AA is a word for alcoholics anonymous, which is a group of people from all walks of life. There are homeless, lawyers, executives, fast food workers,and everyday people. They come to AA to learn how to live life sober. Most are sober when they come, but there are times when one is not sober and they are welcome to come in as well. Our mission is not of a cult or religious one. We strive to help the other alcoholic who still surfers from the disease of alcoholism. Yes, it is a disease that some people with a chemical makeup cannot control , even the first drink. They continue drinking until they pass out or black out. That is the extreme , there are also people that just cannot control thier drinking and need help , moral help in stopping. This is what AA is. A place to stop and get your senses straight just for one hour at a time. The goal is to treat the drinking alcoholic for 24 hours of sobriety if they come into a meeting and really want the help.
However , one must ask for help. Without asking, you will go un-noticed and possibly be passed by the crowd in AA. There is nothing like making a fool of your self in AA. Some of us have come to AA meetings just after having drank alcohol, and sat through meetings and then were directed as to what we could do to stay sober for 24 hours, and some are refered to treatment centers , and there is money in some groups that will help with your expenses to get this help.
So AA is a caring group of spiritual people that each speak and discuss thier week or life and try to find some type of relief. Come in and join us, even if you are curious. We will not ask anything from you , and you do not even have to talk. Just come to listen to former alcoholics to seee if maybe you are one..Have a great Day!!Chris
PS. La Hacienda will have Chris Raymer speaking this May in Hunt, County in Kerrville, Texas for their alumni meeting..Please come to listen to this man. He is pasionate about what he speaks and very good at what he says!!
Living in a world of sober people and not so sober. A place for my interest in sobriety and how it affects life
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
How To Be a Sponsor in Social Sobeirty
In AA there are people with lengths of sobriety, it could be 6 months or longer , and if you work the steps you should of gotten to twelve on the list. Now I say you should of, meaning that you thoroughly worked each and every step and have a concept of the program and how sponsoring works . You should have a sponsor already also before sponsoring, but these are not rules, just suggestions.
What does a sponsor do? They are a person that you can call on during the day and night when you have problems or just feel uneasy with a living situation. They are not your last answe, they will give answers that are AA driven , and for your sobriety. Most sponsors turn into lifelong friends, but there are a few new comers out there, that abuse the policy. A good sponsor will sit down and go over the Big Book with you and help you understand what you son't understand in the books of AA. If they don't have the answer, they will find it. They are not saints or anyone that is higher up in a AA group. These sponsors are friends of the program wiling to help others to stay sober. Like the buddy system.
They are helpers in living life to its fullest for the person that might need help puling away from a liquor store and telling their them to throw the drink out. These are rare things that happen but they do happen.They do not lend money or provide shelter but they might have ideas as to where one can go if the alcoholic is homeless.
In sponsoring you can run across a group of real interesting good and bad people. I have met both in sponsoring and have let go of two of them because they were whiners and did not want help. They wanted answers to things I had no idea about. They wanted money, and when one comes into AA sometimes there is no money in your pocket and it is ok to help someone with cash, but you have to put a stop on this. Anyway , if your a sponsor you are working the program as it is written and it does help one to do this activity. I highly suggest you sponsor someone that needs this. Have a nice day!
What does a sponsor do? They are a person that you can call on during the day and night when you have problems or just feel uneasy with a living situation. They are not your last answe, they will give answers that are AA driven , and for your sobriety. Most sponsors turn into lifelong friends, but there are a few new comers out there, that abuse the policy. A good sponsor will sit down and go over the Big Book with you and help you understand what you son't understand in the books of AA. If they don't have the answer, they will find it. They are not saints or anyone that is higher up in a AA group. These sponsors are friends of the program wiling to help others to stay sober. Like the buddy system.
They are helpers in living life to its fullest for the person that might need help puling away from a liquor store and telling their them to throw the drink out. These are rare things that happen but they do happen.They do not lend money or provide shelter but they might have ideas as to where one can go if the alcoholic is homeless.
In sponsoring you can run across a group of real interesting good and bad people. I have met both in sponsoring and have let go of two of them because they were whiners and did not want help. They wanted answers to things I had no idea about. They wanted money, and when one comes into AA sometimes there is no money in your pocket and it is ok to help someone with cash, but you have to put a stop on this. Anyway , if your a sponsor you are working the program as it is written and it does help one to do this activity. I highly suggest you sponsor someone that needs this. Have a nice day!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Social Sobriety and Giving Back
One part of AA is the giving back what you have been given from the program of AA. This can be done a several of ways. Do service work ,which means chairing meetings and cleaning up the building after a large gathering of people. So instead of just getting up and leaving to go to your car, you might ask the chair person if there is something you can do to give back what was kindly given to you for your sobriety. Yes, they will look at you in a strange way, but be surprised that you even offered, as most of us after a meeting will just throw our cups away and then casually walk out of the building . Then the person that has the key to the door has to do the cleanup of the room so the next group that comes in will have a orderly room to conduct meetings.
