Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Doctors are Very Busy in Sobriety

Well, I have tapered off a couple of meds and I tried to call my psychiatrist to only find out he has left town. Lets say it appears this way, no answer on the phones, went by his office and lights were out and door was locked. Crazy shit I thought, so I got a hold of my Therapist and asked him, since he suggested this fellow, and he knew nothing about where this Psychiatrist went. So , now I guess I will just deal with this through a medical Doctor of mine who is Chinese. He is a good guy but he is very fast in talking and I will have to slow him down and make sure he understands what I am trying to accomplish. Each Doctor wants to do things their way, and these drugs are very strong that I am getting off of. So a bit frustrating today as I search for more answers, like a possible treatment center may be the only answer, staying sober through all this is not hard but I have been going to meetings every time I can every day. I don't know if the meetings help at times, but they keep me occupied. Addiction is just that , plain addiction. Chris

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