Thursday, June 13, 2013

Beautiful Day In Wonderland, Sober Again

Its a sunny, and hot morning in West Texas, I had a great evening with a young lady that is just superb. I met her at AA and she is quite the spiritual one. I need this in my life, we closed down the Outback Steakhouse last night, and she was a colorful person. Very pretty and soft spoken, but funny. She will radiate in my mind today. However I have a tough day ahead of me like I guessed I would.

I will let God into my system and let him work miracles in me today. I need him every hour to be with me. I rely upon God to help you and me. He does miracles , when I can't do my work right. I fix computers and I have a All in One to fix and totally break down and rebuild this morning and another PC after that one. Can I do them all, we will see.  I am going to Fed ex to pick up parts and then off to my first account this am.

I have a great weekend to look forward to , I get my four year chip from the treatment center, La Hacienda on Sunday in  Ingram , Texas. God's country and I get to relax a bit. My friend Harry is 90 and is being moved into Rehab and I hope he can hold on to let me say Hello and possibly goodbye to him. God Bless and have a sober and fun day...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mid Noon On Wed 06/12/2013

Work has slowed for me today and I am piling up for Thursday to get some work accomplished in IT. I have had a good day , ecept that I met a girl in AA and she didn't call me yet. I was a bit bummed out cause she is really special to me. She is beautiful , smart, and funny. All wrapped up into one cool package. She is even my age. Go figure and she has not called me back from this morning. I know that there are people in AA that do not call, or feel like shit and just don't want to be bothered. I , on the other hand am consistent and if I say I will be there I am. She made me no promises, though, so I should shut up.

In AA relationships can be gruesome, and overwhelming. Two people that meet in AA may not be that compatable with each other. You seee them every night at meetings and they know your inner most secrets as you speak in AA at closed and open meetings. You get to know their weakness and their strengths. For a relationship to work in AA , one must be careful not to step on another's face. We will see how this will go or not go. It is a miracle to find that one girl whom you know is right for you though. It has been 16 years since I have had a relationship and maybe I am acting too fast. I willl pray about it and see what happens. Pray , pray , pray and more prayer is what this program calls for in all instances it seems. I dont get tired of it, it comes naturally. So be it. I should of hit a 1200pm meeting today as I wonder what to do as I have no real work right now but some writing to do for cash. I guess I just answered my question, so have a good day and we will talk to you soon. God Bless.

Wed "The Age Of Anxiety" Sober Again

Historians will probably call our time on earth" the age of anxiety"anxieties are caused by the natural result when our hopes are centered in anything short of God. When we make anything alse our goal, frustration, and defeat are inevitable.Though we have less to worry about than previous generations, we have more worry.We have it easier than our forefathers, we have more uneasiness. We should have less real cause for anxiety, as we believe more in God and practice our spiritual beliefs. It is not easy to do. Try to pray for God to lift your anxieties, some grow into full panic attcks. If this happens go see a doctor and possibly seek medication for this. One must take medication for heart problems and if you have diabetes you have to take medicine. Panic is no different when it controls your life.

There is many problems that God can control, but if there is a chemical imbalance to a person , they need medicine. Do not be afraid to accept this help and be aware of the problems associated with panic disorder medications. Most can be addictive , and help. So it can be a double edged sword to a person taking such medicines. If drinking or a recovering alcoholic , you must make that decision based on your experiences with other medicines. Some frown upon people in AA that take anti-anxiety medicines , yet this should not be an issue unless mixed with alcohol. If you take the medicine as directed and not throw a beer or any other substance in your body , you should be able to take what you need for panic disorder.

Talk any medicines over with your doctor before taking them. If he thinks there is a problem with you and any medications that he is offering you to help reduce panic disorder, he should inform you. Ask an AA member and they may say just give it to God and let him take over. Remember though , if you have
uncontrollable panic that keeps you from meetings , personally I think the choice is up to you. Remember, also that possibly you will not need medication for the long term of panic disorder. If that is so, you will experience some sort of withdrawal. If you drink stay away from any type of panic disorder medicines. This will only add to your problems.

There will be those who disagree with me from AA on this subject, yet in reality it is those that may need anti-depressants. The people in AA are not doctors and they have no medical experience, so keep this in mind. A doctor is familiar with alcoholics and you must inform them of your addiction , if any, so they may provide any information pertaining to you as a person in the AA program. I hope this helps anybody that has panic disorder as I do. Have a great day and God bless you on this mid week part of your life.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday Afternoon and Sober

I dreaded and shook when I went to work this morning, it was a casual mistake I did to this computer, and all was fine. I asked for God's help and did it happen. Yes, and not when I wanted it to either. That is how the spiritual God works in my world,. If you look back at what I wrote this morning you will tell that I am in a wreck of emotions. I did not let it get to me , though. I kept my head on straight and went to get the part I needed and had a few problems and noticed this PC was not attached by brackets in the right manner, solved my ordeal.
Photogrphy by Christopher Hyer2013

It is the little things like what I went through that can cause a person to think stupid thoughts. I did not think about drinking, but if I had only a few days sobriety , I would of thought about it. This shows how crazy your inner self reacts to things you have no control over. The spiritual malady was being tugged at within my soul and I knew if I just prayed about it all would come out alright.