I know , you probably are not the type of person that would do such a thing, but recently I did this and made a few new friends that I have more in common with. In AA we talk about the steps and staying sober. After AA we talk like regular people and if you need a job or seek a sponsor this is a perfect time in which to ask other members about such things.
Service wrok can entitle many aspects of what you can do to give back , but also giving of money to help operate the expenses is another way of tithing. I feeel like when I give money I am saying thank you for the group counseling and paying a small fee for helping me stay sober just makes since. No one will ask you to put money in the basket that is passed around just before a meeting is about to close. This is the 7th Tradition in which we accept no outside operating expenses and are in no debt to anyone but ourselves. So you see your home AA group is self supporting in how it is run, and if you don't like how it is run you can attend meetings once a month and make suggestions and if they are voted on and agreed then they will make adjustments to how the money is spent on a monthly or yearly basis.
AA programs have been know to use this money to sponsor people to go to quarterly mega-meetings in other towns, if you need the money. They also have used the money to send people to Treatment centers, so we graciously give back what is given to us.This is unlike any meeting you will ever come to, where things are given to you to help you with keeping your life intact. This is what happens when you do service work is you give back and in return , something always good comes back to you. It is the way a church is run in a way, but I don't know what churches do with their money. Give back today to someone less fortunate than you and live life sober today!!
I know , you probably are not the type of person that would do such a thing, but recently I did this and made a few new friends that I have more in common with. In AA we talk about the steps and staying sober. After AA we talk like regular people and if you need a job or seek a sponsor this is a perfect time in which to ask other members about such things.
Service wrok can entitle many aspects of what you can do to give back , but also giving of money to help operate the expenses is another way of tithing. I feeel like when I give money I am saying thank you for the group counseling and paying a small fee for helping me stay sober just makes since. No one will ask you to put money in the basket that is passed around just before a meeting is about to close. This is the 7th Tradition in which we accept no outside operating expenses and are in no debt to anyone but ourselves. So you see your home AA group is self supporting in how it is run, and if you don't like how it is run you can attend meetings once a month and make suggestions and if they are voted on and agreed then they will make adjustments to how the money is spent on a monthly or yearly basis.
AA programs have been know to use this money to sponsor people to go to quarterly mega-meetings in other towns, if you need the money. They also have used the money to send people to Treatment centers, so we graciously give back what is given to us.This is unlike any meeting you will ever come to, where things are given to you to help you with keeping your life intact. This is what happens when you do service work is you give back and in return , something always good comes back to you. It is the way a church is run in a way, but I don't know what churches do with their money. Give back today to someone less fortunate than you and live life sober today!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Social Sobriety Today in 2016
What exactly is social sobriety? That is a really good question, I would have to say it is meant to mean there are several human beings that believe they can socially drink and end up alcoholic and then there are the standard human being that can socially drink and put down the beer or glass and walk away from this alcoholic beverage.You can still be very social and sober and not have to worry about making a ass out of yourself . This is a good thing , is it not? How many people go to company drinking or cocktail parties and drink way too much, I would put it half of them drink to much. I don't think that is too many people to include, it does not mean they are alcoholic , however if they get pulled over after the party and get a DWI, then they just might have a legal issue or they drink way too much.
Socially speaking in a sober manner can keep you out of a lot of trouble around friends and those at bars. I think most would agree with me that staying socially sober is best for most people. You would not make the mistake of saying words that might hurt a friend and you would think before you act on a situation. It would be like asking a girl to dance out at a nightclub, I would think she would like to smell a good clean breath talking to her than a guy smelling of Whiskey and stumbling around like a fool. I could be wrong but I think I chose a good title for this blog unintentionally.
Now living sober is not the easiest way for most of us, it does get easier as the days and years move forward. I just finished a E Book on sobriety in 2016 , please purchase this and read the information. It is very conclusive on why we drink and places to get help, and places that may work better than treatment at these country club style treatment centers. There is a spiritual side to this E Book as well and why we include God into our program of alcoholics anonymous and why you don't have to include God. It is alll by choice and buying this book is by choice also.
