, so we do not know how we were created . God created you in his image and Rick Warren , "Purpose Driven Life" is a great example of why we live. Set goals, aim high, break bad habits and live. Live today and be successful.

God loves alcoholics and he planned you to be this way, not you. He did this possibly for you to concieve your purpose in life. Life as a spiritual person who now understands God's powers and strengths in your life. I really believe we are meant to be the way we are. If you  treat others with the same respect that you would like, that is what God would like us to do. God Bless. Christopher

Monday, January 6, 2014

Worth Living For

There are times when I wish I knew what the hell I am living for. Is it to please someone or myself? I wake up say my prayers and hope that each day will be a great day and not all are. They are not bad days , as I try to pay my bills and be responsible. This is called living in itself. I had never really been responsible for my own stuff. I would put it off and wait on this or that bill. I got that taken care of this weekend , and I payed all my bills that I owe right now. I feel good about this and maybe this is just life.

I incur bills from credit cards, car payments, insurance IRS, and everything imaginable. I am trying to cut back some of these bills and doing good at this. Being responsible is part of living sober and the AA way of taking control of oneself.It has taken me almost 5 years of sobriety to understand this . I am now realizing how irresponsible I was. My finances were always in debt. I was living a life of lies and deception. I was drunk or hung over and just did not want to pay my bills. Maybe I am the only one that was this way, I don't know. I do know it feels good to know they are paid now and I do not get harassing phone calls anymore. Growing up is what this is called.God Bless and have a great day...Christopher  

Friday, December 20, 2013

Sober and Work

I have noticed at times that work gets in my way of sobriety. What I am saying is I don't get to enough meetings because I am flat ttired from work. This is a bad deal since the meetings are so important to make . It is not how many you make, but at times when I need one I do not go. I have kept my sobriety intact through just praying to God for his help in life and work. This helps a great deal. I have great men to work with and a prtty non- stressful position though it can be if I let it get t o me. That happened last night . I was tired of the traffic and calls I had to make on Thursday, but I hung in there as I do today. God does for me what I cannot do for myself. This is so true in my life.

I think I am getting a little bit of arthritis in my hands as I type this . It brings me a little pain but I will keep this up until the day I die. This is my diary of sorts so I can look back over my progress. I encourage everyone to do a blog on their sobriety, it helps. I think I will try to make some noon meetings while ut running my work, as I have time for these. I have not thought of this until now as I write. God be with you and have a good day......Christopher
Robert Cray Band Live in Odessa, Texas

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dear God," Sorry To Disturb You Now" But,

Do you feel like you are disturbing God . I do at times, and hope I am not getting in his way. I pray every day for him to watch over the world and me. I am selfish by the way. I try not to be , but when it comes to praying I am. I wish for my whole family to be safe and free from evil or darkness. Darkness, is evil when it rears its ugly head. We have all experienced it, yet to ask for it to go away, it does. You only have to ask God remove the evils from your life and fill yourself full of goodness. That is what I pray for as well. I am a fanatic that prayer in the morning will help you through the day. I seldom pray during the day unless I am  in a complicated situation with work, then small prayer will take care of my issue or give me an alternative answer to my problem.

It's all good to give and receive this Christmas, however there are some that do not have much. It is hard to tell which people need help or which will take advantage of you. I guess you just pray about it and do what your heart says to do. I buy mostly from the internet as I do not like the crowds at the stores. Maybe your this way also, you do miss out on the spirit a little bit by doing your shopping this way.

I am just thankful that I am able to give this year, not in presents but in faith also. When you sober up you help those around you without trying to. It's odd but it does happen. Your family values change as your attitude changes and it reflects in your actions and words. Keep up the AA if you can , that is where you will learn about the spiritual side of this disease of Alcoholism. It will help you with friends over time also. True friends, that you can count on. Have a good day, and God bless the USA......Christopher Hyer
Chicago Downtown, By Chris Hyer in October 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

One Day At A Time

We all get in a hurry at the beginning of each morning for work. However , it is important to remember why we are still breathing. God willed us to be alive today, and that is good. It means he has plans for you and I today. What they are we will not know. Will we have a good day or bad one. I , personally have not had a bad day, I have had unusual days. I am not happy all the time but I try to reflect that I am. It is my attitude I have for the day in which I live that day out. When you sober up , your entire life changes. The way you act, think , and do things will change. This is for the better. You will know a freedom you never experienced and you will be a better employee and employer. This is a fact. One reason is your not hung over from the previous night. Your head is on straight. This is an advantage over some people, who still drink.

I pray to God every morning while taking a shower for all good to be in my life and evil to go away from me, and it works, it really does. I tend to have great days at work. I am trying to write in this blog every day now before work and that takes commitment. I have time, as I am ready about 20 min. before I have to get into traffic.Pray to have a good day and you just might..Test your self and see. It seeems to work for me, and I hope it works for you. God grant us the
serenity........Christopher Hyer

Sunday, December 15, 2013

God and Being Sober, Today

God's light is all around us..By Christopher Hyer 12/15/2013

God is with us today and everyday we wake up from a night sleep. Do you recognize him in the morning. He is the smell of fresh coffee in the morning, and the breath of fresh air. He is within us also , even if we do not pray. He is at all times in us telling us what to do and what not to do. We have to listen for him, or we get lost in the darkness of evil. This is easy to say and write , however , think about it. How good God really is to you and I. I pray each and every morning for his blessing throughout the day. Does he listen, Yes of course. Do my questions have answers , Yes and God already knows how I will react to these answers. He knows all and we must trust in him to stay clean and sober for today. It is possible to be sober everyday, I am living proof of this.I awoke this morning feeling a little sleepy and not wanting to do my washing and ironing for the coming week of work, yet if I don't do these they will not be done. Thy will be done , is what the Lord has said to me, and I unconsciously do these chores everyday that are good and right. 

