Showing posts with label Sobriety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sobriety. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013

God I offer Myself To Thee

I tried and tried to get along with my new manager at work and he is either racist or has a dry sense of humor. I left my job this morning , and reluctantly so. I was asked to put together a machine that I have no idea of what I was doing. I was verbally abused by this man , in a way that was wrong in my mind. He asked if I was a Technician and he was curious as to how good I really was. Hell I only was with them for three days. I am a good technician, and have worked on copiers for over 2 years. The product was different than what I was use to , but I figured they would give me a while to learn theirs. Maybe I took everything the wrong way, but it was like I could not do anything as good as this fellow wanted.

The Worlds a Stage
I prayed and prayed about this every morning noon, and night and on the job. I finally this morning had my fill of it and left my key and a note , and my damn screwdriver that He called Richard. He had fired a guy who did not have his tools with him on a job , and just because he did not bring in his tools the boss of mine fired this fellow. He might have had other issues, but I had to walk around with a 20" screwdriver all the time. I thought this was kind of weird and stupid. Yet I did it and was willing to do most anything to keep this job.

I don't think this guy knows he was verbally abusing me , I think it may just be his attitude towards certain people. I forgive as much as I can but can only put up with so much abuse, whether intended or if it was for his enjoyment.I did , however call the owner and explained to him why I left to his answering machine. I am not trying to get anyone fired and I am sure I will not. This fellow will probably just say I was no good for this company. He will make it look like I was not of value to this company. I know people that are this way, they think they know everything and then sit their intentions on other people. He knew I was going to take his verbal assaults and he continued this, as an affirmation to me that I was not worth being there. I would of blown up if he confronted me again, so I did what I thought was correct and left.

No one should be questioned if they are qualified for a job after being hired for said job. No one should be mentally tainted with the notion that you are not good enough to be there working. Especially a manager until sufficient time to learn how they operate their business.

I called my sponsor and told him after I got home, and was upset about this whole ordeal. He listened and that is what a sponsor does. He does not judge and he did not agree or disagree with what I had to say. I did what I did for my own sanity. I was sweating bricks this morning , trying to do the work I was asked to do. I did finish this , and I did a good job. After thinking about what other words would come out o
f this fellows mouth , I made my decision to leave. No one was around anyway, and I am not good at quitting a job.

Well onto other things I suppose, and I don't have to drink over this . I have thought about taking a long drive, but this may be what I will do. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. That is all I have to say on this matter today. Have a good day...Christopher

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Good Day- Thy Will Be Done, Not Mine

In a perfect world, my life would go like I see it. I am wrong , in a perfect world my life will go according to how God sees it. What does he see? I look in the mirror and he sees a sober, handsome , individual, that is sober and has his will of God in his mind. Thy will be done, not mine. This is the motto of this day. As I seek employment from different sources, God makes this all possible, where I had no leads a few days ago to having to pick which job best suits me.

Midland Park after rain Christopherhyer2013
God has his ways of telling me what to do. I don't listen at times, and be quite and shut up. I need peacefulness to hear his word to me, and sometimes his word is written in this blog. I read back a few days back and I can't believe I wrote such articles. Some good , others spiritual, and without provocation I adhere to every word I write.

My goal is for the Alcoholic to see what happens when you sober up and live life day to day. 90 days in the program and 90 meetings is great at first , but don't adhere to these if y
ou cannot, you will let yourself down. Meetings will not make you sober, its your oneness with God, that will keep you  straight and in line with the program of AA. I believe this to this day. If not for my spiritual connection with God I would not be writing these everyday.

This is my journal and I highly believe you write one for yourself. A blog is an easy idea, but a notebook with paper will do just fine. In fact this should be a part of your everyday ritual. It will help you see where you are with the steps and how you feel day to day. Today is a new day and tomorrow is the future, what happens today is god send, and the future is known by God and only him. I have to stay in check with this attitude myself, as I try to skip ahead a few days at a time.

We are not a glum lot, we are happy individuals, that God has given us a daily reprieve contigant upon how we manifest ones self with our spiritual being. God is good and he is forever watching over us and giving direction. Try to catch him working in your life today and see the miracles he performs daily in your life as I try. God Bless and have a Good Day! Christopher

Monday, July 15, 2013

All Men Of Faith Have Courage

In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous , it goes into the fact that we seek spiritual guidance is by no means we lack courage. In fact , this principle of spirituality just means ,"all men of faith have courage". Ok, so I might have read this wrong, but you know what I am talking about if you have worked the steps. A spiritual beginning takes place when we complete step 4 and read aloud to our sponsor step 5 and work step 6. This is done in succession and honestly done. You cannot lie to yourself and another human being the resentments you have. It makes no sense to even try. If you want what millions of recovered alcoholics have , this and all steps are done in honest, and thought out time.

