1. Focus on improving just one thing or habit at a time.
Spreading yourself too thin pretty much always leads to failure because life tends
to get in the way.
to get in the way.
If you have a regular life then you'll probably not have the time and energy to
change three things at once even though you really hope and think you can.
change three things at once even though you really hope and think you can.
2. Find one or a few supportive voices.
Your environment at this point in time may contain people who are neutral,
uninterested or discouraging to the change you want to make.
uninterested or discouraging to the change you want to make.
A simple thing you can do to counterbalance the influence of those people is
to spend time with people who are supportive and may even have made the
change you want to make.
to spend time with people who are supportive and may even have made the
change you want to make.
If you do not know any such people in real life or there is not a local club you can
join then add supportive voices from people elsewhere.
join then add supportive voices from people elsewhere.
You can find them in books written last year or 200 years ago. You can find them
on blogs and websites. You can find them in various Facebook groups or in online
on blogs and websites. You can find them in various Facebook groups or in online
This will help you to keep going and to not revert back into your old habit or ways
in a week or two.
in a week or two.
3. Get the ball rolling by taking one small action today.
Don't get lost in daydreams or promises to yourself about getting started with
making this change next week or someday.
making this change next week or someday.
Instead, ask yourself:
What is one small and practical action I can take today to get the ball rolling with
improving this area of my life?
improving this area of my life?