Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Updates to Blog For Sobriety

Since I am recovering from the Dentist, I have decided to make use of this blog as it tends to be growing in numbers around the world. This blog now has a translator, because of the Russian community that is present on this blog. I welcome the Russian Alcoholic and all others from around the world to explore my daily routines and rituals, if you will. This blog is for alcoholics and thos whom might be interested in what alcoholisim is. I put my personal accounts or journal into this and sometimes I just put plain facts from other sites to help those of us that need this.

Interesting !! Chris Hyer 2013

I will say this , if an alcoholic , you should build your own blog or be writing about your our story in a personal journal, that way you can see how you have been doing . I have found this to be quite an experience and I see how I have grown from hating AA to loving it. I am a proud recovering or recovered person from drinking alcohol and smoking . I write to inform the masses and myself how far I have come and how this program of rigorous honesty, works with the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. I am sorry to say that the only way to stay sober is to work the steps and work them with a sponsor and attend a few AA meetings every now and then or everyday. Whatever works for you. We are all different, when I mention a higher power , I speak of God and this might throw a whole lot of people off. I am a Ch
ristian though and I have come to believe that God has lifted me and my spirits high and ahs given me the power to pass what I know on to people.

I am in no way an authoritative person,, that thinks my ways work for you. I am just one in a million that try's to adhere to this program the best I can. I have thrown some advertising on here to make use of other ideas. Scientist are always looking for ways to beat this disease and therefor if any of these ads helps you in any way , then so be it. I get help from meditation and reading the Big Book of AA, there are those of you that seek another direction beside AA, I say good luck. I have not found any other way and one must work a 12 step program to stay sober, this is fact. There are no magic pills or words , but there is the spirit of God that can be had from this program and working the steps is the way in finding that spiritual aspect that you will have to have. I am just one example of what God has done for my life with a little bit over 4 years of sobriety, each day is a miracle , that I don't use or drink. I thank God for the family I have , and the way my friends look upon me now. My son is closer to me than ever and loves me. These are the rewards for doing this simple , program. You cannot buy this program or love from an individual, I have tried. I have tried everything your little head is thinking, and I have fallin many times back into the darkness of the insanity. Please comment and leave your testimony if you feel like it. We are not a glum lot , we all need to be loved, and this is good. Christopher

The Tuesday of Hope for Sobriety

Well, I made it through my first day of work, only to have my Dental appt. today. I have a few teeth that have to have root canals done to them this morning. I may be out of work for a while or all day. This upsets me because I just started, yet my boss is aware of this situation. I am glad I did nto have to lie about anything, I had to have them done, ASAP, as they are hurting very badly.

The thing with being an alcoholic is we put things off . I do at least and my teeth are bad from years of smoking and drinking. They are getting better, but I have been through three years of reconstruction. I am in the final phase of this Dentist, so hopefully , this will all end soon. I have practically bought a Ferrari for this Doctor. He is good and knowledgeable, and my work knew ahead of time I had to have this work done, so be it.
Chimes by Chris Hyer 2013

I will have to take Hydrocodone for the pain and It makes me feel good if I remeber this, I am smart as to only takeing one of these usually, for the pain. I do not want to run rampid with this medication and I have not so I am not worried. It kills the pain and makes me goofy.

My new job is good and it will take me time in getting to know all that needs to be done. I hope my employer knows I am a bit slow as to catching on. I can only do what I am capable of doing. Having a new employer and getting things done the way they want them to be done is a challenge. I can do it though. God is watching over me as I pray while I work. It does work. God Bless...Christopher

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Morning Soberiety and New Job

I start my new job in IT today with a business that is local. I look forward to working outside the house. This is a fortunate position that God has sent my way. I have the jitters a bit this morning but I woke up early and got cleaned up and had enough time to write to this blog. Monday's are usually busy days for most as they set out for the week. I believe that I have found the perfect Christian job , all that work here are Christian and family. They seem to have accepted me and my past alcoholism. I explained to them on my first interview that I was. This is how I am spiritually motivated I said. The man I talked to was impressed, though I was outspoken, it did not hurt my job chance
s. Nor was a drug test even given, I was trusted.
Garden in Midland, Texas 07/21/2013 Chris Hyer

I think working for a Christian company is what God had planned for me, though the work will be difficult, there is training.God does not give us more than what we can handle is what is said, and I believe this and will do my best. I need to calm down and let things be as they are. I slept horribly last night, I guess my first day has made me a bundle of nerves, for I have not been under a employment like this in a while. I was a contractor, and ran the show. I must remeber that I do not run the show, I am an actor for this company and I must slow down and follow their rules. God makes this happen.