Social Sobriety in 2016 is no different than staying sober for one more year, you could look at this as a New Years resolution. I really don't make these New Year resolutions because I think they are foolish, that is my opinion, but for the sake of this blog post I am using this metaphor. Taking the drink idea one day at a time, what does that mean. Simply ,just not drinking for 24 hours than doing all over again, and attending meetings of AA is a must, as if you get to far behind as I have at a point , you lose the grasp as to why you are staying sober, until you hear a newcomer come in and realize that this person could be yourself, then you start attending more meetings, in my case. God Bless and have a great day.
Socially speaking in a sober manner can keep you out of a lot of trouble around friends and those at bars. I think most would agree with me that staying socially sober is best for most people. You would not make the mistake of saying words that might hurt a friend and you would think before you act on a situation. It would be like asking a girl to dance out at a nightclub, I would think she would like to smell a good clean breath talking to her than a guy smelling of Whiskey and stumbling around like a fool. I could be wrong but I think I chose a good title for this blog unintentionally.
Now living sober is not the easiest way for most of us, it does get easier as the days and years move forward. I just finished a E Book on sobriety in 2016 , please purchase this and read the information. It is very conclusive on why we drink and places to get help, and places that may work better than treatment at these country club style treatment centers. There is a spiritual side to this E Book as well and why we include God into our program of alcoholics anonymous and why you don't have to include God. It is alll by choice and buying this book is by choice also.
Social Sobriety in 2016 is no different than staying sober for one more year, you could look at this as a New Years resolution. I really don't make these New Year resolutions because I think they are foolish, that is my opinion, but for the sake of this blog post I am using this metaphor. Taking the drink idea one day at a time, what does that mean. Simply ,just not drinking for 24 hours than doing all over again, and attending meetings of AA is a must, as if you get to far behind as I have at a point , you lose the grasp as to why you are staying sober, until you hear a newcomer come in and realize that this person could be yourself, then you start attending more meetings, in my case. God Bless and have a great day.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Sober in 2016 , Take the 1st Step
The only action , one must take , is to quit drinking. That is the first and most important step in becoming a drug free and alcoholic free person. Is to not smoke a joint or have a drink for 24 hours. See if you can do this today. I know you can, even if you have no long term goal of stopping, just stop for today. If you cannot stop for one day and your addiction has you out of control, get help today from a clinic or a doctor. They will find you help. You just have to be willing to stop, thats about it.
Why today, because it is Monday and it is almost the start of a new month, that seems to be a good reason. However the better reason is you might not be here tomorrow if you don't stop drinking or drugging today. Start reading
the bible if you don't have a AA Big Book. Go to AA even if you feel miserably, there is always one other person there that feels the same as you. Get you a 24 hour chip while at this meeting and let it mean something to you. This is a chip for wanting to stop for just 24 hours. It will prove to you that indeed you can quit.
Why do I care f you quit? There are sevral reasons, you could be crossing my path today and if drunk you could hit me and not know exactly what you have done, I don't want this to happen in your life or mine. You could die overnight if still drinking because of a liver problem. Yes these things happen even to sober alcoholics that have relapse and come back into the program. I , personally want you to quit to maybe see that it is possible to feel like yourself for once in a day. Some of us drank daily from the time we woke up to the time the sun goes down or until we passed out. To pass out might mean death, and I don't want your family to experience this and believe me your family does care about you.
Don't give up hope and you can make it happen this Monday just for one day! I promise you can.
Why today, because it is Monday and it is almost the start of a new month, that seems to be a good reason. However the better reason is you might not be here tomorrow if you don't stop drinking or drugging today. Start reading
the bible if you don't have a AA Big Book. Go to AA even if you feel miserably, there is always one other person there that feels the same as you. Get you a 24 hour chip while at this meeting and let it mean something to you. This is a chip for wanting to stop for just 24 hours. It will prove to you that indeed you can quit.
Why do I care f you quit? There are sevral reasons, you could be crossing my path today and if drunk you could hit me and not know exactly what you have done, I don't want this to happen in your life or mine. You could die overnight if still drinking because of a liver problem. Yes these things happen even to sober alcoholics that have relapse and come back into the program. I , personally want you to quit to maybe see that it is possible to feel like yourself for once in a day. Some of us drank daily from the time we woke up to the time the sun goes down or until we passed out. To pass out might mean death, and I don't want your family to experience this and believe me your family does care about you.
