Friday, May 8, 2020

Casino Closed & Virus Drinking

Ok this is going to really piss a few people off, maybe not. Im alcoholic and sick minded anyway however sober and grateful. The Virus, man, we are going to have to listen about this for the rest of our lives. Very hard hitting virus this is,I have been blessed healthy during this time. I take pre cautions at times then at other times I for get this whole thing is going on.

So is there anything about drinking when a fucking vrus that wipes out thousands of people who are just like you and I. Young and old, hell I think this is a great reason to drink and then I feel honestly if I started drinking again I would have to quit again or I die. So I only have one option. That is to not drink and I have suffered a little bit and I just got 11 years as of this month, and I feel a little uncomfy about my sobriety right now. That is why I am writing, just to get this out of my mind.

I bet a lot of people went back to drinking in AA because there are a few that use the AA group as thier way of staying sober. I find I like the meetings but not all the time, but it does feel good to go. Oh well I will check back and send me your thoughts. Smile God is?

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