I have said my prayers this morning and pray as I do , this makes for a great beginning. I will write at the end of the day to tell how all went. God grant me the serenity to change the things I can the wisdom to know the difference and so on....I have said this prayer possibly 5 times today and the Lords prayer that things work out. I will go forward in pursuit of being productive and knowledgeable this day forward with my life and my work. I dress for the part and look nice and my mind is open for new ideas. I carry with me a cross around my neck in remembrance of Christ and what he has done for me. I wear a ring with a cross , so my fingers will be guided by God. I know this may sound foolish but I believe . I show my belief this way, and flaunt this belief.

Well,have a blessed day and those still drinking , I feel for you and please write and tell me how I could help you via the Internet. I will reply if I can. God Bless. Christopher

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday and a Beautiful Day to be Sober

I met a woman last night from CL and she was about my age. We hit it off right from the start aqnd began to talk. She asked about my past , and as honest as I am. She inquired, "You would be hard to be in a committed relationship because what if you decided to drink again?" , Well that stumped me and I said you don't. I can only tel you that I will not in all probability go back to how I was or I will be dead. Shocked , as she seemed to be, I told her I had been as low as I could go this time. I lost my life almost this time when I sobered up, and I will never forget this.

Texarkana, Ark. Chris Hyer 2011
How many of you have had this question brought up to you? It was difficult to swallow at first. Would all women thing the same thing? Do I really care? I would have to  say that I could not give her a good answer. I am not on this earth to please a stranger, I am here to stay sober and productive and make a living. If it comes right down to it , I will never marry again and be just fine. I willl have the same questioned asked, I am sure. It's these little things that can really ruin it for me. I try to adhere to the AA program and some people think your some kind of freak or not good enough for them. They are wrong and there are millions of us in relationships al over the world. We are n
ot a glum lot, we are happy individuals, and God driven. They just don't understand this and so be it.

I start a new job on Monday with a Christian company and I look forward to this new position in life. I look ahead and with a future for my life and it involves no drugs or drinking. It involves doing the best for my employer and staying up with AA at the same time. God will be with me through the day and so I do not worry or concern myself with any outcome. I use to get drunk before I started a new job, and the result was so they could get use to the real me back then. I do not need to do this anymore, I can sleep fine at night and wake up early enough to write on my blog and get to work on time. That is my goal and I pray this works out fine. I know it will. I am in recovery for the rest of my life, and it is ok. Accept me for who I am not and who I am. I am very proud of what I do not do anymore and you should be also. Work the steps at home and at work and pray constnatly with God and all things can be accomplished. Chris

Friday, July 19, 2013

Promises and Life Mid Afternoon Friday

I just got home from having lunch with my father in Big Spring, Texas. Here is what happened . I left Midland, Texas at 1130am arrived at a restauraunt at 1215pm in Big Spring , Texas. Had a gyro sandwich and found 100.00 bill on the sidewalk. Pocketed the money and was kinda happy. Got in my car to go back home, and enjoyed the top off and was cruising at 80 MPH and all of a sudden the traffic on the highway stopped. As I pulled up to the accident I noticed a black Dodge Ram, on its top in the other lane next to mine coming the wrong direction and bottles of liquor all around the truck. I saw blood coming from the cab and turned my head so I did not see more, I continued on to my city and the traffic was going up to 100 MPH and I was in wonder as to what the hurry was to get to this hell hole called Midland , Texas. Then a near miss in town by a Big truck, almost hit me, and pushed me off the road. I proceeded to the grocery store to buy stuff. I bought drinks and shampoo, had a lady rush right in front of me in the express lane with about 40 items. I waited patiently for this 20 inute checkout , and then put my 4 items down and loaded my car..Got in car , proceeded to back out and a truck was just sitting right behind me. He was not going to move, I got out and asked him to move his ass nicely, and he went , oh, uh ok, and he left. Damn I thought , what an idiot. I decided today was dangerous, I drove into my garage and parked my car. Took my groceries out , and got a text from a massage theapist, I said Yes I could use one, but not now.. Then I got to this blog.
My C6 Top Off Today!!

