Showing posts with label drinking beer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drinking beer. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2013

Spiritual Blessings

Everyday I have spiritual blessings that come upon me. I don't realize this until I stop. Yet I have God in my head all day long. He sometimes seems to disapear, and that is when I am not consciously thinking about his will. I don't think any of us think all the time about God. I wish I could be better at being spiritual, I am working on it. This is hard for a guy who drank his spirits. Now we have to learn to live with  a spiritual principle or we die.

A true believer in alcoholics anonymous, is one who believes in God as his savior. If not all odds are off and your off to the race. The spiritual malady inside each and every one of us has to be realized and accepted to really take on such a mission with God. You have to give up your soul for good , even to those who do bad to you. It is a tough order and no one among us is perfect in our spirituality. We can try to make it better by reading and attending AA meetings though.

Just a thought, what have you done today to help someone? Have a good night talk to you in the morning. 06/03/2013

Monday and "God Grant Me"

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

Monday's are always hard on me, the start of a work week and the unknown? It;s why I use to drink on Sunday night, and call  in on a Monday morning. I don't do that now, I face the next day with G
od and we get through it. I can't help but be a bit nervous on some days . I work in the computer break/ fix dept. of my company and what may seem easy usually ends up a bit confusing.

I pray to God every night and morning and hit an AA meeting on Sunday night, it was a Step Study night. The step study is not really any different in AA than any other night. We talk about how we are doing spiritually and how progress has happened in our lives. No war stories about what we use to drink or smoke. We do reflect back on how it was when we were using or drinking and how much better life is now that God is in our lives taking control.

Is God taking control over your life today? Ask for him to guide you through the day and you will have a better day. Stay sober today only. Expect the best of today. Its a beautiful sunny day in Midland, Texas. I hope you and God make it a great day, and do not let anyone break your spirit.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sober as Dr. Bob and Bill See It AA

As Dr. Bob and Bill See It,
ChristopherHyer2013oil painting
Good day and welcome to Sober, my blog for people that want to live without drinking alcohol or drugs. There are plenty of us in this world that want the relief of just drinking a little bit when the time arises. There is another group of us that cannot drink alcohol and stop. We are at the mercy of a truly baffling disease called Alcoholism. We are upstanding people and hold down many occupations. White collar and Blue Collar workers. Some of us are Doctors and Lawyers, and others are Airplane pilots and manufacturers or even retired.
Alcoholism affects the family and their loved ones. The only way to kill the disease is a spiritual foundation that one can believe in God. You must work the 12 steps aligned by the AA groups of Alcoholics Anonymous. Those who do this will and totally succeed from the craving and abstinence of drinking. This is proven. Unfortunate are those who do not follow the program outlined by AA will not ever quit, or if they do, will go back to alcohol, not because they want to, but because they have to.  
Meetings are a necessity, even if you think they are no suitable for you. I can’t explain why. You do not have to go every day, yet did you drink every day? If the answer is yes then attend a meeting every day and go to several different AA meetings. There are Big Book, Step studies and general discussion meetings. There are weekend outings with friends and families of alcoholics having fun without drinking alcohol. There is fun in these groups and watch out whom you hang around in these AA clubs. There are some people that are court appointed. This author suggest you treat them well, but beware that they have to be there, or they go to prison.
Yes, it is a challenge and your life will change. It will change for the better for not only you, but the people that truly love you. There are external problems; for example,  the wife may leave you for your drinking, or your kids will hate you because of how you acted when drinking. These can all be mended once you decide what we have to offer. A new employer may come about, bringing you back the materials you may have lost during your drinking period. There are quite a few of us that have lost everything and now have it back. It does not happen soon, it is a timely matter.
It’s Sunday June 2, 2013, a great day to stop drinking and start the new week out in an AA meeting tonight. It is only an hour usually, and you may know someone already there. Get a sponsor as soon as possible, and start working the steps. If you have questions ask them.
Do it for your self, Do it today! God Bless.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

AA---Tonight and Sober

 My dog Cocoa 2013

I don't attend AA very often , in fact it has been three years since I last went. I took of tonight and headed to The Serenity Group in my home town. There was a crowd of about 12 people, sad to say most were from treatment centers in this town. They have to go, and I remeber being one of them, and not thinking about how long I would stay sober. Just to sit in an AA meeting and not be nervous was a blessing.

I highly recommend if you are like me, and sober for a while without going , that you go. It was good to talk and share a bit of knowledge that I have learned and how to keep my hands from being idle. There was no miraculous event that took place except that I saw a guy that I went to Church with when I was about 9 years old with 4 years sobriety. Small world it is. I felt like I belonged to this group and was not an outsider. It was a good meeting, about the Big Book.

Who knows I might find a Sponsor like they say to do , that and going to a few more meetings this  I really don't have much going between 8-9PM and I just decided it was time.

I hope your time is now , also. AA is good, there are positive results from going to a meeting. You realize your not as messed up as some of the others are. That being said , I already have been there, and it was good to see what could happen if I twist off. I learned a lot. Have a good day for Friday.

God Grant Me the Serenity To stay Sober Today

" God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference", What a prayer.

It covers you all day long if you think about it during your day today, say this prayer when things get tough out there. Stay sober just for today , you made it through the night, and now It is morning.

You may feel a bit edgy, but it is normal. Yes normal people feel edgy at times. To go out in this world not knowing, can be quite scary to us. We want to know what will happen during the day, some of us think negative . Pray to be positive, and loveing to one another. Just for today.

Have a great day and help someone else , just because you will.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Sober Info on "Idle Hands"

The sober person has "Idle Hand" syndrome. "What the hell is this"? Its is a term I made up during my years of sobriety that is true to itself. When your use to doing certain things as smoking a joint or cigarette, your hands are left idle from not drawing the hands up. Those whom have quit know what I am talking about. Opening a beer is just as bad, we are use to popping the top off of a beer can , and Yes we get some sort of satisfaction of the act.

Idle hands syndrome, evolved from my sobriety and use of my hands to do certain activities that will keep you in money as well. Painting, photography, and writing will help with "Idle Hands " syndrome. I have always known there was a need to explain this and now its open to those of you who read my crap on here. Granted its good crap and truthful. Yet to  stay in focus, if your a beer drinker, and use to going to the refrigerator and grabbing a beer. Buy you some bottled root beer. The cap is damn hard to get off like a beer and the bottle resembles a beer bottle, and it will cut your fingers just like a real beer bottle. How cool is this!! Pretty damn sick, I would say, but true. Try it , is what I say and if it makes a difference and keeps you sober, than always try new ideas from nuts like me, that have had "Idla Hand " syndrome since day one of sobriety. Here is my new blog on this "Idle Hand " syndrome theory I cam up with. I hope this helps one person out there. Please comment. Have a great weekend.

Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal

I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...