Chris Raymer Speaks!!
Work these steps fast and thoroughly so that your road to recovery can lead to step 12 , where you help the newcomer who is clueless as to what AA is all about. We need to help the newcomer come to realize step 1 and get him well off his way onto the other steps as soon as possible for him or her to stay sober for more than one more day. This is possible says ,"Chris Raymer. "Work these steps quickly, there is nowhere in the Big Book of alcoholics anonymous that says we seek 4 months of doing step 4 , this is wrong. it only takes a few days if only hours of rigorous honesty".

I stayed dry for three years of my 4 plus years of sobriety and I am a rarity, most do not last this long without some type of support. I went to AA just in time, and if I had started going like I am now, I would not of had the baffling years of insecurity I have had during those three years. I stayed sober or dry , but no program in place. I had a spiritual connection to God already, but there are many who do not understand this concept. Once the steps are in working order for the newcomer, he can go on about living and working , and staying sober. We have to work on the recovering new comer, he came to these meetings because he either had to ( Court Order) or he is seeking answers. Do not waist your time on those that do not want to work this program, let them go out and try some controlled drinking, and he hopefully will return. He may die, so it is important to try to work with the individual as fast as possible.

Once started this new person will come to know that the obsession to drink will go away after the simple step of quitting that one drink. All miracles start with step one, then one miracle after another will continue to be obtained. It works, it really does, if action is taken. God must be found and a spiritual relief has to be received in order to continue. Pray and pray more. Get on your knees and ask for help, and help will be given. Ask for the next day to be better than the last and it will be . I am working proof of this. Read through my blog and see all the miracles that have happen to just myself. I am just one of millions who have worked and fought this program. Hardhead as I was this deal actually works and keeps you from slipping if practiced. God Bless and have a Great Monday..07/15/2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The First Six Steps to Sobriety

Well its Thursday 07/11/2013 and yesterday I did my 5th and sixth step with my sponsor. It was an emotional meeting of sorts. I did not expect to get this way after I submitted my 5th step to my sponsor. I realize now some of the things that I hold deep down inside me that I take for granted. Love for one is what I have to offer to a lot of people, and peace became upon me as I read to him my resentments. I really did not know I resented so many things and that most were a cause from myself. I will make amends to those that I have hurt this week as well. The faster you work theough these steps and heal your inner soul, the better all this AA stuff is. My sobriety is stronger than ever, my conscios contact with the spiritual world is even more evident since I took these steps.
My C5 Corvette by Christopher Hyer

It seems when you read through the steps , a simple feet indeed once you get past step one. However by working the steps outlined by the Big Book, a spiritual beginning takes place again.Another round of peace came over me, and really it sounds strange, but I felt good about how my life was heading. If this is all it takes to stay sober and feel good about life, Is it not worth the risk of doing? I think it is, and being a sceptic for so long about AA and what happens in this group, it seems to be doing me a lot of good for my attitude and my living.

I have damned AA enough and I guess, I have just given in . I am glad I have calmed down about it. There is so much in the world about the good and bad about AA and their principles, that anyone would be a suspicious of why it works. I believe it is the spiritual aspect instead of the being at a meeting that tends to take over ones life, and this is good. My actions and thoughts are not perverse or destructive. I do however during the day have problems in which if I let go and say a pryer, seem to take over and the outcome is tolerable. I think this is called living life on life's terms. Thy will be done, not mine. To let go , is not in most of our vocabulary, we all want control. We basically have no control except for over people places and things. God has the control over everything, and until you find this out, like I am still learning, you will be spiritually sick.

A new way of life has become of me lately and by doing the fifth step and practicing the words I hear at AA meetings must be what this deal is all about. It will change your thought patterns into a good way of life for you. You have to work at this though and not just sit on your ass and hope things will come about. I have tried this even with prayer and the prayer will show you that this is not a way of living. Many exclaim " What an order , I can't go through with this", Yes you can if you are wiling to take certain steps, and believe in a higher power, and I chose the Lord. You may chose any relationship you like as your higher power and find out your stuck with God as being this higher power. It is good when this happens to a human being, they are better people in the world. God knows when we need help and he is there to provide this. Open your hearts and let your prayers be heard and pass it on to someone that may not want to hear about your spirituality because it will make them think.

My life is not perfect, yet perfection is not what I seek. I just want to tolerate it and enjoy a laugh or two in the mean time. I have not been open to much joy until I finished this step of my life. Like a baby taking his first steps, and learning how to walk is what this is all about, God will show you the way if you try. Have a great day....Chris07/11/2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday and Being Humble

To be humble, what does this exactly mean? I think I know a little bit about this. Correct me if I am wrong. I am looking for another job , and there are plenty of fast food places to work at. They pay good money , because no one wants to work there. When I say good money , I mean about 14 to 16 dollars and hour. I am having trouble getting a job in IT or any computer related field. SO I was thinking , why not do fast food? I never thought this would be my destiny nor do I want this. The money is there though. I am not qualified for most jobs in my area in oil and gas. I never have worked in a restaurant atmosphere, and don't desire this. I would think this a humbling experience, and I do not want to do this. I may have to though, if nothing alse comes my way.

