Personally , I think that if a person keeps a blog or journal, that he or she will develop into a better person.
I know this blog serves as my journal and even though you may not agree
with what I have to say, it is very important to keep writing for me. I
might just tough a nerve out there in cyberland and help someone that
has had problems like I have had with staying dober or just wondering
what it is like. There are millions of drinkers who drink because of the
efeect it does to them. These are the alcoholics in our world. Those
who drink for the taste and not the effects are probably not one of us.
There is a stigma about alcoholics in the world , that we are a bunch of bums, that just sit around and somehow stay sober.
Well, some of these folks could be right. However , there are many of
us who are Doctors , Lawyers, and politicians, including manual labor
folks. We are not a glum lot we are many and could be your next door
neighbor. When sober, we are usually clean, respectful people in our
society that make a difference to our community. AA not be associated
with any particular sex, or race and we are one as a group of people. We
strive for staying sober on a daily level, and most will not have the
urge to drink if only folowing a few simple steps and getting a sponsor.
It is that easy, putting it into action seems to be the problem with
some folks who cannot or will not give themselves to this simple
Back to writing about your day
and experiences. It is good to look back and see how far you have come,
or if you had a slip to reflect on why you might of decided to start
drinking. It will help you be yourself and help with daily
communication with other folks. There are days I just don't want to
write anything, and those are the days I write a lot. I must have
something on my mind that is bothering me, plus when I look back over
the past few months I can see growth in myself. This is good to see some
type of growth when you feel like you have exhausted all means of your
life at times.
Today start a blogger
account and help others recover like I have and its been a little bit
over 4 years now, and the obsession to drink to feel good has left me.
It had to or I would be dead. This is only for me, your situation may
be different. I have to stay busy everyday and even if I do not have a
job to go to, I still am doing something constructive, or I get bored
and the same old feelings come back. That is when action has to take
place and this is a learned response now. We take daily inventory of our
lives first thing in the morning , trying to get things right with God
and pray all throughout the day to stay sober. It is a new way to live
and with so many going back to drinking after trying to stop , you must
do something different to make it sober in life today....Hope this
Living in a world of sober people and not so sober. A place for my interest in sobriety and how it affects life
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Sobriety and Covid and Living Normal
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