Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Do You Test Sobriety?

 I am out of town, working and it seems to be a test of my sobriety when I travel. Whether I have to fly or drive and how far I have to go seem to fall in place. I know I will not drink but temptations to have a drink with a group of fellow workers are always there when I travel. I read the bible in the Hotels is what I do and I watch movies from my PC on their big screen TV in the rooms. I usually stay at 4 to 5-star hotels with a restaurant and bar located inside the place. I guess you could say I isolate myself, but in the end, I have no hangover in the morning and watching fellow workers come in smelling of alcohol makes me feel like I do the right thing. Change is what we had to do in order to preserve our sobriety, and change is what I had to do on trips and being tested on drinking.

It would be interesting to hear some of your stories in traveling sober? I would welcome these ideas from the reader of this blog. One thing I should do is find an AA meeting at night and get out of my room. However, I am tired from the day and do not want to get into traffic and weather so I do not usually do this. My bad I know. I do not feel very unusual for not drinking with my co-workers, I have to live my life and they have to live their own. It's just another test from God to see what Chris is going to accomplish on each journey in his life to stay sober. Nine years is a lot of years for me not to drink and it means I have tried and prayed about my sobriety for every day. It is ongoing and it is easy, but it can cause one to struggle with the evil Chris

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