Why, oh lord does it have to be this way? I have so much experience in other areas, and I would rather move away from here than work in fast food. Maybe that is a idea? I am confused as to what to do, so I pray about this and , the answer has not come. I was just turned down for a job with an Airlines company and this is ridiculous. The times in my town I live in are booming and yet I am older now and sometimes I feel like I am not as wise as I thought I was. I use to be able to get almost any job I wanted. I have bounced around so many times and burned many bridges with other companies because of my drinking in the past.

This is where I am at this day is how to be humble and accept the things I cannot change and change the things I can. The wisdom to know the difference is hard to decipher. I have been putting in applications this morning for other jobs, and Yes they may come through. The time it takes to get hired on these days is ridiculous as well. The background checks ( which I pass with no problem), are everywhere I go looking for a job. It's like are you an American citizen and stupid shit like that. I was born American and I am white and never have been a from another country. This is what pisses me off is that you have to prove your an American citizen when you have paid taxes for years and your parents are American born and yet I get , and you also get the run around about if your able to work in this country.. Shit there are people from Mexico that barely speak English and they have no problems getting work , work that should go to people that grew up in this country. I do not want to sound like a racist but , in reality we let all these people from other countries come to the USA and they take our jobs away from the citizens that grew up in this country. Being humble and being realistic is two separate things.

Stop the bitching , I know, and I will find something, Humbling experience , I am living . We , who live in America are all humble in one fashion or another. I am sure some of you relate to what I am saying here. The world is not going to change for me, or you. We have already been subjected to what our government has done to us. I will stop at this , because I could go on and on about the unfairness to Americans on here. Somehow I will deal with the idea that some person from another country is taking jobs away from us. My little piss problem is over now...Chris

Sunday, July 7, 2013

One Day At a Time ; Sobriety

Taking my life one day at a time. I don't know how good I practice this. I do try to think ahead, because I have to line up my life a few days ahead of time. Taking "One Day at a time", is a difficult step for any of us. I have so much to look forward to in the future, even if right now, I don't see it. I am sober again today and this will be everyday as far as I know, and for today I will be sober. The craving for alcoholic beverages really does not thoroughly go away when I think about this. The ads on Television and going to convenience stores surely throw this shit at me. So , I salivate for about 5 seconds and then I am ok, so the obsession to buy this particular drink has been lifted. Enjoy Stevie Ray Vaughn below for a little "Superstitions"

There are still problems in my daily living and AA helps in taking care of this. I also put in my two cents of , "No I am not going to drink because of so and so. There are problems , but drinking just makes them go away for a short period of time. I know this from experience and I am sure you do too. So taking this one day at a time, or even one hour at a time is needed, for me to live a sober life .
I say the serenity prayer constantly, and obsessively at times. I am the typical recovering alcoholic that thinks I can take one drink and stop , but knowing that I will take another sometime soon is what keeps me away fo 4 plus years of sobriety. I am working the steps daily , and my 4th step is done,however I need to get my sponsor involved into this.

One thing I have slacked up on is how many meetings I go to, and I need to get back in this habit of going to more, it would seem, or appear to me. I damned these AA meetings enough. They really help when I need them and other times I wonder why the hell I go. If it keeps me sober then there is no contemplating them.So live "One Day at a time" and God Bless.     

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Chris Raymer and AA

When I met Chris R. , he was a speaker at La Hacienda treatment facility in Hunt, Texas. I was foggy when he spoke and in my Big Book , I have diagrams trying to follow him. He is controversial to some members of AA , although are we not all. He is straight to the point on the program of AA. This was taken from You Tube and if you like it search this one eyed bandit that discusses the "Issue Man", that for some reason is hard to find on the Internet , if not impossible. He talks of the "Issue man " as our spiritual malady and for some reason, not much is found on the Internet on this speech. I will try once more to find his discussion of this. Enjoy listening to this program of Chris R. He is a sircuit speaker and pretty upfront about his passion for recovery and people.

Male , Female Relationships in AA- Are they Possible

I went and picked up my four year chip last night with my friend, I met in AA. She was beautiful and I helped her out with a place to stay for a couple of nights. She needed to get away from her home and figure out something, what she needs, I am not sure, but I could not provide it for her. I knew I would fall for her when I first met her, and I did. Having her in my house made it difficult to not watn to hold her and cuddle with her. I tried nothing with this sperson , though, because I knew the feeling was not mutual. She liked me, for me, but she wants no relationship, damn I thought.

