Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Morning and Sober

Monday morning and being sober today. It is sunny and bright in West Texas this morning , that only means hot heat and hot heads. Well, if I let the hot heads get to me, as I thought , the work load is light for me today.. I never know until I reach for my keynoard and punch in. Technology today makes it possible for me to get my work assignments over the PC and then do the work. I can shose not to do it. However it will just stack up on me through the weeek and I would hate that.

I like my job, I work in IT break fix, and fix computers and printers for a company out of Dallas. I don't make that much money yet, as I have not gotten all my Certifications for working on all the different computers out. I am taking it slowly to try to understand the platforms I am working on.

Have a great day and know God will help you when you ask for his help, even at work pray a little prayer like( Thy will be done, not mine) and it works. You will see that you will complete task that use to baffle you. Have
a good day.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sobriety and Monday 06/10/2013

Well Monday is coming and a new week is ahead for us all. Hopefully you had a good weekend and your ready for the real world again on Monday. I went to AA step study on Sunday night, and it was good as usual. Step 4 is what we discussed. I have not done this the AA way, I have done it my way, and do it everyday. To do it right though , Is coming soon. I have a sponsor and I will start working on step 4 like most do.

I am not going to run AA like I want to. Selfish and self centerd , is what you could call this. I am going to run this program the AA way. I hold no resentments toward anyone I can think of. Well, hold on there are some customers I do have resentments about, so maybe I have to dig a little to find out what my issues are. I guess that is the true meaning of working the 4th step.

However , Monday is a new day and my workload will be light , possibly. It usually is, and I am grateful for this. I need the extra money , but I am still in training and I like to take it slow and consistent. How are you tonight?

Well I am going to listen to a little bit of Chris R. from Ingram and go to bed. I like listening to him, it makes for a full day. Search out Chris Raymer and listen to his MP3s he is all over the internet and a great speaker. Have a good night and good morning.

Play Your Hearts Out

I went to see Peter Frampton and Robert Cray last night with a special guest from Elton John's band play in Midland, Texas last night. What a concert!! Robert Cray sang the blues, and unfortunaly it was not played with feeling as Peter got to the floor. Peter Frampton worked the crowd and gave a performance that would rock anyone into loving this guy. He played a good 2 and 1/2 hours of riffs and old tunes that just rocked this sardine packed auditorium we have in Midland. What a sober experience. My son was also impressed with the performance and I encourage you to attend this concert if they come to your area.

It's Sunday and I woke up hung over feeling, I think its because I stayed out till 1230 am this morning, and I met a girl online from Colorado and chatted with her till 130 am. Yes, Chris has found him a friend. She is 28 , hard of hearing, and a doll. However , as an alcoholic without any type of relationship in almost 16 years, I have to take this slow. She is a nurse and wants to come here to be with me, and work in our town. What a deal an alcoholic and a nurse, a match in heaven, she is also from the UK and I love their accents, I melt.I will talk more about her once I get to really know her.

I hope all had a good weekend , yet we still have Sunday to bare down with. My Uncle from Fort Worth is in the AA program and has around 50 years of sobriety. I don't talk to him hardly at all, and tried to call him last night before the concert to let him know of my plans to Kerrville, next weekend. I am not sure why? except it would be nice to have him there while I get my four year chip.

Thats all for now, I will report back at the end of the day, It's been a solid weekend and a great time with God was had. Sober at a concert is an awesome experience, and AA was good this weekend. There is a meting tonight of course and I will be there. Sunday nights are kind of hard on me, because of the following Monday. Go figure...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Robert Cray and Peter Frampton Sober concert

Tonight in Midland, Texas we have some good new and old music coming to town. Robert Cray Band and Peter Frampton. Second concert I have gone sober to in two years. It is interesting now, that you can't smoke or drink in a concert in this auditorium we are goijng to. Its very luxurious and they do have a open bar you can buy drinks at. However , I am taking my son and we will have a blast  enjoying the music I could not get to see as a teenager as these guys were hot in the 70s and 80s.

This is Saturday and I have made reservations to go to Kerrville to La Hacienda treatment center to pick up my four year sober chip. I thought , wow , what better place to pick this up. So i made Hotel arrangements and called to make sure I could come to their AA meeting next weekend. All is on. So I am looking forward to this event as well.

Once you start living in the spirit , the spirit starts living in you. It's an odd deal that is hard to explain. I have open so many doors from AA and the people that do not go to AA. My life has changed even from writing this blog from a few weeks ago. Positive , I think it is. My negative thoughts seem to disapear now. I still have them, just not so often. I look forward to the next day or hour.

I highly suggest you open up a blog and write your journal in it like I am doing. It will open many doors up in your head. It will show you how far you have come in a short while. I am more spiritual and the Issue Man is calm inside me. No battling it out with myself anymore, just accepting life as it is. Very new for me even after 4 years of sobriety. You get better day by day, if you want to. You have to want this way of life, or it won't come to you.

Have a great sober night if you can, if not call someone and talk to them. Be positive in all you do and thank God for what you have. Have a good night.

Oh yeah , got a sponsor today and he is cool. Day by day, night by night you can beat this disease. I am living proof of this. God Bless...