Don't give up hope and you can make it happen this Monday just for one day! I promise you can.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Sunday and Waking Up Sober
There was a time in my life where Sunday mornings were when I got to sleep in until around 2:00pm to 3:00pm and it was almost every Sunday. Sunday , (As I thought was) a time to sleep off my hangover from the previous Friday and Saturday binges of late night partying and Sunday was my re-cooperation day . This was a time for cuddling up to a warm body who was as sick as I was , and just literally sleeping the day away.
Those times are gone and have been for about eight years now, as on a Sunday , I get up about 8:00 AM and start my day on a Sunday. There is no hangover and I have time to fill up with gas , go to a store and buy food for the next week, and Church on occasion.
When a person sobers up his entire schedule changes in his life. Sleeping in would be impossible for me now, as when the day sunlight breaks , it is time for me to put into action whatever God's plan is for me today. I don't set my alarm for a Saturday or Sunday, hoping I can get a few hours of rest in. The problem is now I am on a schedule that I did not make up. It must be God's will for me to be awake and running a few errands, because around after lunch , I do rest for the rest fo the day . I watch Movies, Football, you name it. I am also a musician and I play my instruments or Paint a picture with the remaining hours of my day.
I do laundry also on the weekends, but even not having a steady job I wake up and dress for the say which is appropriate , and get out of the house and take care of what needs to be done. It is Tax season now and I have some work in this area as I am sure some of you also do, therefor there is always something to stay busy with on a day I use to totally blow away with sleep and hangovers.
I also for got to mention that when I was drinking , I sometimes did not want to go out to my car and see if I might of hit something when I went out on those Friday and Saturday nights.. Those were the scary times on a Sunday morning that I am glad are gone and I don't have to worry about. I use to wonder if I hit a dog or even a person while I was intoxicated back in those years. Of course, I did find dings at times from my anger when drinking and this would add fuel to my flame on a Sunday. I was also dreading going to work on a Monday and trying to figure out if I could take off that Monday so I could rest even more.
There must be something in alcohol, that depletes the energy in some people after a hard night of drinking due to the fact of laziness the next day and the sarcassm I use to portray toward anyone that spoke to me in a way I did not like.Maybe some of youu cna relate to what I have said on Sunday mornings, possibly you are experiencing the same thing I use to on Sundays. If so, get your self some help before it is too late.
Sundays are a beautiful day to spend in a park with a loved one, or just being lazy and getting chores done. It is a day to live again and again.Don't let your Sundays get you down, Get sober and start living. Have a good Day..Chris
Those times are gone and have been for about eight years now, as on a Sunday , I get up about 8:00 AM and start my day on a Sunday. There is no hangover and I have time to fill up with gas , go to a store and buy food for the next week, and Church on occasion.
When a person sobers up his entire schedule changes in his life. Sleeping in would be impossible for me now, as when the day sunlight breaks , it is time for me to put into action whatever God's plan is for me today. I don't set my alarm for a Saturday or Sunday, hoping I can get a few hours of rest in. The problem is now I am on a schedule that I did not make up. It must be God's will for me to be awake and running a few errands, because around after lunch , I do rest for the rest fo the day . I watch Movies, Football, you name it. I am also a musician and I play my instruments or Paint a picture with the remaining hours of my day.
I do laundry also on the weekends, but even not having a steady job I wake up and dress for the say which is appropriate , and get out of the house and take care of what needs to be done. It is Tax season now and I have some work in this area as I am sure some of you also do, therefor there is always something to stay busy with on a day I use to totally blow away with sleep and hangovers.
I also for got to mention that when I was drinking , I sometimes did not want to go out to my car and see if I might of hit something when I went out on those Friday and Saturday nights.. Those were the scary times on a Sunday morning that I am glad are gone and I don't have to worry about. I use to wonder if I hit a dog or even a person while I was intoxicated back in those years. Of course, I did find dings at times from my anger when drinking and this would add fuel to my flame on a Sunday. I was also dreading going to work on a Monday and trying to figure out if I could take off that Monday so I could rest even more.
There must be something in alcohol, that depletes the energy in some people after a hard night of drinking due to the fact of laziness the next day and the sarcassm I use to portray toward anyone that spoke to me in a way I did not like.Maybe some of youu cna relate to what I have said on Sunday mornings, possibly you are experiencing the same thing I use to on Sundays. If so, get your self some help before it is too late.