Cocoa by Christopherhyer2013
However, can one have a relationship with another in AA.? I would say this would be difficult , and near impossible. You both may have physical attraction going on, then possibly sex. The bottom line is two people in the program are not the ideal mates to marry. That is of course my opinion again, and a lot of flirting goes on in AA. It's obvious in almost every meeting that has a young lady in the group, men are always hitting on her. I see this everywhere I go. This girl may be sick as hell, and yet men hit on her consistently, making AA even a hard place for this single women to be involved with. This needs to be addressed and taken care of from meeting to meeting.

Relationships are problems for us in AA and those of us that have drank a lot of years. It was a reason why we drank at times, and to deal with a spouse in the program of AA is true honesty. If you are honest with this women in A
A that you like and she can be that way back to you, then mutually you have made an agreement. This is a good deal, because if for some reason the relationship does not work out, you can still be friends. This is my case at hand. I had to let the young lady leave my place, because I told her of my intentions and how I felt, we spent the morning analizing this and she packed and wanted no relationship. That is ok with me , now and I did not hurt her and she did not hurt me. We were honest about our feelings and able to communicate our desires and our likes.

Living sober is what AA teaches you even if you are not trying to learn this, or is this God working in our lives? I would say a little bit of both. She escorted me to a meeting to receive my four year chip and I was honest when I spoke at AA last night about my past and present. This living sober is about being honest with yourself , and living through the spiritual aspect of God. It works, really works when you don't try to analize at like I tend to do . God bless and come back ....Happy 4th to those that will have the day off, and to those working . Christopher

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Living One Day At A Time

The thought of living one day at a time, is not a new one. It is done by not worrying about the next day as you can not predict if you will even be around this earth the next day. In reality we would guess that we will live to the next day. How are we suppose to plan for tomorrow then. I beleive you should plan ior have a plan of action for the following days and try to stick with it. Have realistic goals in mind. To say your not going to drink today is fine, about the next day , maybe your not sure? If you have a few months or days sober, it is possible this thought hits your head.

Taken at Ingram, Texas Christopherhyer2013
The best thing to do one hour at a time is pray for strength to not drink because of problems or issues you may have. Drinking just makes them go away for a while, and continued drinking will cause problems with issues that could of been taken care of the first day. I was guilty of this and would put off important things and let them build up until I was in trouble with finances of whatever.

 It is Sunday and this day the banks are closed and many bushiness are closed Living one day at a time , means to take it easy. there are only a few things that can be done as far as today is concerned. Take a extended vacation, if able to . This is a great way to get a breath of fresh air, and somewhere that is serene. We all need this type of stress reducer. I have been meditating lately and this has worked really good when I can't take a vacation.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Spiritual Malady Inside Alcoholics

The days go by so fast that we have to slow ourselves down. As an alcoholic that is in recovery, I know too much about the ins and outs of a normal day. What is normal? No one can define this except to live life on a daily basis, and abide by all laws. The laws of society and your place in this world must be ideal for one to live. The spiritual malady exists in each and every person on this earth. When one has an addiction, the spiritual malady can go insane inside of a person whom is alcoholic. I will explain this further in this book. We, as a society shun alcoholics that are on the street pushing baskets from one place to another. They are searching for their soul and drinking for these few unfortunates is a way of living. The spiritual malady inside these people is the same as most recovering alcoholics. The difference is controlling this through a spiritual connection to a higher power, or God. This sounds very easy to the normal drinker who m can put down one drink and be finished. There are those of us that cannot do this though. We drink into oblivion and this makes us feel good when doing the action of drinking. The next day our desire to quit comes for only a few moments and then the insanity of the spiritual malady kicks in and makes us take another drink to start the day out. This is a never ending cycle until one gets help from a detoxification system of some sort.
Too many people go to treatment centers, to stop drinking entirely. However, upon leaving a facility as a drug and alcohol treatment center the urge to drink comes about from being away from the confines of a facility. There is big money to be made by treatment centers and they are growing as this story is written. The thousands of dollars for a thirty day treatment center can range from the forty thousand dollar range all the way up to one hundred thousand dollar range. Insurance companies are paying only a small portion of this tab, because the relapse rate is high among first time recovering alcoholics. Why is this so?

Let’s look at the situation, you just were confined to this beautiful treatment center and every day you have meetings all day long, and are surrounded by people that you can relate to on a mental, and physical basis. The recovering alcoholic goes through many psychological changes in treatment centers. They are finding out who they really are, and some are afraid of leaving the confinement of this place. There is controlled non-drinking activities for the patient. People get use to this and realize once they have gone their usual thirty day treatment that they will face reality. There are several who have excellent insurance and will treatment hop. This is the action of going to one treatment center to another in a matter of months, because of the confinement they are relaxed and want to remain sober and this is the only way they can. A community of these people exists and go through thousands of dollars to remain in this active group of alcoholics. This in itself is a sickness, then the insurance money is gone, they are left with being homeless, if not staying sober and pushing a basket full of clothes around the neighborhood, as the old drunk who can’t stay sober. This is a reality in our world. Most human’s frown upon these few unfortunate people that are destined to die if life does not change for them. Can these “bums” change?