The Lord will save you. This is so true and You might make mistakes on the way. whether financial or by word of mouth. We say things that hurt people and we don't mean to do this on purpose, and yet at times we do do these things to hurt those that have hurt us. This is not right and we ask for forgiveness. It is not easy to ask for forgiveness, though it is human error and we must ask God to direct us in the right manner.

Sobriety is a spiritual way of living. There is no other way to live. You do not have to believe in God , but you must believe in him someday to stay sober. Read the Big Book of AA and you will see this is the answer.It is not easy to let go , and let life just be as it is. We all want some type of control.It will kil us in the end to believe we have complete control over our daily lives. Those of us whom are sober will relate to what I speak this morning. Thank God for the day and ask him for forgiveness and bless those who have hurt you or you have hurt them. You will feel good you did.  

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Living Sober, Completely

In waking up daily , we get on our knees and pray to God. This is a ritual of sort that must take place in order to complete your day. It is for me , that is. I always say about an hour of prayers before the start of the day. You must live sober completly or you will fail. This includes practicing the AA steps daily in my life and attending an AA meeting if needed for that day. What does an AA meeting do for you ? Well there are others there that ask themselves the same question, its the fellowship of others who have recovered or the ones who are wanting to try recovery, because it is the one way that works.

Three Days Grace Concert, Midland, Texas ( Beer Fest)
It's not just going to meetings that will keep one sober, it is interacting with others in the fellowship and seeing how there lives have changed and how your life has changed. It is a good reminder of where you are going and where you came from. Is it needed daily, well for some it is. I got to three meetings a week. I have a schedule of which meetings I go to and which ones I don't. If it has substance and I get something out of it I attend. Living sober completely means action takes place instead of words. You may hear words at a meeting but without action , one is stale. You will find that you grow along spiritual lines that are clean and good for yourself. They will effect your lifestyle and your personality in a positive manner. You will always hear yourself at an AA meeting from others that speak.

There is the real life of going out and practicing the steps of helping other recovering alcoholics which is needed in order to stay sober. It is sometimes hard to get these to call you. I have found this out by handing out my phone number to many newcomers and only to not get one call. The deal is I am avaiable if they need me. That is sometimes all we can do. Make your self able to take a call and let the drinker you are there for them. The rest is up to them. You , however are practicing
the twelve steps of alcoholics anonymous when you try to help. That is all that is asked.

I recently went to a rock concert in Midland, Texas and beer was being sold out at this venue and there were a lot of drunks and at the end of the concert there were police officers waiting at the door to make sure one was sober. Thank God I was only drinking 3 dollar bottles of water, as I was not even looked upon these officers. They had a group of about 20 ready to go to jail for public intoxication. What a deal , huh. I was blessed this night , but I had no plans of drinking anyway, if this would of been a few years back , I too would be joining this group.

So good comes from not drinking, even if only for yourself. You are responsible now, and with the number of DWI cases in court in my little town, I do not want to spend one night in jail. This is my insurance, AA, and it should be yours. Have a great day and God Bless. Chris

Monday, August 5, 2013

Starting out Your Day Sober

It is a Monday and starting your day out sober is a good thing. No hangover, and fully functional is the best way to feel, even if a bit drowsy from sleep. I have to admit there were too many Monday's where I was hung over and I called in sick to work, I am sure some of you can relate. We don't have to do this anymore, and our employer thinks the world of this or they should. Monday seems to be the starting point for the week for me. All things new and unknown, and I pray first thing in the morning for strength to make it through the day and to let God do his thing with me.

Trees by Chris Hyer 2013
It is ok to ask God for help when you are in a position for his guidance. I am waiting on an answer from a corporation to see if I can be employed by this company. I should know today is what I was told on Friday. It is out of my hands now, and I have to pray about a positive outcome from this employer. What is positive though, to me it would mean employment in an area in which I excell in. However this may not be the route in which God wants me to ta
ke. We will have to see and wait for the outcome from this meeting. I have learned how to let GOd work and to let go of situations which use to baffle me, I have no control over certain aspects of my life. This has made me a better person and a more patient one.

Starting your day sober is a such a great feeling and I hope if you are sober you have learned how to give control over to God in situations that use to baffle you. It really is all you can do. You have to take action and try to make things happen. Faith without works is dead. Once you have exhausted all avenues to make the needed changes in your life, sit back and relax and let God take over. He will guide you the rest of the way in his time, not yours. This is easy to say but hard to learn. I hope you have a good Monday and keep your head up high, and pray your day comes off just as goood as you want it to. Christopher...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

What usually happens? The show doesn’t come off very well.

The show for me is every day living and working . SOmetimes it does not go very well and that is when I need the strength of God to help me through. I pray in the mornings and read the Big Book beofre work. I ask for his forgiveness, and that I may make it through another day. This is not hard to do , and I pray that my prayers will come to light. So far so good. I am new at my company and I have a lot to learn, I am very tired this morning and would rather stay home. This is my old sick thinking is what I have. I pray for God to lift my sprits and to guide me through today. I pray for my family that they may have a pleasant day. I pray, and pray and pray.

I believe you cannot pray enough, as my prayers tend to come true. I am a hard headed individual that wants to learn what I am doing and it is hard work this time. There is no easy solution. I want to fit in and become a part of something and I am trying to hard , maybe. I will ask God to guide me through today and give me strength as I go through today. You might need to do this also. Prayer really helps and to stay sober a spiritual relationship with God is needed. I think I have this. I hope you have a good day and I pray that all my readers have a good day as well. Christopher

Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal

I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...