Sundays are a beautiful day to spend in a park with a loved one, or just being lazy and getting chores done. It is a day to live again and again.Don't let your Sundays get you down, Get sober and start living. Have a good Day..Chris
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Defeating Drugs And Death a Social Sobriety E- Book Special
It is Saturday 1/23/2016 and I just returned from an AA Meeting , I am working on a another E Book that should be more conclusive to the individual person and how to combat drugs and drinking. This will come out soon. With up to date ideas and ways of controlling your urges and a list of treatment options , even free treatment centers you can get in touch with.
It is imparative that you start working on yourself today, not the next day, because you may not have another day left in you.
If you read this blog then you already are sober or thinking about being sober, or you just have an interest in what I have to say. Whatever the reason, please be on the look out for my next E Book.
Have a great day and stay sober. This is all about helping others whom might need help. Help someone or help yourself today.
It is imparative that you start working on yourself today, not the next day, because you may not have another day left in you.
If you read this blog then you already are sober or thinking about being sober, or you just have an interest in what I have to say. Whatever the reason, please be on the look out for my next E Book.
Have a great day and stay sober. This is all about helping others whom might need help. Help someone or help yourself today.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Sobriety, The Reason to Get Sober Today in 2016
There are a multitude of reasons that starting a new year , in that starting a new life can be obtained today. Sobriety is the key focus of what you have set out to achieve and ready to start with a fresh attitude towards the world and yourself. Make a determined effort to go to a AA meeting today and meet one person, even if it is to say ,"Hello". This will start your journey into a new world where all things are possible . A new beginning to a hopeless end with drinking.
Go to just one AA meeting today, and they have these meetings all over your city if you live in a large metropolitan area. You just might make a difference in someone else life. You might see a co-worker or an attorney that you have known, but do not feeel ashamed, as they are there for the same reason you are there, to stay sober for just today and find materials to help you stay sober. Find a sponsor in this meeting, they will usually point people out that can sponsor a recovering alcoholic. Yes, that would be you, but you have to take the first step into this building to start your day off on the right foot.
The possibilities are endless what you can accomplish by going to this first AA meeting. Here are a few that may happen to you. You go and then come home and tell your spouse or child that you went to AA and they just might put a smile on their face. Once you have left you now how an idea that there are many people from homeless persons to doctors that are attending these meetings, alcohol has no discrimination on whom the disease chooses. This may shock you at the knowledge or stories that you hear , casue they may sound like yourself talking while in this meeting. I am sure you will find something familiar with going to this AA meeting.
If you leave and think you still are not an alcoholic , then go and keep drinking and in the back of your mind you will always know there is a place for you at alcoholics anonymous if you so need this in your life. You may not be alcoholic, I beg of you to please ask in a meeting what a alcoholic is? They will give you an answer that might fit you or may not. We are not a glum lot of people, we are happy and sometimes sad. We are a group of survivors from this disease. You may try another group to see if they are more on your level, almost all groups are the same but some are smaller and others larger. Take the leap of faith and at least find out if you really have a problem or if it is someone else just saying you have a problem. Get it out of your voice and head to do something today!! Thank You
Go to just one AA meeting today, and they have these meetings all over your city if you live in a large metropolitan area. You just might make a difference in someone else life. You might see a co-worker or an attorney that you have known, but do not feeel ashamed, as they are there for the same reason you are there, to stay sober for just today and find materials to help you stay sober. Find a sponsor in this meeting, they will usually point people out that can sponsor a recovering alcoholic. Yes, that would be you, but you have to take the first step into this building to start your day off on the right foot.
The possibilities are endless what you can accomplish by going to this first AA meeting. Here are a few that may happen to you. You go and then come home and tell your spouse or child that you went to AA and they just might put a smile on their face. Once you have left you now how an idea that there are many people from homeless persons to doctors that are attending these meetings, alcohol has no discrimination on whom the disease chooses. This may shock you at the knowledge or stories that you hear , casue they may sound like yourself talking while in this meeting. I am sure you will find something familiar with going to this AA meeting.
If you leave and think you still are not an alcoholic , then go and keep drinking and in the back of your mind you will always know there is a place for you at alcoholics anonymous if you so need this in your life. You may not be alcoholic, I beg of you to please ask in a meeting what a alcoholic is? They will give you an answer that might fit you or may not. We are not a glum lot of people, we are happy and sometimes sad. We are a group of survivors from this disease. You may try another group to see if they are more on your level, almost all groups are the same but some are smaller and others larger. Take the leap of faith and at least find out if you really have a problem or if it is someone else just saying you have a problem. Get it out of your voice and head to do something today!! Thank You
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Sobriety in 2016 - Is it Possible?