Yes, that is the good part, can you change him? No, there is no way a person can change anybody that is sick spiritually, and most will end up dead or in mental institutions. The worst case scenario is this person ends up in jail, and confined for life of prison. They can be lawyers, doctors and your everyday person that just cannot handle drinking. There is hope and that hope lies in the principles in AA. Yes, may of men and women have lost everything materialistic and even part of their pride? Their spiritual malady is dead and they are physically and internally sick. They can survive if given a hand of help, and driven to a place where hope still exists. AA in itself has helped people sober up in spare rooms set aside for those whom cannot afford treatment, and have the necessary tools to aid a victim of alcoholism and gain his pride back for twenty four hours, then a spiritual program outlined in the Big Book of AA can be shown to the newcomer and a new person can emerge as if a child is reborn. Many of us have been this direction and thank God for programs that cost no money, and offered by such agencies, like the Salvation Army and others. These agencies care about the alcoholic that has lost everything including their personal lives. One can become a new and active member in his community, if strong and willing to follow a few steps on a daily, or hourly basis. The spiritual malady can be re-shaped to accept this new way of living.

There is hope and even recovery if this person will dedicate his life to a higher power, or God as he understands him. You must have a spiritual revelation in your heart and head and want what AA has to offer. This is the only way to stay sober. Many of us have tried to drink only a few beers, or mix drinks where they are not as strong, and ended up flat on the street passed out again. We get up and try again, and again. Sometimes there is no hope for those who keep falling because they get involved in illegal activities and are helpless. There are many more of us that have been beaten up enough and give into the twelve steps of AA and live normal lives, as do our neighbors, and become respected, born again humans. We love, and are loved by our fellow friends and help others to quit drinking with our experiences, strength, and hopes.  
There is a re-birth of character through following the outline in AA and one can laugh for once in his or her life and lead an employed, enjoyable life, with the understanding that one drink will lead to another embedded into their head they will never forget where they are and where they came from. That is what AA is all about, fellowship and helping the alcoholic deal with living life on life’s terms. It’s a new way of living and you will be thrilled of how you are perceived from others who may have known you during the bad times and respect your new self as a person who has beat the disease of alcoholism. Though, do not fool yourself, you are one drink away from disaster. This has to be remembered and never forgotten or you will relapse and it could be your last one.

Working The Steps on Thurday

Working the twelve steps in AA can help with a multitude of addictions you may have. It could be alcoholic, eating disorders, gambling, and anything you have an addiction to. These steps have been successful in daily living for millions of people. Why do they work? The only answer I can come up with is that you let go and help others to obtain their destination, whether alcoholic, or a person with an addiction to eating too much or eating too little. You let God take over and let him rule your spirit. It sounds complicated, but if it were easy we would have more sober and less problems in life.

You must work with other alcoholics or you die. That's the truth, Alcohol will kill you eventually if you keep getting sober then slip often enough, this is a proven fact. The twelve steps of alcoholics anonymous was written with you in mind. To help you with daily living without a drink. It works if you work it. Take it easy on your self and make the best of it you can.

Did you know AA is online in chat. Yes, there are AA meetings online and that is wonderful for anyone. It cannot take advantage of the getting out of the house and meeting people though. This is a good way to begin and get your feet wet though with the program itself. You can attend these meetings all day long, and specific times are on these web sites that sponsor such programs.

Do yourself a favor today and attend an AA meeting and go away with something new from someone. It is a program of relief to most of us, and you will not have to suffer alone. God Bless....Christopher Hyer

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wed and a New Beginning

This is a great day to start a new project. What can you do? Well , I will let you in on what I am doing. I write articles for several different magazines online. I am pretty sloppy on this blog site, yet when it comes to work I am as precise on my grammar as I can be. Spelling has to be exact, and word usage has to be perfect. We strive for perfection anyway, right. Well none of us are perfect , and I get rejected almost 50 percent of the time with my articles. If your starting out, I would suggest you study up on grammar and make an outline on the topic you will write about.
My Old C5 2004 Corvette,

When I write for this blog I do it my way, its a free for all for me. So my sentence structure and words just come from my brain onto this page without any order. Therefor the misconception of a good writer is at hand. I suggest also that you write for the best. Yahoo Voices is a great place to make good money, yet the Editors are strict. If you get an article on this site , you can make big money. I have made about 400.00 per article, so take your time in writing for them and have patience. They will pay off big only if you have the quality they are looking for. There is also a writing Academy with Yahoo Voices and this will help you get your artic
les published by this group. I have not even finished this Academy yet, and I have been lucky on a few articles.

