Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Faith Is Big With God and Sobriety

To have faith in the Lord God is to have a type of humility for life. You have to humble oneself to get faith . Faith in God is trusting him to help us in our every day lives. By faith all things are possible in life. The good and the bad can be controlled by faith in God. Do you have the faith to walk with the Lord and stay sober today? It is not an easy thing to be humble and let go of the things we use to control in your lives. To give it to the spiritual God is not easy until you have done it several times, then it comes naturally. I have faith in that I will do the best job I can today and everyday that I ask the Lord to help me in my work and life. God knows what is going to happen to me today already , it is how I deal with this faith is what determines the outcome of my day. I can walk with God by my side or not. It is up to me, however the control is in God's hands as I go out and stay sober and try to contribute to life and my work in life.

To have a spiritual awakening you have to let go and let God become your leader through each day. You pray for his guidance and his strength to keep your head up high. What is in your past is the past and will not be relived. Look forward to the future for greater things to happen in your life, no matter how small or big they are, that will be God working in your life.God is a kind and gentle spirit that will effect your relations with everyone you come in contact with. Try it one day to be gracious and show grace by being kind. Even if you may not feel this way , it will reflect in your attitude toward one another. Try it...God Bless. Christopher

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