This is what AA is all about is believing in a power greater than ourselves and did I second guess it, No, I was prepared for anything. I think negative thoughts sometimes and I have to pray for positive thoughts. I have been negative thanks to my upbringing, and how I use to react to situations I have no control over. AA is the same way , it gives you insight on how to let go of the
se negative thoughts, and practice makes perfect. Thy will be done ( Not Mine). If I can keep this in my head daily , I will be ok. You also will be ok if you believe in a spirit greater than yourself. God does not give us anymore than what we can handle. Read Job in the bible.

Job was knocked down and delivered from God and he went through Hell on his way back to God. He never lost sight of God and kept his promise, what a strong man Job was. The devil wanted Job , but God would not let him take Job. This part in the bible is crucial for our sobriety, read it and weep , and know you do not have it as bad as Job did.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change the things I can"  Say this over and over and over again ....This prayer does work and you have to work insside the prayer. For "Faith without works is dead" Thank You for paying attention to my words. I hope it helps someone out there. God Bless.

Tuesday, What A Day

Tuesday and what a day this will be for me. I have an easy day but this morning I have a hard project. I will not discuss it. I might as well. There is a bezel that goes on a LCD screen on a laptop and I could not get this on yesterday so I ordered a new one and it comes in this morning. I hope this will fit and I can complete my job. I get nervous thinking about this because it it so easy to install. Yet for some reason I could not . It has me baffled, and I need to give this to God to give me answers, because I feel like a fool. I might have wires behind it binding this up. I will just have to bite the bullet and find out. Please God let this part go on and let me feel conscious that I am doing the best job I can. Let me not be nervous and take it easy on myself. I am a nervous wreck in thinking of this project this morning, the customer is ok with it. I will need to be calm , cool and collective. I can get this piece on this morning with no problem, it might take a little more effort than I have applied.

You see we all go through periods of un sureness in our lives, if there is such a word. To give things up to God is hard sometimes when its materialistic. I believe God will help me work this out as he has before. I will be calm and collective throughout this day and pray while I work on this project for you and me.  God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change those things I can ,Amen..

Have a blessed day and remember as I need to God will be with us even if we shake all day and keep him in  our hearts  and in our minds. I am like a rusty nail this morning and I over slept. I should of been more awakened. I will do just fine, please pray for me to do fine. Thank You.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Morning and Sober

Monday morning and being sober today. It is sunny and bright in West Texas this morning , that only means hot heat and hot heads. Well, if I let the hot heads get to me, as I thought , the work load is light for me today.. I never know until I reach for my keynoard and punch in. Technology today makes it possible for me to get my work assignments over the PC and then do the work. I can shose not to do it. However it will just stack up on me through the weeek and I would hate that.

I like my job, I work in IT break fix, and fix computers and printers for a company out of Dallas. I don't make that much money yet, as I have not gotten all my Certifications for working on all the different computers out. I am taking it slowly to try to understand the platforms I am working on.

Have a great day and know God will help you when you ask for his help, even at work pray a little prayer like( Thy will be done, not mine) and it works. You will see that you will complete task that use to baffle you. Have
a good day.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sobriety and Monday 06/10/2013

Well Monday is coming and a new week is ahead for us all. Hopefully you had a good weekend and your ready for the real world again on Monday. I went to AA step study on Sunday night, and it was good as usual. Step 4 is what we discussed. I have not done this the AA way, I have done it my way, and do it everyday. To do it right though , Is coming soon. I have a sponsor and I will start working on step 4 like most do.

I am not going to run AA like I want to. Selfish and self centerd , is what you could call this. I am going to run this program the AA way. I hold no resentments toward anyone I can think of. Well, hold on there are some customers I do have resentments about, so maybe I have to dig a little to find out what my issues are. I guess that is the true meaning of working the 4th step.

However , Monday is a new day and my workload will be light , possibly. It usually is, and I am grateful for this. I need the extra money , but I am still in training and I like to take it slow and consistent. How are you tonight?

Well I am going to listen to a little bit of Chris R. from Ingram and go to bed. I like listening to him, it makes for a full day. Search out Chris Raymer and listen to his MP3s he is all over the internet and a great speaker. Have a good night and good morning.

Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal

I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...