Staying sober means you have to put action to your prayers. Faith without works is dead. You have to help other alcoholics every day to stay sober in this world. Go to an AA meeting at noon or at 8pm. They are universal in time usually in every city in the USA. My friends from Russia who visit this site, I am curious to your input please make a comment if able to.  Today is the beginning of a new day and make it count, help someone out if you can, alcoholic or not. Maybe a child needs help with life, help.God bless and keep your head up high to the sky, your special and God knows this. Christopher Hyer 06/19/2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mid Noon On Wed 06/12/2013

Work has slowed for me today and I am piling up for Thursday to get some work accomplished in IT. I have had a good day , ecept that I met a girl in AA and she didn't call me yet. I was a bit bummed out cause she is really special to me. She is beautiful , smart, and funny. All wrapped up into one cool package. She is even my age. Go figure and she has not called me back from this morning. I know that there are people in AA that do not call, or feel like shit and just don't want to be bothered. I , on the other hand am consistent and if I say I will be there I am. She made me no promises, though, so I should shut up.

In AA relationships can be gruesome, and overwhelming. Two people that meet in AA may not be that compatable with each other. You seee them every night at meetings and they know your inner most secrets as you speak in AA at closed and open meetings. You get to know their weakness and their strengths. For a relationship to work in AA , one must be careful not to step on another's face. We will see how this will go or not go. It is a miracle to find that one girl whom you know is right for you though. It has been 16 years since I have had a relationship and maybe I am acting too fast. I willl pray about it and see what happens. Pray , pray , pray and more prayer is what this program calls for in all instances it seems. I dont get tired of it, it comes naturally. So be it. I should of hit a 1200pm meeting today as I wonder what to do as I have no real work right now but some writing to do for cash. I guess I just answered my question, so have a good day and we will talk to you soon. God Bless.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday Afternoon and Sober

I dreaded and shook when I went to work this morning, it was a casual mistake I did to this computer, and all was fine. I asked for God's help and did it happen. Yes, and not when I wanted it to either. That is how the spiritual God works in my world,. If you look back at what I wrote this morning you will tell that I am in a wreck of emotions. I did not let it get to me , though. I kept my head on straight and went to get the part I needed and had a few problems and noticed this PC was not attached by brackets in the right manner, solved my ordeal.
Photogrphy by Christopher Hyer2013

It is the little things like what I went through that can cause a person to think stupid thoughts. I did not think about drinking, but if I had only a few days sobriety , I would of thought about it. This shows how crazy your inner self reacts to things you have no control over. The spiritual malady was being tugged at within my soul and I knew if I just prayed about it all would come out alright.

This is what AA is all about is believing in a power greater than ourselves and did I second guess it, No, I was prepared for anything. I think negative thoughts sometimes and I have to pray for positive thoughts. I have been negative thanks to my upbringing, and how I use to react to situations I have no control over. AA is the same way , it gives you insight on how to let go of the
se negative thoughts, and practice makes perfect. Thy will be done ( Not Mine). If I can keep this in my head daily , I will be ok. You also will be ok if you believe in a spirit greater than yourself. God does not give us anymore than what we can handle. Read Job in the bible.

Job was knocked down and delivered from God and he went through Hell on his way back to God. He never lost sight of God and kept his promise, what a strong man Job was. The devil wanted Job , but God would not let him take Job. This part in the bible is crucial for our sobriety, read it and weep , and know you do not have it as bad as Job did.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change the things I can"  Say this over and over and over again ....This prayer does work and you have to work insside the prayer. For "Faith without works is dead" Thank You for paying attention to my words. I hope it helps someone out there. God Bless.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wed and Sober With You

Well its Wednesday, hard to spell that word? I wonder why? Oh well, just my mind boggling , idiosyncrasy, that plunders on a work week.  I think that makes sence..Its  a Hot day in West Texas and wind blowing and sand storms always. Not the prettiest place in the world. Had anothe r, hmm day at my job. I fix computers, and I never have tried to fix an Alll In One before. I think it was a mess when I finished. I tried damn hard all day to get this thing to work, and to no operation. I had to talk to a guy in India and he frustrated the hell out of me, I kept saying I don't get you? He was only trying to speak English, I can't blame him. Its these darn corporations that have gone global to east India and Pakastan whenre they make a dollar or two, so why would he be in a hurry to help me?

He wasn't. So I stoof online the phone for my call for about an hour, to tech support. Its' frustrating and I was sweating bullets because this is the job I want to keep. Have you found "The Job" you love. I love this job and how I have the freedom to call most of the shots. No boss breathing down my back and the company I work for seems to have been tolerant of my issues with some of the computers I fix. You can't beat that. I am not making the money I am use to yet, but I am still in training. I just started this job two weeks ago, and so far I have been happy with their attitude towards me and my problems I have run into. No yelling at me or saying that I suck. It is noce to have this convience, I beg you all to change jobs and find that right one, that is bearable.

Work in Midland, Texas is abundant, because of the oil industry. I have so far been able to keep out of it. Most of my service calls are to IT dept. of these companies,. I would much rather be inside than outside in this heat.