Sobriety in the past few years have been a positive influence in my family and my new friends towards myself. It has been a dream come true in areas of finacial situations and the many job changes I have gone through. Usually , I would not of made it this far, which is about 8 years of sobriety up to this date on January 21st, 2016. You never know how long you may stay sober, hoever with the tools from AA, such as the steps in the Big Book of Alcohollics Anonymous all things are truly possible.
The third step prayer in the Big Book is very keen to how I live my life. For those not familiar with the third step prayer please look this up as I believe it is on page 60 right after ,"How it Works".
In starting a sober lifestyle I would have to recommend that you evaluate your situation and time in life to determine if this is in fact you. An alcoholic that desires to stay sober.
The only advice I can give to a person that is not sure if they have a drinking problem, is if you go and have one drink and end up having more than that or shut down the bar, you probably have the disease . No one can tell you how to drink nor can they control your reactions to your own problems, but suggestions from others inthe program of AA can and wil give you thier feelings towards your desired outcome from going to drink to sobriety.
I have many years of drinking alcohol and some are a blurr, but usually they ended up with me hurting not only myself but hurting others. When you hurt others with your drinking , they will let you know it, so that is another sign that possibly you may have a drinking problem.
The good news is you can stop. Nothing in this life is easy , unless you make your mind up to take the first step in Alcoholics Anonymous, and that is to believe
in a power greater than yourself can beat the drinking obsession. Once you have past step one , which is totally not drinking, then you are ready to proceed with the second step which is turning your life over to God and letting him have control over your thoughts, actions and well being.
I wrote the above a short e book that I am donating 1/2 of the sales to a local 12 step program for alcoholics and drug abusers. It is a list of statistical ratings of 2015 and the way alcoholism is headed. Written from sources I have found on the Internet dealing with the year 2015 and the problems and the issues with hard core drinking and drugs. There is a section to check if you indeed have alcoholic tendencies and information that is concerning the recovery rates and the program of AA. It is an opportunity to give back what I have been given in the case of my charge for the book, and it is quite informative. No subscription to buy this e book, just a donation of a few dollars to help other alcoholics and to keep this blog a rolling as I get quite a few visitors. The facts are in for 2015 , so take a look at them. Thank You
The third step prayer in the Big Book is very keen to how I live my life. For those not familiar with the third step prayer please look this up as I believe it is on page 60 right after ,"How it Works".
In starting a sober lifestyle I would have to recommend that you evaluate your situation and time in life to determine if this is in fact you. An alcoholic that desires to stay sober.
The only advice I can give to a person that is not sure if they have a drinking problem, is if you go and have one drink and end up having more than that or shut down the bar, you probably have the disease . No one can tell you how to drink nor can they control your reactions to your own problems, but suggestions from others inthe program of AA can and wil give you thier feelings towards your desired outcome from going to drink to sobriety.
I have many years of drinking alcohol and some are a blurr, but usually they ended up with me hurting not only myself but hurting others. When you hurt others with your drinking , they will let you know it, so that is another sign that possibly you may have a drinking problem.
The good news is you can stop. Nothing in this life is easy , unless you make your mind up to take the first step in Alcoholics Anonymous, and that is to believe
in a power greater than yourself can beat the drinking obsession. Once you have past step one , which is totally not drinking, then you are ready to proceed with the second step which is turning your life over to God and letting him have control over your thoughts, actions and well being.
I wrote the above a short e book that I am donating 1/2 of the sales to a local 12 step program for alcoholics and drug abusers. It is a list of statistical ratings of 2015 and the way alcoholism is headed. Written from sources I have found on the Internet dealing with the year 2015 and the problems and the issues with hard core drinking and drugs. There is a section to check if you indeed have alcoholic tendencies and information that is concerning the recovery rates and the program of AA. It is an opportunity to give back what I have been given in the case of my charge for the book, and it is quite informative. No subscription to buy this e book, just a donation of a few dollars to help other alcoholics and to keep this blog a rolling as I get quite a few visitors. The facts are in for 2015 , so take a look at them. Thank You
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Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal
I have had this blog for ober 8 years and made nothing off of this blog. I write to talk about daily things and living without alcohol and I...
It's been nine years since I have taken a drink of alcohol, and I have to say that a holiday without alcohol is ok with me. After the fi...
I am perfect by no means. What I am going to point out to myself on here is that yes, I have addiction problems. I'm addicted to sex, ga...
It is Friday the 26th of February and the weekend is upon us again. This just goes round and round with me. One day just leads into another ...