I stayed sober, content and kept my cool and was blessed all this afternoon in about a 4 hour period. I almost was in a wreck, and saw the damage of a possible drunk driver, and counted my blessings. What an order, I can't go through with it!!lol Well I made out ok, this is a usual day in this city. No wonder we used to drink, I would of had a few if this were a few years back or sit back and turn on
my TV and smoke a joint and just veg out. No not today, I live life and move on and remeber what happened, in a short time. Our lives are short is what I am trying to point out and what all can happen in a matter of hours if not minutes. There is no reason to get high or drink, because I am past this.
I am sure if you look at your day it would be comparable... Chris

Friday 07/19/2013 God Grant Me Serenity!!

I am between jobs right now, and though I have secured one starting this coming Monday . I have had dead spots in the day where I have to sit down and just wonder what to do next. I have found that writing has helped in my boredom. I write this blog almost daily and most of those that read this blog are from Russia. I think that is cool, and I hope they get something out of this blog, in fact I write in this for serenity and to help other alcoholics . That is my hope at least , yet it is a journal of my life also. A way for me to reflect upon the days and look forward to the next day. I suggest you start a blog and just start writing what comes from your heart.

Serenity By Chris Hyer 2013
Even the pain of daily living can be too much for some of us. If we work these steps , though, we will find that there are things that need to be done. In the cities there are marathon AA meetings and I wish I lived where these happened. I do not and have to wait usually for 8pm meetings and though I find it difficult to go to these meetings. I do. It helps to be in a room of other people that go to AA, you will feel the spirituality in the room , and once someone starts to talk , you can tell the ones , that really work this program . It really works. You have to work it though, it is not a difficult task, but one we need to live by. Daily living includes using the 12 st
eps of AA in our daily living just to live one day at a time, if not one hour...

I have lost the desire for drink, and this in itself is a miracle. I do have times when I smell wine or beer and think about it, but for only a few seconds, then the obsession goes away. I have well completed step one to its fullest potential. You can also get to this point. It will no longer haunt you to be around those that are drinking and going into a convenience store to buy whatever and seeing a fellow buy a suitcase of beer is normal. You may think about this for a moment, but God takes the feeling away from you almost instantly and you go about your day.

God grant me the serenity, and he does this everyday. I have not had a bad day since being sober for almost 5 years. It does work the program and people from AA make this possible with the help of your higher power. God is my higher power and I seek him now as I pass this message to other people that may find this helpful in their lives. We are not a glum lot, we a re happy that we do not have hangovers this morning, and are fairly stable in our heads as to what needs to be done for this day. God Bless and have a good weekend... Come Back....CHristopher

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

To Drink is To DIe

We had to smash the idea that we could drink or it killed us. The Big Book reminds us that controlled drinking was all we wanted to have. We have the disease of alcoholism, and this spiritual malady or "issue man" inside us makes this possible. Inside you may have another drink left in you, don't even think this for a moment. We know to drink is to die. It is our death sentence to take one drink as it tends to lead to another sometimes slowly others it takes just one drink that will lead to another. We have tried all forms of controlled drinking or drugging. Trying it in the morning only or just one in the evening, then to succumb to the fact that we could drink two or more now, back to the races we went, and fell into an insane asylym. Back to treatment or death to most of us.

Hunt , Texas by Christopher Hyer 2013
Please do not believe you can control your drinking, and do not take this test. If you are like myself, it will be the last thing in your mouth, and you will not wake up. This is not living, AA gives us the tools for living and that is with the spritual God in our hearts telling us this drinking has to quit or it will kill us. The obsession to drink may not completly go away , but will if you truly work step one. Step one is the most important step we could have in our hearts and life. We have to believe in a power greater than ourselves, could restore us to sanity and not take that one drink.

God is all powerful, look at your self in the mirror and laugh this morning and this afternoon, soon you will be able to laugh all day long, and without a drink. You are with the spirit of God and he is wonderful and grateful to you for being strong
against the devil. The devil is evident now is he not? You know what to do whne the drink thing comes to your mind, there sits on one side the devil on the other is God's spirit, who do you want on your side.

The God concept is not a new one and if we truly believe he can conquer all our fears if asked. Pray to God and ask him to relieve the pain of drink and give you life today. Look at a child and see his innocence. This is you reflecting back . You are a child of God and this is good. He watches over you if asked. He needs to be asked, though. Faith without works is dead.God respects you as much as you respect him, its a mirroring effect , and it works. Millions of alcoholics and drug addicts have lived this way since being sober, you can too, so can I. God Bless and Keep your head up high, God is riding with you right now. God Bless and have a great day...Christopher07/17/2013

Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal

I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...