Idle Hands and the Issue Man , my favorite subjects including God. I have lost quite a few readers when I mention God in my blogs. So be it. Theuir fate is of no concern to me. It is the faithful readers that have regular jobs and trying to stay sober in Christ name that concern me.

I dare to be different, cause I am. There is no one in this world that is even close to the man I am. God makes us all unique, even you. Yes U.....Stay sober tonight and enjoy a show or paint a picture or play your guitar, keep you soul open and don't fret tomorrow. Its not here yet , we have to get through tonight. Thanks for sticking with me the very few who have. I will have something exciting soon. ..Christopher 05.29.2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Sober "Issue Man"

Sometimes it is plain hard to stay sober. Here I am with over 4 years and I have been thinking about what to do next. I am very busy all the time, but that little man inside me as discussed earlier in this blog, screams!

I don't want a drink , I just want something different. A girlfriend maybe , a new car, or just a want. I get agitated as the rest of you do. I know there is a few reading this blog as the numbers are shown. Yet this blog is not for cash, and not a waste of time.

I feel like if I can share the crappy moments with the good ones to someone , they will stay sober also. I don't attend AA very often any more, maybe that is my cue. I don't crave liquor at all, and I am glad. I don't have much to say tonight except , that it was a day. Not a bad day, just a day and I'm a little bummed that my postal card collection is not worth hundreds of dollars. lol

So keep your head up high and don't let the "Issue Man "inside you bring you down. He will and will try. Keep your spiritual side going all day long , not just in the morning, like I use to, but all day. God will take care of you. I am a living example of the way God is working through me to you. Have a great Wed. and were half
way through the week.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sober and the "God Prayer"

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!”
Photos by cpy2013

This prayer is for everyone, alcoholic or not, it covers a wide range of daily living. Is that not all we seek? What a prayer that can cover all angles of life and what one person can accomplish in this prayer.
There are things we have no control over. It could be your husbands drinking, or his Saturday nights out at the casino. You can tell someone you don’t like what they are doing with their lives, but you can’t tell them how to live.

God will undoubtedly give you what you don’t have. Whether it is money, clothes or friendship. If you pray, and sincerely need these items they will come if prayed and asked for it. Be careful what you ask for you might get it.

Have a fantastic time and tell yourself this will be an perfect time for you to help another human being. Pay it forward to another human being, and give of yourself to him or her. Have a blessed day!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Sober Info on "Idle Hands"

The sober person has "Idle Hand" syndrome. "What the hell is this"? Its is a term I made up during my years of sobriety that is true to itself. When your use to doing certain things as smoking a joint or cigarette, your hands are left idle from not drawing the hands up. Those whom have quit know what I am talking about. Opening a beer is just as bad, we are use to popping the top off of a beer can , and Yes we get some sort of satisfaction of the act.

Idle hands syndrome, evolved from my sobriety and use of my hands to do certain activities that will keep you in money as well. Painting, photography, and writing will help with "Idle Hands " syndrome. I have always known there was a need to explain this and now its open to those of you who read my crap on here. Granted its good crap and truthful. Yet to  stay in focus, if your a beer drinker, and use to going to the refrigerator and grabbing a beer. Buy you some bottled root beer. The cap is damn hard to get off like a beer and the bottle resembles a beer bottle, and it will cut your fingers just like a real beer bottle. How cool is this!! Pretty damn sick, I would say, but true. Try it , is what I say and if it makes a difference and keeps you sober, than always try new ideas from nuts like me, that have had "Idla Hand " syndrome since day one of sobriety. Here is my new blog on this "Idle Hand " syndrome theory I cam up with. I hope this helps one person out there. Please comment. Have a great weekend.

Sober and Living Spiritual

When you get up in the morning, pray to God to lift you up and put a smile on your face. Laugh at yourself, and see how stupid you look. Don't take your self so seriously. You are God's child and he wants to see you smile in the morning. You may feel awful, but actually telling your self that you feel great , will change your thought pattern. Believe me I have lived this way well over 5 years. Positive attitude even if your hung over from the night before.

Get on your knees and pray to God at times when the day will seem to much to bare. It will change you. The program of Sobriety, or being calm is to pray and meditate.

What are you going to do for someone else today. What can you possibly do to make this person feel good. Maybe it is a stranger you meet in a restauraunt or on the street, say something up lifting and you will feel great. Try it. Try no t to think about yourself, and how you feel , think about the other guy or girl.

Help someone out today do what they can't do.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Real McCoy- Chris Raymer Soberiety Discussed

Chris Raymer got sober in AA, not a treatment center. He lived in Lewisville at the time and attended a meeting there when everything else had failed. In 1982 he sobered up for the last time , hehas been active on the AA speaker circuit ever since this time. He speaks of AA in terms that are realistic. He is a testament to how one can live and die externally and still make it sober. He is a one eyed jack of all trades with AA. He is amusing and excited when he talks. He believes to stay sober you have to help other alcoholics, period. Implement the 12 steps into the system of AA and help others with drug and alcohol problems all over the world is what this man succeed has became. he is from Ingram , Texas and has worked at La Hacienda Treatment Center in Hunt, Texas for well over ten years. every single day he delivers his message.