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Nights With Me

Friday nights , years ago were party nights and they still are. Just one thing, I don't smoke or drink anymore, but I still party. Yes , you can have a group of friends from AA that go out for coffee and sit there and talk about anything, because they already know you. If you lie, they will know. You don't have to be serious all the time, life is too short to just talk about AA. You live AA anyway, you live in the spiritual realm of God. Go to AA tonight and maybe someone will invite you out for coffee or ask you to come over to watch a movie. Have fun.

Ok, so your tired and drained from the day like I am. It's been a long tough road , and it gets easier. Write in a journal tonight about how you feel. Just type it out if you have a computer. Keep track of your feelings and look back every now and then to see how you

progressed. You will be amazed and proud of what you have accomplished. If you slip write about this. Tell yourself in writing about what pisses you off, and what makes you have dreams of a good nature. Tell it all to your own book of sorts. Women start out with diaries, not many men keep these. This is my diary for the whole world to read. Start a blog and throw pictures and words together on how you feel. It will eat up time and before you know it your tired and ready for a movie or to go to bed early tonight for once.

If you drink, try not to drink.....If your depressed, call someone you love and express these feelings. ...It is ok to be alone,,I like it at times. With AA it seems like I am always busy now. I come home from work, eat , take a shower and go to a meeting. I looked back in this blog and let the truth be known , It made me start this new way of life.

I have thrown myself into the deep realms of God and he has made everything possible for me to have the energy to keep going until about eleven then I am off to bed. Saturday morning I see there is another AA meeting at 10am so I have my day already planned, then a Peter Frampton  concert with my son in Midland, Texas, Sober....Go figure....Do you feel like I do??? Is a hit from this fellow, and I am ready to remeber how I feel like I do.. lol Have a great Friday night, and Thy will be done, not mine.... .

The Spiritual Life Is Not A Theory

The spiritual life is not a theory as we read this in the big book of AA.  We “Have” to experience it. The behavior we present will manifest itself to others who will be baffled by our creative selves. We may even faze ourselves as to how change has come upon us from our new found spiritual life.
This all comes from knowing and understanding God as we see him. Or how you see him. Sometimes a spiritual connection to God will just some over us from being in our AA group. Others get a spiritual relief in all sorts of ways. A spiritual awakening is the most gratifying experience one can take. It is when you no longer take control, yet give power over to God as you see him. I may be repeating myself here, but rightfully so. God controls our thoughts and actions when we let him. A simple prayer will do this

Painting By Christopher Hyer2013
There are those who cannot or will not disclose their minds to let God come into their lives. There are such unfortunates, but they can if they give God a try. Kneeling at your bed at night and praying for divine relief is a prerequisite for those of us that trust in him, first thing in the morning while taking a shower, pray to God, this works also.  I have work to do today, and I have to ask God to help me stop shaking and allow me to  concentrate on the now, not the later. That is my problem, and I ask for guidelines through God for this action. Does it seem to be? Usually if I let go and let God take over.
The spirit of God is all around us, the beauty of women, flowers and trees, are all God like objects to me. They are all beautiful and not possible without the spirit of God. I can see so many different things in my life that made me sick before now that I can change my life over to God. A new awakening is a sense of being ok with your thoughts. God will allow it, but you must apply for it.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

We Are What We Are

Went to AA and made few more friends tonight. It's always great to make new friends. That is what AA should be about also. People from different backgrounds and battlefields getting together and rejoicing our sober attitudes. This was especially a good meeting tonight involving the Big Book , chapter 3 , and it is humbling to know how many people had something interesting to say. We don't talk about war stories at my group, we talk about how God has helped us live for now. We discuss what it was like fighting evil spirits, yet God must have a thing for people like myself. He must see good in all these people that come to AA, because once you find a group that cares about if you show up or not. Then please keep looking and don't give up.

I got a text about coming from my friend at AA and that makes it worth while to attend. When I was drinking , I only got text as to where is the beer or something to that nature. There is a real fellowship in some of the meetings, then there are the ones where you just have to walk. None of these meetings is perfect, as they are run by us. We are not perfectionist, we are humans that fight the Issue Man inside us. ( Please read further on Issue Man in my blog) . Are we sinners, Yes most humans are, are we forgiven? Sometimes, and other times we are not. We learn how to accept the good and the bad in these meetings and books. It is not an easy program, yet it is easy to let go and be yourself in some of the meetings. When a person lets go of some of the days troubles that used to bother him or her, there is a feeling of relief and serenity that overcomes us.

We did not know how good our lives could be without a bottle of beer and such. A guy said tonight" You know they have these commercials about beer and there are like three good looking girls around this dude, I've not even had this happen when sober"lol Commercialization is a joke in these ads. Drink our beer and have three women. Hell,I can't even hold onto one women. Thats a personal

Friday is coming, and another work day is upon us, get through tonight or at least pray to God and go to bed knowing that God will make Friday a good day for you if you pray for it. It does work out, I do not know why. There may be some stumbling blocks at work and life on Friday, but not anymore than what God thinks I can handle , and this goes for anyone who prays about their day. OOps , just lost 50 people from this site cause I said God , Oh well, don't come back if you do not wnat to know the miracles this spiritual God can pr
ovide for you and your family.
Have a great day....

Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal

I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...