He explains that AA has changed or needs a change. He worked his steps on the 1st day of staying sober at an AA meeting in Lewisville, Texas. As he said, he was at his last straw when he went back to this AA group in Lewisville, Texas. He had heard the words before in AA , but inside he could not seem to grasp the AA style and there complaining of exterior problems of why these women and men drink.

Inside we hurt, the "Issue Man" is what he came up with after concluding what the issue with AA was. Keep coming back 90 meetings in 90 days or you will lose your sobriety. He does not believe that meetings keep us sober, God keeps us sober! Yes, God and implementation of the 12 steps. He does not believe in the "One day at a time" saying, he missed the whole concept of what AA was about. He did not really, he just modernized the theories that for 40 years have not been working in AA meetings.

Page 155 of the Big Book he exclaims that "Vision for you, and Dr. Bob , what did it mean to be alcoholic? Dr. Bob could not stop because he didn't know what it is to be alcoholic" This is the problem Chris goes on to say. We just don't understand how to be an alcoholic, and scare tactics from war stories about drinking and AA , there is no place for these. What do you do when you have the disease of alcoholism?People are dying to get the message of what they are? Confusion among people with drinking problem is a problem.

The power to stop drinking is God given. How to stop all together, " You just can't go to AA meetings and stop. You must have a spiritual belief. That is the only way. Non- spiritual people can they quit? Chris exclaims, that "The only people that can be sober have to be honest with yourself". Chris goes on to say" Find out if you really are an alcoholic, that is what the first 60 pages of the Big Book is all about"

Here are some statements about drinking and if you are a alcoholic.Physical allergy, the doctors say that the craving only takes place in people who cannot control drinking. If this is you then possibly you are an alcoholic. If you can drink one beer and say that's enough, then stop, your not an alcoholic.Pretty simple.. Then there are some of us that buy a case of beer and drink it all, then Yes, you are an alcoholic.

When your drink lots of beer you start gaining control, if your alcoholic, if your not alcoholic, then you do not drink lots of alcohol. You don't crave the feeling of the doping that alcohol produces in people that drink to much. A genetic disposition is what Chris R. thinks is the problem.

Yes, blame genetics and scientist and doctors are still trying to figure out how to make a cure for the alcoholic. Maybe one day you can drink just one drink and stop and forget about it. Then quite possible not." We drink for the effect it does to us" ease and comfort is why we drink, and we drink too much. Physical craving, and mental obsession. Mental peace is what we strive for as alcoholic. Pg 23 of the big book explains this. The "Just Say No" campaign does not work with the alcoholic. Nancy Reagan had high hopes but does not understand the alcoholic.

Will power , we have lost all power to overcome drinking. We needed a spiritual awakening to happen for us to stop. Praying to God is the only way to end this obsession. What a tall order, but it has been done by millions of drinkers, and is working today. Normal drinkers know when to stop, when they start feeling woozy they say , wait I can't drink anymore. The true heavy drinker wants to feel this woozy feeling and want it ten times more than you would expect. These are true signs of a drinking problem, fairly simple questions to ask ones self.

The real alcoholic, is uncontrollable, can stop for short periods of time. Then go back to heavuy drinking. Its an endless cycle, of stop and start. The controversial part Chris explains is the spiritual aspect to alcoholism.The spiritual malady is controversial because of the message to stay sober involves a belief in God. God is mentioned in the big book by Dr. Bob and all through the big book. God is the "Issue Man" in your soul or body. Therapy will not fix an alcoholic, you will learn about what causes you to drink, but you will go back and drink again.

Can you stop drinking, given sufficient reason?
That will be your answer.

Irritable, discontent, trouble in relationships, unhappiness, no sense of direction, if you have this , you may be alcoholic.AA is about carrying the message of hope, or it should be. AA has sometimes turned into a social outlet for exterior conditions that effect you. The inside of your thoughts can be controlled by working the 12 steps. There is no wrong way to work these steps and do not let someone destroy you or your plan to work the steps. Work with God and he will work with you.

Recover and you will have a different type of life. Action is required to accomplish sobriety. Get rid of the poor me syndrome, it will not work. Stop being a victim, the problem is we don't have enough people to carry this message. We have lost the true meaning of helping other alcoholics. Treatment centers are here to dry you out, then you have to make the decision to make good on how you will continue to stay sober. A dry drunk is one that craves drinking and cannot or will not accept a spiritual belief. True sobriety will take away the disease of wanting that first drink, and responsibility to get this to work.

Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal

I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...